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THSC Pod Porn

a picture says a 1000 words, went had a look today and think conditions are 'You Beaut' atm :)

Yellow 7 Pod

Trinidad Scorpion

7 pod "Jonah" these grew quick, wern't there other day,, wonder what gonna look like when grown lol


Morouga reds, antillias caribbean, congo yellows , bonda ma Jacques. Its Heaps Exciting watching new 1's grow, and with the size of these, Testing is gonna be Fun and Very Interesting this season....
Are you kidding about the Jonah's not being there the other day?!! If not i want some seeds :)
Great pics too Hippy. Those Scorpions look nice and evil...
they wernt ask Bent hahahahaha .. he was here and wern't any then, Its going Crazy here atm,, even the missus is saying nice things bout the plants for a change :D

ok off to prepare for a test thingy, ya gonna love this 1, looks like bought from the Markets label wise but says EXTREME and Ultralicious so must be good. WTF is Ultralicious ? have to find out now hahahahahahaha

great looking pods Neil...looks like you are having a super season so far...
Your plants and pods look great! Nice tail on your Scorpion, cannot wait to see some ripe pods from our friends down under. If I were you I'd try just a bit of a 7 pod before you shove the whole thing in your mouth for the chile test. You need to eat more peppers and lay off the fingernails! When I was a kid my mom put tobasco sauce on my fingers to get me to quit. Maybe that is why I love peppers so much today.