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the person below me

TPAH = the person above her. Not a typo. I kind of suspect you'd be okay with gassy loving you! (but not in a perv sort of way...!)

TPBM had a doughnut today.
Actually.... not huge on donuts. Within their 5 minute lifespan.... awesome! But the second they cool down..........

TPBM will help me understand why I feel rejected right now. :mope: :lol:
Um. Sorry, but no. I mean, c'mon - WE love you, so how can you possibly feel rejected????

TPBM will sing a song to gassy to cheer him up.

(and PS - I'm not a huge fan of donuts, either.)
Yes I do! My daughter isn't technically a baby anymore as she just turned 2 but we still play patty cake from time to time.

TPBM just enjoyed a nice big piece of cake.
~~ * Hey, I just met you, and this is crazy, but I just did bath salts, your face looks tasty. * ~~

TPBM is Luke's REAL Father.
Sheeeeeet... way to let the cat outta the bag, g!

TPBM wonders how that is even possible considering the "equipment" I do and don't own.
Could be... I'm a bit stuck on this one. :halo:

TPBM is thinking gardening equipment, maybe?

Mythology - Portrait - Babies in the cabbage patch.jpg

I've heard babies come from a cabbage patch or something. :rofl:
O_O How did you know?!?! Get out of my mind!!!!!!!
*Quickly makes a hat out of aluminum foil*

TPBM wants to have a pet Lorax.

The thing looks like it would get on my nerves. :lol:

Despite what they say (you don't get drank), TPBM is drank on Smurfin' Beer.

You know, gassy, I just listened to that, and am thinking there is a little something about you I don't really want to know about....

TPBM is now scared by the thought of encountering gassy.... um.... in a..... um..... somewhere.