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The thread of Creepy Crawlies

TXCG said:
This guy wouldn't sit still long enough for me to get a good closeup. Pics don't really do the iridescent royal blue color justice but here they are anyway :) I'm pretty sure this is some sort of parasitic wasp. 

thats a mud dauber,  also have the metallic blue ones  in MN & your correct they do have a very cool color to them to see them in person.
Here we go folks, got a couple more pics from the weekend to add in here...


Now this guy i found just chillin around one of my pepper plants... Didn't know it was there till i looked down at my foot and he was there not moving or trying to get away..



Hope everyone had a cool weekend as it is freakin HOT here in Central Cali... As of yesterday the temp was 110 for the high... I don't even want to look at the forecast
Although my camera is a piece of £!$%*! here are a few more pics...




Not particularly amazing pictures but I thought the pure yellow ladybird was quite cool.
what an awesome thread... i find all sorts of neat bugs in my yard and will keep my camera with me when I garden now. also just discovered that I have swarms of assassin babies all around my yard and on my house.
Only had my phone with me for this one, any idea what these are?
Found a couple of spider bros in the garden babysitting my lemon drops for me.
This guy was keeping an eye on the flower

His friend was watching the peppers

Dang JHP, good timing. I think that's the same type of spider that's on my plants just super CSI enhanced. I just love all your macro shots! 
JoynersHotPeppers said:

Little red-eyed aphid bastards. Got a video of what happens when you hit one with a soldering iron I'll put up later :D

Is this an assassin bug nymph? I had the hardest time getting a picture of it cause it wouldn't sit still.

It's all alone & it looks way different than these leaf-footed assholes
So my new giant ass pot attracts giant ass insects. Check out this beast of a hornet, it's probably 3-4" long. That's a 20 gallon pot it's perched on.
Found this beastly hornworm nomming on my tomatoes shortly after midnight. I smacked him with a stick and he started clicking at me. Never heard a caterpillar make noise before, it was a bit unsettling. Not for long though, it's hard to make noise after you're squished flat!
Gotta get past me buddy.dis pods mine...

These guys were actually white with a pinkish tone.
From the egg cluster I bought I got green,brown and these guys over the years.
I never get mantis again. Green lacewing larva eat more stuff and as long as there is stuff for them to eat they don't eat each other.
Mantis are territorial and kill everything in their territory,but they can only eat so much.
A bunch of lacewing larva can populate the same area and eat more stuff in general.
All you need in a garden is Lacewings,Cyrphid flies and aphid wasps.Add some BT and grub eating Nematodes and you are set up in general.