salsalady said:(here I go again.....)
so what happens if a married girl watchs porn?
or if a single guy wears a bra?
heeheehee....I just can't help myself!
salsalady said:or if a single guy wears a bra?
mel said:Hey Armadillo, i dont know who pam is or what went on, but the way i figure it, is that this is a public forum, albeit *slightly* male dominated.. you cant take offence to anything posted here.. well at least i dont.. i dont think anything has been overboard.. and yes, the girls around here join in the fun just as much as anyone elseI'll be the first to put my hand up and say i'm a tomfoolishness instigator.. if it offends anyone i'd hope they'd speak up and let me know as it would soon cease. in areas of the forum meant for fun... i say anything goes..
paulky_2000 said:Have you been peeking?
pileiton said:Slightly male dominated? I wanted to be fully male dominated!!!!
OOPs. There I go again.
Davetaylor said:It seems like this thread took a 90 degree turn after my last post then a short time after everyone apologised for something ( dunno why or what for!) It went back to business as usual!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Me thinks my last post was taken the wrong way by many a people, nice to know I have the power to make you all feel guilty enough to say sorry, now stage 2 try to take over the vorld!!!!!!!!
MrArboc said:Back on track: You can turn you underwear inside-out instead of washing them.
Or is that WHY I'm single???
Naga Jolokia Addict said:Don't you think that they would prefer a man with shingles to a single man with inverted underwear ?