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consistency Thick Naga Sauce

Greetings Pepperheads!
I've learned my lesson with trying to make my sauce thinner with water, but now my sauce just like previous creations is super thick. Does anyone have a suggestion on what I need to do to make the sauce a little thinner? More vinegar? I can barely pour it out of the jars and there is no reducers caps on them.

100 Nagas
5 Squeezed Limes
10 small pieces of Pineapple
2 Pears
10 baby carrots
1 white onion
24 oz of Rice Vinegar
2 teasp of Kosher Salt
1 teasp of black pepper
1 clove of garlic

Yummy ingredients:

Initial cook down prior to blending and recooking:

Bottled goodness, this batch made 11 5 oz. bottles: