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This years garden well so far

Im up to 81 plants im looking forward to it its more variety...no carrabian habs I gave away all the seeds(hope ya enjoy them lol)my orchard couldnt get them this year but better I have this mass variety wich looks awsome..the bigger plants got sunburnt bad but new foliage coming in looks awsome(thx AJ for that post I was in a panic)



had exactly same problem Canuk Pepperhead burnt many of my plants in the first decent day of sun,have pulled the crisped/dying leaves of and the majority have recoverd..lets hope things go better now for both of us :)

p.s your plants look fantastic.
I agree, they look as if they'll be just fine! Some leaves may be burned, but the plants itself look healthy.

I like the compact growth of your Cayenne! Looks nice.
Sorry for taking so long but heres my revised list
orange habs
yellow habs
long red cayenne
big jim
bishop's crown
whippits tail
buht jolokia
7 pot
tobago seasoning
naga morich
wild tepin
mystery bird pepper
Lookin really good CP...keep doin' what 'ur doin'
I cant wait to get my block with new rings back from the shop(was cheaper than doing it myself honing block at princess auto=60..one hour labor at the shop=50 and I dont have to do it)so I can start getting this years garden ready
here is an add on I picked up some monster sized japs,cayenne hungarian waxed and bell peppers and some stuff for my hosta garden oh and I started my topsy turvey with a"sweet 100" tomato plant



Lookin good CP...haven't received my Turvy's yet...wishin' they would come on...I haven't decided what to plant in mine yet...
Those Topsy Turvys are kinda expensive. Why wouldn't you just use a big 5 gal paint bucket, and put a hole in the bottom? Should work the same... Or even a standard 4-5 gal clay pot?