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THP Members With Zero Profile Info?

able eye said:
Was it so interesting that you read this 450 page $100+ textbook?
I did. I also have it.
Regardless you skipped the question I asked: "How would you know?".
That book doesn't look very well-regarded, LOL.
But seriously ...
I took 6 hrs of psych at UF, but my experience w/ these types of things has more to do w/ the 7-8 yrs I spent working in medicine, 5 of which were focused on neuro-ophthalmology - and a lot of THOSE patients were complicated by these very types of conditions or states, albeit usually secondarily to something more organic (schitzophrenia etc) ...
PS - I'm not dodging your question, I'm just not sure exactly what you are asking ... my answer to what I *think* you are asking would be "Because statistics ..."
I don't think the OP used paranoia in the clinical sense, and in the sense he used it, I see nothing wrong with a little bit of paranoia these days.

Nobody is required to tell us their name, hobbies, or anything else. Once you feel comfortable you can put it if you wish. Like SmokenFire did.

Don't be so quick to judge your fellow member. To assume they are a troll is ridiculous. You know where assumptions get you.

This topic is not productive at all.
grantmichaels said:
That book doesn't look very well-regarded, LOL.
But seriously ...
I took 6 hrs of psych at UF, but my experience w/ these types of things has more to do w/ the 7-8 yrs I spent working in medicine, 5 of which were focused on neuro-ophthalmology - and a lot of THOSE patients were complicated by these very types of conditions or states, albeit usually secondarily to something more organic (schitzophrenia etc) ...
PS - I'm not dodging your question, I'm just not sure exactly what you are asking ... my answer to what I *think* you are asking would be "Because statistics ..."
No my question was about your seeming omniscience about other peoples minds.
grantmichaels said:
My only problem w/ that line of thinking is that not all paranoid people have a reason to be paranoid, they just are ...
 Also got to remember a lot of you pepper people are old farts and not all are tech savy. They may be new to forums and not even know about profiles and ect. Hell some have to be hand held while they figure out how to post a pic. Even spam accounts fill in garbage info on their profiles. All a grain of salt. I'm less inclined to talk to those that have their favorite sauce listed as tobasco  :drooling:
I hate every time I accidentally click on a user icon via TapaTalk and someone *thinks* I looked at their page ...
And I don't ever look at my own profile to see who has been to mine ...
able eye said:
No my question was about your seeming omniscience about other peoples minds.
pretty sure it's omniscient. you are off your game today, my friend ;)
like i always tell danielle, "don't let the narcissism fool you, i don't *actually* think i'm omniscient, or omnipotent - *you* perceive my confidence that way" ...
she loves that ...
Some people have never had the enjoyment of the "oh noes!" of the interwebs.
Of course, if you are a facebooker, you have or will.
The joys of low hanging fruit. ;) :twisted:

grantmichaels said:
I hate every time I accidentally click on a user icon via TapaTalk and someone *thinks* I looked at their page ...
And I don't ever look at my own profile to see who has been to mine ...

pretty sure it's omniscient. you are off your game today, my friend ;)
like i always tell danielle, "don't let the narcissism fool you, i don't *actually* think i'm omniscient, or omnipotent - *you* perceive my confidence that way" ...
she loves that ...
Narcissistic Personality Disorder falls into the Schizoid Disorder group just like Paranoid Personality Disorder.
I think its just one disorder that cycles through 4 different types.

JoynersHotPeppers said:
I just updated mine, favorite pepper is green bell. 
I just went and peeked.
hogleg said:
It doesn't bug me much, but the more info they share about themselves, the more inclined I am to share or trade seeds with them. Not nearly as bad as someone giving the silent treatment in PM when you inquire about their seeds. I find that to be a very feminine gesture.
Femnine? This happens to me due to how many pms I get. I try to get to them all.  More recently I got many pms requesting seeds without offering a SASBE (those people were low priority). Sometimes you don't have time to respond to them all. I can't recall if this happened with you (had to delete a lot of pms due to box getting full). Anyone who got ignored by me, please don't take it badly.
It does not bother me one bit, and I would not treat that member different. Especially if they had already made posts and they did not look suspect.

The people with shell accounts will most likely fill it in... with BS.

Who cares? This is judging a book by its cover on the net I guess.

I would like to think everyone here gets an equal shake. Guess not.

Mine still has the original info, I think ... LOL.

I give precisely zero fucks.

There is no anonymous on the tubes, there is only obfuscation/misdirection etc. With enough resources, everything can be found. It's been mostly well-known for a long time among researchers, but at this point, everyone should realize it (post-Snowden) ...

There are backdoors in everything, hash collisions and shit in most of the curves, the standards body's are corrupt, and there are plants on the committees ...

There is no real-world basis for "fairness" ... just exploit or be exploited.

Sad, but true.
D3monic said:
 Also got to remember a lot of you pepper people are old farts and not all are tech savy. They may be new to forums and not even know about profiles and ect. Hell some have to be hand held while they figure out how to post a pic. Even spam accounts fill in garbage info on their profiles. All a grain of salt. I'm less inclined to talk to those that have their favorite sauce listed as tobasco  :drooling:
We have people from all walks of life on here. It's not safe to presume too much about the knowledge of your forum brethren.
I miss all my hacked accounts on UT servers when I lived in Austin...oh the days of proxies :) 

Yeah. For $10 semester I had a nerdc.ufl.edu shell that sat on an OC48 portion/slice of the literal backbone. The space in the /tmp directory might as well have been considered unlimited, I really can't begin to imagine the amount of data I put through it over ftp/usenet ...

The connection from the dorm to the server was *only* 10MB, but you could sit right "on it" in the lab ...

mIRC antics ensued.
grantmichaels said:
Yeah. For $10 semester I had a nerdc.ufl.edu shell that sat on an OC48 portion/slice of the literal backbone. The space in the /tmp directory might as well have been considered unlimited, I really can't begin to imagine the amount of data I put through it over ftp/usenet ...

The connection from the dorm to the server was *only* 10MB, but you could sit right "on it" in the lab ...

mIRC antics ensued.
Exactly. I wrote TCL scripts and had several mIRC scripts that went viral, mainly war/takeover type :) I too sat on the backbone and was one of the first people on roadrunner cable, it was uncapped and they were dumb. My email address was root@austin.rr.com and I used to an 0sec kind of guy and 25 to 50GB of data moving all the time was the norm. I loved being able to FXP from shell to shell over backbones :)
OK, back to drinking....scored another case of Nugget Nectar!
grantmichaels said:
I hate every time I accidentally click on a user icon via TapaTalk and someone *thinks* I looked at their page ...
YES!!!!!!!   I dont use tapatalk  ,,but that really pisses me off