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the person below me

Sorry..... Seriously, though, doesn't it seem likely that someone on this forum knows his last name or has his address, maybe because they've exchanged pods/sauce/whatever?

LOL - That'll do! And no ribs - made fried catfish (Southern style) for dinner last night. Shooting to finish off the leftover meatballs tonight.

TPBM has other ideas.
Yes. Well.... I *had* other ideas. Went out and had Indian... which was actually quite poor tonight.

TPBM hates it when good restaurants have a bad night.
Well, around here it's more a situation of good restaurants blandizing (is that a word???) otherwise flavorful food in order to sell it in greater quantity, as the average mid-westerner apparently can't tolerate good food. Can't blame the restaurants - sales are survival - but still. However, I love the looks of delight on the owners'/chefs' faces when I ask them to make it for me like they would make it for themselves.

TPBM will go out to eat tonight to make up for their last not-so-spectacular restaurant visit.
And now you got one of my foreplay moves?

Wrong thread but i figured it out... pi = P.I !!! pi PI !!!

Wait... why do I even care about that right now?

...TPBM likes that. :rofl:
Of course I will! But I'm not sure if one just went over my head? Was I supposed to be flicking your ear or licking your car or something? :lol:

TPBM is just as disappointed as me that this might possibly mean the foreplay is off.
Probably not as disappointed as you. maybe disappointed for you. but think of it this way. when the foreplay is over is usually when the best part starts!

TPBM this gas is gonna get PI back into it!
Yes. I'll eat all sorts of stuff on pizza.... but pineapple????

TPBM wrongly assumes I have a problem with pineapple in general.

(Pineapple is great... just not on pizza!)