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Tony's Chilli's 2008

Now for the Bhut Jalokia's. I have 2 plants. One is bigger and stronger and has a good 30 peppers on it now..... most small but some are comming along fine. Its gonna be a big producer and its making me nervous. The smaller plant is just starting to fruit.

Lots of peppers forming up!


This one is picture perfect


This one is all pimpley and has spikey spurs


and this one gives me funny looks every time i go out and check the plants. It wolf whistles the good looking girls as they go by as well.

And finally here is the Bhut plant..... nice and healthy


And a cool pic i took of my goatsweed. this is about 1/20th of the peppers on it.


tony05 said:

You are a twit.....But that is a cool looking Bhut.....:lol:

The bhuts are looking really good....and the goats weed is going better than it did last year....Mine is only 2 feet tall and it already has 40 chillis on it......:shocked:
Progress report:

I will start with the 7 Pods.

Plant one is flowering well.


Plant 2 is almost there


And the Bhut's........ they are going mad. HErs is the larget of the 2 plants:

one side of the plant


and the other side

they all look great but the Bhut is outstanding...gonna be plent of fire at Tonys house in a month or so..
Devils TOngue:

I love this plant. Had Bent here thisarvo and he commented on how healthy it was. HE also said the grow and ripen very fast which is fine by me.

here is the plant:


and look at the size of the leaves. Its loaded with open flowers so not long to soem yellow pain.


here is my tobago seasoning plant. Its producing well.


And the Goatsweed plant. ITs almost 6 feet tall now and would you believe we picked over 100 chilli's yesterday before the pic.

here a few other ods and ends i have going.

here is a Devils tongue and a 7 Pot.......... both grown at the same time as the ones in the pots but half the size and development. They get shade from 2pm onwards and the pots get cooked till sundown. I know which is better


My Aussie black plant...... its got a few peppers and is very happy in the aussie climate


A wellow siam form the hardware stoor. Its loaded with peppers and i cant wait till they go yellow.


I bet that little one will burn your butt off...is that the first pepper the plant put on?
no there are 2 larger ones (much larger) that have gone very thick and hard and very dark green

Not long till i have some ripe peppers for Moyboy!!!!!!! and I to try :)

I cant wait.

A bit of nice cheese, a biscuit and some Bhut.

cool Tony...you may have said but what is your nutrient schedule for the plants? (if you don't mind sharing)
Schedule.......... looks away kind of embaresed......

I water them as they dry out and give them some grow food as the grow 2wice a week and fruit food twice a week when they start to bud and the weather gets hot.

Just thrive from the supermarket.

Maybe i should get some good stuff for the fatalii challenge..... imagine the posabilities!

forcasting over 38 deg C here for the next couple of days so im expecting to some happy tropical zone peppers.

Going to ditch my ORange hab........ im board with it and its already produces close on 200 peppers this season, ive been giving them away.

Going to put the 7 Pot in the garden in the pot with some good soil and feed it some son shine and heat...... as is its want. Will do that in the morning before it gets too hot.

Hey Omri.......... i just thought of something.

Ive dont recal ever seeing a plant youve grown? Not having a go but if you have a link id love to see yours in israel.

Is there a post?

tony05 said:
Hey Omri.......... i just thought of something.

Ive dont recal ever seeing a plant youve grown? Not having a go but if you have a link id love to see yours in israel.

Is there a post?

As of now, no plants. some new ones should sprout any moment now.
Honestly I'm not a big fan of "taking photos of my stuff", so not many pictures. I guess you could find a picture here and there when it's unrelated... something like "lol this is so funny! check this out!!! *plants in the background*"...
I was wondering what your wewther was compared to mine and did a little comparison....the bottom portion of the spreadsheet shows your seasons when matched up with mine....and it says your weather doesn't get as cold or hot as mine does on the average...no point, just an interesting comparison to me...my plants essentially stop setting fruit in July and August because the night time temperatures are so high..
