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Think the guy was kidding?

doesnt that fall under child abuse or something??? I won't even offer a habanero to my 10 year old!!!!!!
Ass! A habanero can make a grown man cry, so give it to a baby as a joke??! What's next? Cigarettes?!
It does look like the baby wanted more . . . and on the youtube page it says the baby likes lemon and other hot peppers. You know, when my youngest was tiny he would beg for whatever I was cutting at the cutting board, he always said "I love this it's tasty I can have more." Raw garlic, onions, raw beef, and yep, even habaneros.

I think the funniest part is that you all think he's an asshat. It's not like he poured hot sauce in his mouth or rubbed the pepper in his eye. The kid frikkin licked it.
Vespucci said:
It does look like the baby wanted more . . . and on the youtube page it says the baby likes lemon and other hot peppers. You know, when my youngest was tiny he would beg for whatever I was cutting at the cutting board, he always said "I love this it's tasty I can have more." Raw garlic, onions, raw beef, and yep, even habaneros.

I think the funniest part is that you all think he's an asshat. It's not like he poured hot sauce in his mouth or rubbed the pepper in his eye. The kid frikkin licked it.

I'm sorry, that baby did not look happy.
Vespucci said:
It does look like the baby wanted more . . . and on the youtube page it says the baby likes lemon and other hot peppers. You know, when my youngest was tiny he would beg for whatever I was cutting at the cutting board, he always said "I love this it's tasty I can have more." Raw garlic, onions, raw beef, and yep, even habaneros.

I think the funniest part is that you all think he's an asshat. It's not like he poured hot sauce in his mouth or rubbed the pepper in his eye. The kid frikkin licked it.

Well, I guess your kid was old enough to ask. This baby looks like it is barely on solids. Also, small kids want to put everything in their mouth. I wonder, if he held up a dog turd would the kid would reach out for it? I would think yes. Good for a baby to lick a piece of shit?

As for thinking this guy is a dolt, yes. Give it a year or two, then let the kid go for it, when he ASKS verbally and can understand the words, 'Daddy thinks it may hurt you a little, but sure try it.'
Vespucci said:
It does look like the baby wanted more . . . and on the youtube page it says the baby likes lemon and other hot peppers. You know, when my youngest was tiny he would beg for whatever I was cutting at the cutting board, he always said "I love this it's tasty I can have more." Raw garlic, onions, raw beef, and yep, even habaneros.

I think the funniest part is that you all think he's an asshat. It's not like he poured hot sauce in his mouth or rubbed the pepper in his eye. The kid frikkin licked it.

Sorry but I disagree with you completely. The baby is so little that you have to make decisions for it on what may hurt it or not. Having a drink of liquor or smoking a cigarette probably wouldn't kill it either but no one would do that would they? And RAW BEEF???:shocked:
JayT said:
And RAW BEEF???:shocked:

Safer than raw fish. And probably cooked gulf fish, too, for that matter.

So let me get this straight, you guys are all arguing that peppers are dangerous and unhealthy, and that by allowing a human to sample it is somehow shortening its life? To that I say :high:.

I'm not really interested in starting a :mouthonfire:war but come on, this isn't about the dad's parenting decisions 1% of what it is 99% about your preconception of what babies are supposed to be/do/experience which you've been conditioned to believe (perhaps by the gerber campaign, which is a topic for another time). Have you ever had mexican candy? Shit man, I've seen kids in diapers sucking on some of those chile covered watermelon candies that'll melt your ass pubes. And what about those 900 million indians and their uncounted neighbors who put 9/10 heat peppers in freaking everything. Do you honestly think all those indian moms make separate meals for the kids? Aww hell no they don't, and when baby gets teeth the first thing they're gonna get is whatever mom and dad are eating, which might be a helluva lot hotter than a hab. C'mon folks, you're the pepper gurus, you know that kid wasn't harmed by a chile pepper. Don't let your social upbringing cloud your own experience. You be in charge of what you think.

Open your minds, smoke some weed or something (St. Andrew's Cactus anyone?) and free yourselves of the stereotypes forced upon you by your cookie cutter society. Or just smoke the shit and watch the lava lamp.
Vespucci said:
Do you honestly think all those indian moms make separate meals for the kids? Aww hell no they don't, and when baby gets teeth the first thing they're gonna get is whatever mom and dad are eating, which might be a helluva lot hotter than a hab.

And you know this how? Please educate us. This is really interesting, because that would mean that indian moms are pretty much the only moms who don't bother to make their children food that they can chew and eat easily. Could you tell us why?
My problem was purposely putting your baby in discomfort to exploit him on YouTube, not the diet of any cultures. Period.
BTW - noone is arguing that chiles are dangerous and unhealthy, but we do know that they can be very painful and hurt. No permanent damage, but that is probably true for your beloved bong also.
Ooo, yay, the personal attacks start!!

No, but really, it's a shame gerber got to you first. People who live in mud huts now do the same stuff people who lived in mud huts did 5k years ago. In this case, chew up their food and put it in their baby's mouth. Kill a bison? Find some juicy geckos? Raw potato? Of course, these people also breast feed longer than us westerners are accustomed, too.

Thp, I'd like to reiterate what you said, but with a slightly different emphasis, "My problem was purposely putting your baby in discomfort to exploit him on YouTube, not the diet of any cultures. Period." The evening news would be a totally different matter.
Blah blah blah Vespucci. I won't even let friends and relatives have any of my peppers without ensuring that they understand what they're getting themselves into. Doing that to a defenceless baby is f'd up. I quiver to think what other bone-headed decisions that father is making.