THSC's New Product.

Been a little while in the Making, well getting the heat level id like BUT thanks to my Friend Brian the Scientist whom invented/ patented the Idea then showed me how to make Id like to introduce the newest addition to THSC line of products.


Naga Infused Peppercorns, Yesss Looks Like Pepper, Tastes like Pepper BUT withing 10 seconds of eating a peppercorn the naga kicks in and a nice Burn eventuates.

Quite a few packs have been sent out to various people to try and feedback has been great its even been reviewed and the 2nd product of ours to actually get a rare 10/10

they come in bags of 25Gms for $5, postage to OZ $1, everywhere else $2.50 and best way to get me is


Be Excellent
Yeahhh, it's great stuff.

It's pepper, but kicked up a few notches.

I like it best fresh outa my mini-spice-grinder on eggs.
The heat/oil/steam REALLY brings out the flavor and heat. :D

Another WIN for THSC!!!!

*pics are forthcoming*
Pepper-Pepper Pix and Mini-Review

Here's my pix of the Pepper-Pepper.

my mini salt-shaker grinder.

closeup of peppercorns

the resulting ground pepper

The ground pepper is light colored, with a slight greenish tint and an almost citrus fragrance.

Tasting...I licked a finger,swiped it around the measuring cup w/ the ground PepperPepper pictured above and ate it.

Well, it's a nice, quality pepper. :)

I'd say between white and black pepper strength.
The normal peppery "burn" fades after perhaps 10-15 seconds...then you realize it's actually getting warmer. Awesome.

It's not like a straight chile powder heat, it's much more subtle, but definitely there. A very nice warmth indeed.

I felt warm in the face for about 5-8 minutes, not a lot of reaction otherwise, but it's a neat thing.

Cheers Neil!

*I added my comments to the review on THZO as well

I hear ya quaddy, when Neil made one of his first batches he offered me some corns and i popped them in my mouth. The taste is pepper but the burn is not :D
I would definantly recommend this pepper pepper to anyone, from non chilli heads right up to people that have your kind of tolerance for heat.
Congrats! I would like to see you try this with green peppercorns, red and white too. Product line? Sometimes black pepper is overpowering and you don't need a lot. The greens could work well.
thanks for the review Quaddy, excellent.. tricked the new batch up a notch so its a bit warmer, just had a peppercorn and "the back of my throat" LOL is burning

ill get some to ya Moyboy asap..

Tkroner yours on way Monday and thanks for the order and to Mvinson as well.

great idea mr hotpepper dude and will do when can get bulk peppercorns as the red and Green are hard to find in large amounts, well any amounts but working on it,, found 25Kg lots of Black (thanks Marcel) so will get that and then go from there, have bout 1.5Kg atm

wow my whole mouth is going now, 5 min later :)

this batch Rocks and will keep it at this level now
thanks again - can't wait to get this in - am going out tomorrow to see if I can score a grinder around here so I won't do something stupid like try and pulverize the peppercorns with a hammer or something

and btw - you don't have to individually package each one of mine if you don't want - just put them all in one sack or whatever
Spot on Neil its great stuff. Whaked a heap on my steak last night and loved it. I do a Honey Pepper roo also that this will be just wonderful with. Well done mate.
Ive got to share this, tad funny.... before I new about this flash pepper, i wrote to Neil asking for some seeds for the kids at my school...being the top bloke he is he said no worries what ya want? I asked for a few and then some P P pepper (penis). i got the parcel seeds and all plus some bloody peppercorns...I went what the F%^$! i know Neils unique....Im wondering for around a month trying to work it out and not wanting to ask Neil...then we learnt of this wicked pepper and i tell ya...its ausome! Candice from wild fire had a laugh at my expense.....She was wondering also lol!