• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Tonly's 2011 grow log

2010 was my first season of growing anything other than the common jalapenos, serranos, etc. I have big plans for 2011. I'll try to document it here. There are so many top rate gardeners and photographers here that this will pale in comparison.
I have some random pics posted here from 2010: My link

I have my first seeds down and several plants overwintering that I'll take pics of soon. Still working on my grow list for 2011. So many peppers, only so much room.
I bet those root balls would make great compost material. Be careful with the pineapple. As I am sure you know they are toxic while young.
I bet those root balls would make great compost material. Be careful with the pineapple. As I am sure you know they are toxic while young.

I didn't know that (or anything else really) about the pineapple. At what stage are they not toxic?
Thanks Routebound. I mostly use Gen Hydro 3 part and sometimes CalMag. Tried FoxFarm Grow big. Plants liked it but the GH is much cleaner to use in a water re-circulating system.
When unripe, the pineapple is not only inedible but poisonous, irritating the throat and acts as a drastic purgative. Pineapple cores eaten in excess have caused the formation of bezoars in the digestive tract for people.

"It is difficult to judge when the pineapple is ready to be harvested. The grower must depend a great deal on experience. Size and color change alone are not fully reliable indicators. Conversion of starch into sugars takes place rapidly in just a few days before full maturity. In general, for the fresh fruit market, the summer crop is harvested when the eye shows a light pale green color. At this season, sugar content and volatile flavors develop early and steadily over several weeks. The winter crop is about 30 days slower to mature, and the fruits are picked when there is a slight yellowing around the base. Even then, winter fruit tends to be more acid and have a lower sugar level than summer fruit, and the harvest period is short. Fruits for canning are allowed to attain a more advanced stage. But overripe fruits are deficient in flavor and highly perishable."
Wow :eek: That's one big rootball!

Sad to see them cut down.. they were huge! Did you get many chillies off the big ones or was it a lot of veg growth?
Wow :eek: That's one big rootball!

Sad to see them cut down.. they were huge! Did you get many chillies off the big ones or was it a lot of veg growth?

This was the 2nd time I cut them down. They were just about this big the first time and were just starting to set pods. Aphids hit so severely I decided to just chop the plants down. They grew back and I got quite a few pods off of them until the weather got really hot and stayed that way.
The super hot raised bed has gotten out of control. It has been suffering major neglect. The plants have gotten so tall they just fell over and have been growing sideways. I drove some fence posts in the middle of the bed and used bailer twine to try and get them back up off the ground. Here's the results.
A tall Primo and Jonah


Here's the base of that Jonah


Some of the pods I discovered while picking up the plants








Here's a big pair of Fatali plants. Full of buds. Hope they don't run out of time before frost.


These are the 2nd year plants. The only ones that have been very productive are the pubescens.


The pubescens have given quite a few pods considering the extreme heat this year.


Weather has cooled a bit and they are starting to bloom again.


I've been making some powders with some of the pods. The 3 jars on top are jellies my bro-in-law made. I remove most of the seed before I dehydrate. The 3rd jar from the left is Yellow Scorpion CARDI powder. Started with about 5 pounds of whole fresh pods to get that 1/2 pint. I'm gonna guess there's over 20 pounds worth of fresh pods dried and powdered in that pic.


I have a pump that will vacuum seal the jars and then I store them in the freezer. Should stay fresh for quite awhile.


The container plants are sprawling almost as badly as the superhot bed. I'll probably just let them be.


Slide Show of today's pics.
Tonly happy pickens, Hugh harvest waiting for ya, what kind of pepper is the lone red one?...enjoy
Already had lots of pods this season. A late but bountiful harvest. :)
If it's the 3rd pic up from the bottom with some yellow pods off to the right, the red pods are bhut jolokia.

Edit: Just re-read your question. The single pod is a red scorpion. I'd have to go check the tag to see if it is a ButchT or not.