Tudy77 said:Does anybody have an idea about what these are? Are they damaging my plants?
They look like baby stink bugs. Kill 'em.
Tudy77 said:Does anybody have an idea about what these are? Are they damaging my plants?
Dont know what that is exactly but THIS will kill itJustinm951 said:I need help. i've looked everywhere and tried to find a forum to ask for help. i have an infestation around my pepper plants. these suckers look like these they use to be smaller and grey. i also have pantry moths flying around but these little copper colored guys are everywhere. help me indentify these so i can get rid of them please. D: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=850858978341163&set=a.251412114952522.56799.100002512067593&type=1&theater
What type of container do you put the mix into? 5 gallon bucket?mrgrowguy said:
Threat level: 7
- Aphid IMG
Location: every where except Antarctica
Control: ***1 tbsp Dawn original dish soap mixed with 1 gal water - kills aphids dead***
Biological Control:
Damage caused:
Coreyviper said:What type of container do you put the mix into? 5 gallon bucket?
Updated the original post, thank you!Coreyviper said:What type of container do you put the mix into? 5 gallon bucket?
mrgrowguy said:
- Aphid IMG
Threat level: 7
Location: every where except Antarctica
Control: ***1 tbsp Dawn original dish soap mixed with 1 gal water - kills aphids dead*** OR Neem oil (coats soft bodied insects and basically suffocates them, so application must be direct)
Biological Control: Assassin bugs, lacewing larvae, lady bugs (aphids are too small for most praying mantes)
Prevention: Neem - preventative spraying (not as aggressive as trying to control an infestation); keep area clear of dead or fallen leaves, utilize pest control on surrounding areas (I use a systemic insecticide on ornamentals that surround my peppers - of course, make sure none of it gets on or near the pepper itself - never use systemics on edible plants)
Damage caused: Sap Suckers - will cause leaf loss and could possibly lead to plant death
Smaller plants can be dunked in a bucket with neem solution, spraying works well just be sure to get the entire plant, top and bottom of leaves.
Spray every 3 days for at least 3 total applications.
What I use for a sprayer (click)