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They finally arrived ... + some of my plants.

Man that's tough getting fined for spreading around some dirt!
No worries on the "warzone", sounds like my place:lol: specially with a rampaging Staffy!
Ahh so you managed to try some of my TS jerky, cheers for the praise. Just experimented with a Vindaloo Jerky that has turned out sweet too. Will bring some over for ya mate.
What's the powdered Espelette Basque like? Might have to grab some off you if not used up already?
I'll make sure I save you a seedling and will have to catch up.

The powder is really nice, in all honesty the nicest powder I have tried so far. I still have near the full bag, I only tried a tiny bit, as did my girl. I am addicted to jerky, walked into the asian supermarket a few weeks back, took all their jerky off the shelf and placed it on the counter, everyone was staring at me, but thats life :) Half price compared to IGA.

I had my first death since the Orange Bhut that died, and that was a Chocolate Bhut last night. Quite sad, but the other Choc Bhut I have is really nice and strong, and the 7Pots are just insane (growth speed).

I built a new light box for the seedlings, still in this bigger light box I can't fit all the seedlings in ... 5 are outside. I need to buy a HPS light, but I think I would get killed by the person that pays the bills. I already get bitched at enough for having 6 CFLs on an 18 hour cycle ... seriously ... 6 CFLs = 1 normal light ... sigh ... some people just don't understand basic arthimetic.

The girl and I ate a Bhut each today, filmed it ... though the card filled up a minute or two into mine (Not that you missed much), but hers is hilarious, we are going to post it up a bit later.

As for the yard, there is a 4m by 4m hole in the ground, a foot deep. And the free space we did have is now a mountain of sand, if I planted in that I may as well just plant some 7pots down city beach in the dunes. I really should take a photo or two ... :)
Know what you mean with the Jerky. Started making my own because it just does not last long enough, but found I just eat more:shocked:

Hope your lonely Chock Bhut survives, had 4 myself now only left with 1 lonely seedling too.

Hey did you take a vid of the Scorpion chilli eating comp? Would love to see the footage if any. I'll look out for your Bhut eating vid, sounds like fun.

Taj said:

... :D

Mate -

I'm amazed that Aussie Customs actually opened that for inspection, yet let it through!

Did you have no problem at all? :shocked: