A least slice it man! 
LOL. Wow, a tortilla!
Rawk, that looks delish!

LOL. Wow, a tortilla!
Rawk, that looks delish!
I fold it and shove it down my pie hole....The Hot Pepper said:A least slice it man!
LOL. Wow, a tortilla!
Rawk, that looks delish!
1/2 pound of sharp cheddar that is oozing out the sideJayT said:Well at least tell us what was in it!
Hell no, my only meatless post of 2014 and no nasty nonsense in itJayT said:Ok, I saw the cheese, wasn't sure if there was any tofurky or anything else.
#fadJayT said:how about kale. It is a superfood ya know.
My wife made them before and she liked them I likened them to going out in the backyard and eating the leaves that are crispy on my lawnRawkstah said:I made kale chips the other day. They never last more than a day. I coat them with a special blend of cashews cilantro lemon juice and seasoning, then dehydrate them for a few hours.
What's the sauce recipe?BigB said:have been gaining some weight so I decided to try to do weekday veganism. Here's my mock duck seitan fake daiya cheese tortillaless enchiladas with red home made red sauce. It actually turned out so good I made seconds!
http://thehotpepper.com/topic/51383-red-sauce-that-works-with-anything-and-chile-relines/coachspencerxc said:What's the sauce recipe?