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Think I just got the worst news ive had in a long time

My company wasnt honest(go figure) when the shut down happened
http://www.am1220.ca/news/local/ thats the truth..Im more than a little upset

second one down..I like how they say untill the economy recovers
I do understand the economy is messed up but to lie to us is wrong..me being 15 years im upset at the lies...
I can sympathize.

My company swore that we would be the last ones standing. I trusted them.

The new hires that they let go 1 month before me got a better severance package than I did.......

By the time they let me go, there wasn't much left.
Aw man, that bites. And, yes, it was wrong of them to mislead their employees. Why should you trust them when they say they'll bring you back, now?

I'm sure glad I got out of Nortel when I did, although I miss the easy work and big pay-checks.
I wish the best for you Canuk, good luck eh.
I am sorry you got laid off CP...

If they call you back are you going to go?...

reason I ask is I know a lot of machinists that have worked at this plant for upwards of 40 years on and off...when the company recalls them (according to union policy), their time is "bridged" towards retirement...that's a good thing, plus they can't turn down such a good paying job...
Sucks man sorry to hear it -- After that much time it must be hard to move on. I should be safe for a while but I am working for a building trade and when they are busy I am **crosses fingers** I've been here for 15yrs as well
I'm sorry to hear that you got laid off.
maybe I'm missing something cuz the little newsclip just says its laying people off.
how did they lie to you ?