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the person below me

No. I am not a snake guru.

TPBM lets the spiders in their house be.

(As long as they don't crawl into my mouth while I sleep, sure they can stay and feast on any unwanted, uh, guests!)
It depends upon how big they are and where they're at. The big ones are lucky if I can find a way to capture them and throw them outside - most get squooshed. A video of me trying to squoosh one of the big ones would probably be hilarious, since they scare me so much. I even have to laugh at myself a bit about it - those things are how big when compared to my size????

TPBM wants me to video it the next time I find one.
Too right! :rofl:

An old mate of mine was scared of spiders. Crazy because he was one of them tough kinda blokes. One day we're out driving, all of a sudden he slams on the breaks and jumps out of the car and is outside yelling "get it out! get it out!". I'm just sitting there like WTF is happening?? I look at the windscreen and there's this tiny (and I mean tiny) little spider on it. :lol:

TPBM thinks that would have been hilarious to see.
Well, I have too much empathy for the guy! Though maybe you would understand my perspective if you knew my daughter almost died from a spider bite when she was very little. I didn't care about them before that, but since then...... when I say I freak out, I REALLY freak out!

TPBM will give me a "trick" to help me remain calm(er) next time I encounter a big spider.
I have no tricks. Exposure therapy, maybe? Got over my fear of dogs when I was younger. (I was chased across a field by a pack of dogs when I was young... it kinda had an affect on me for a while.)

TPBM wonders what is involved in arachnophobic exposure therapy.
No. I don't want to know. Nope. Not at all! ;)

TPBM has a hair sticking out of their nose (just a tad, but it's there!)
I usually try to keep a clean nose, thank you! Although, being on holidays, I have a bit of beard going ATM so there is a chance one has blended in with my mo.

Can you believe, not so long ago I somehow ended up with a cat whisker sticking out of my nose?? I don't know how long it was up there but I bet I was walking around all day with it! :rofl:

TPBM would have been kind enough to inform me had they seen it.
Well yeah! Nothing is more embarrassing than walking around with a cat hair..... out one's nose. ;)

TPBM likes hot pickled okra as much as I do.
Well...... okra tastes like...

Actually, most people I know like the flavor of okra - if you like most green stuff (broccoli, peas, beans...), you'll probably like okra. What puts some people off, though is the texture when it is boiled, nuked or steamed. For some reason, it makes the cooking liquid slimey. Note I said the cooking liquid, and not the okra itself. However, that "slime" sticks to the okra a bit, so a lot of people think the okra itself is slimey. And it's worse if you cut them up before boiling. Still, most people really like fried okra (with cornmeal coating) and/or pickled okra, because neither of those come out slimey. Regardless, I like whole steamed, nuked, or boiled okra, just because I like the flavor so much. Steamed is best, IMO, of those three, but I will totally scarf fried or pickled okra, too.

So are you going to try to find some okra now?
It sounds alright (yeah, I can dig the green stuff).... but indeed the slime does NOT sound appealing. I would try it if it was in front of me, but I probably won't go out of my way to find some.

On an unrelated subject.... TPBM will answer me this one question: how does one go about getting the smell of bleach off their hands?


You tricked me, g! This is TPBM thread. :P
LOL - That was such a long answer, I forgot where I was!
Answer: Wash them. Repeatedly.

And do go out of your way to find some pickled or fried okra, as it's not slimey at all. You won't regret it!

TPBM will tell us why the rain in Spain stays mainly on the plains.
It's as good an answer as the next.... ;)

TPBM will sing all the songs from the movie "The Sound of Music" for us now.
I'll say "dark-ish" - used to be blonde, but it's darkened closer to brown now. Still, it's more of a honey-brown than what I consider a deep, rich brown. Did you think you were only going to get a one-word answer from me on that? LOL

TPBM is rolling their eyes.....