The sought after 7 pod brain strain

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I sell Cappy's Brain Strain seeds for $85.92 each. So far I have made one hundred bagillion dollars doing it. People are so gullllible.
Once again I'm not accusing you of anything dude, I'm explaining why these Brain strain seeds aren't being sold anywhere and why you shouldn't buy them when they soon do appear online/e-bay.

Actually selling local harvest's chocolate bhut is sort of morally questionable to me. Do you even know if its stable or a good producer? Did you isolate pod or the whole plant for true seeds? Did you choose seed stock from the best pods from the best of many plants?
local harvest is an ecommerce site that lets people sell on it for free. its not their stuff its the sellers. i grow the chocolate bhut jolokia and i isolate the pods not the plant. it is stable and a good producer. any more questions
BS, the Chocolate and Yellow Bhut Jolokia are both new and unproven strains.:lol: And for 15 dollars per pack or 1 dollar a seed that is insane! Why are some of the best growers around the globe growing both of these for the first time yet you seem to already have harvests. I seriously doubt you can grow a jalapeno from seed.:crazy: Not picking you just keep sticking your foot in your mouth.:P
i had a harvest last year. get me a working camera and i will show you my current plants. i doubt that you can grow a bell pepper. why dont you try my way of growing. pour fish emolsion in a glad plastic container, put you pepper seeds in there to soak for 12 hrs, put poting soil in the container, you will have germination in 3-5 days. i am not lying here this is how i have been starting my stuff for 2 years now. works perfectly unless you forget to put the soil in 6-18 hrs after soaking. i had done this with the last of one varietys seeds. about 5 seeds were done this way. i had all the seeds sprout. they are still living
Just stop it your killing me?!?:lol:
dude, whats your problem with me. i have not and will not ever sell things i recieved in trade without permision. what did i do to you.
Is this a sandbox? You guys are like 15- years old? Cuse thats all i can hope for. Why do ppl jump on new guys alwas? If you are afraid of someone selling some strain someone made. DONT TRADE IT just sell the pods without seeds.

I was happy when i found this forum, but the last weeks ive seen threads like this, JUMP the new guy. I got bigger D**** etc..

Is there a law that says you are not allowed to trade seeds from a strain someone made? Or sell? And btw, why do ppl have such a hard time to keep the topic?

If you dont have the Scorpion seeds or Brain seeds. Why even respond to this post? Ok now i do same misstake as well :) But it feels needed!
-1 to you all!

Growing and growing Chili shold be fun, some ppl wants to make profit out of it, and some do it for the spicy meals,some to trade few seeds. We all have our reasons.

Have a great Chili season!!!! ;)
This is a wanted ad for a certain seed. If someone has it they are welcome to offer it. Buyer beware, with the info posted.

Now let's get it back on track.
-1 orrevs for minding his own business. xcsports is the last person I want selling seeds of the brain strain, I was only qualifying him for a trade as I have seeds. I feel it is my right to decide who I trade with as I'm not selling anything. We do not care for seed resellers, they are not welcome.;)
Whoa this was supposed to be a nice friendly post :) everyone take a chill pill you all got me cracking up in school. Thanks for the info and help everyone, and by the way THSC has a "Jonah" strain that seems to resemble the brain strain but not positive.
I have both growing, but to me the Brain Strain just looks meaner. Pictures can be misleading though, and I will be able to see for myself in about 2 months or so. I don't have any seed for the Brain Strain, but I do have like 2 Jonah's left that I bought off the Hippy if you are interested. Straticus, PM me and I will send them out.

Jacob, you'll have to let me know how they are in a few months once you harvest them (the Jonahs). Thanks a lot for the offer I guess I'll just sit this one out and see what happens this summer! Cappy, when do you usually harvest your brains? Late august or September? Just out of curiosity, and thanks for the offer I really appreciate it. I couldnt help but stare and drool at your pics :)
-1 for jumping to conclusions. the way i see it, this guy wants to grow some chile peppers. at some point in the future, he wants to sell some seeds based from the peppers he grew whether the seeds were bought or traded for. he has given us all the relevant info to check out his selling business without hesitation. selling seed takes effort and enthusiasm, which is no different from hippy's company, and he gets his seed from similar sources. what is the deal with jumping on new posters looking for seed? honestly, i just don't get it. if you want to donate seeds, then do it. if not, ignore posts like this unless they belong to your exclusive club of THPers.
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