• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Tonly's 2011 grow log

2010 was my first season of growing anything other than the common jalapenos, serranos, etc. I have big plans for 2011. I'll try to document it here. There are so many top rate gardeners and photographers here that this will pale in comparison.
I have some random pics posted here from 2010: My link

I have my first seeds down and several plants overwintering that I'll take pics of soon. Still working on my grow list for 2011. So many peppers, only so much room.
The F1 Jamaican Hot Chocolate X Peppermania Purple. Looks like I'll soon get to taste this one. :cool:

A shot of the whole plant. I have a few of these going. It was an accidental cross but it's been fun watching them so far.

Ah, the accidental cross... what to do? To keep it and work with it or discard it after F1.
I ate the JHC cross pod yesterday that was ripe. Pod size was smaller than either parent and tasted more like Peppermania Purple than the JHC. I'd say it is the tastiest "ornamental" pepper I've eaten. The plants are nice with light purple flowers some purple on the stems and foliage.
I'm not going to yank them out of the garden but, doubt probably won't grow again or try to work with the F2's.

I don't know what these little guys are but added some nice flavor and heat to some stir fry last night. I'll be saving seed from these for sure.
Your grow log never ceases to impress me. Your set up is very professional and well done. Hopefully someday I can achieve what you have.
Thanks Lazie. There have been lots of challenges (learning opportunities) but that's what makes it so rewarding.
July 4th Harvest pics. Ripe pods are starting to trickle in.
Group shot:


7 Pot Jonahs. These go from green then briefly to a milk chocolate color then red:


Huge Harold's St Barts pods:


3 different Yellow Scorpions. First up is Yellow Scorpion SR. These are VERY HOT!


Angry and evil looking faces on some of these:


Yellow Scorpion CARDI:


Yellow Scorpion from PepperLover:


I think these are Golden Orange Rocoto with a couple of yellow manzanos:

looking good. Hope you didn't find the ball in the garden. lol. I found a giant bottle rocket in mine this morning. Going to deliver to the neighbor this evening.

Nice harvest, now I am anxious.
Wow videos are great. I'm so envious of you guys that actually have a yard. My grow area consist to the 2 patio walls and a total of about 12 plants!
The Amaranth at 2:09, you can make flour out of that right? A staple crop/grain. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amaranth_grain
That super-hot bed looks fantastic!!! The potted ones look very nice too.
The DWC hydro plants in the greenhouse have outgrown the system they are in. They have basically been growing in plain water as they go through about 10 gallons a day and it would just cost too much to keep feeding them. The temps in the greenhouse have been so hot they really aren't that productive lately anyway. I chopped them all down today and will leave them be for awhile. I might do something with a couple of them if they start putting on some new growth. I really like the Harold's St Barts plant. May try to keep it going in dirt or Bonsai. The rest will likely be tossed.
Here's a couple before and after pics.




I was a little less brutal cutting the St Barts.


I left the Demon Hab growing in the Water Farm.


I intended to put these 2 pineapple plants in the ground this spring but never got around to it.


They've been neglected all season and one is still trying to produce!


Container grown Chupetinho is really productive.


Closeup of the amaranth. When is it ready to harvest?
