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Tonys chillis for 2009

Ok...... here we go.

I have had a lot of chillis so far this year. My goats weed has hundreds of chillis on the plant, drying in the sun and wasting away. Just too many to use.

I had a Siam which was suposed to be yellow but ended up orange with about 40 ripe chillis on it but on tasting they were bitter so i ditched the plant....... fruit and all.

I also had a huge Tobago Seasoning and although they taste great......... Im a heat junky! If i want no heat i like capcicums (sweet peppers for those with an accent) so i ripped it out as well. I was worried about it cross pollinating with my super hots and killing the heat.

Also ripped out the aussie black and tobasco that had both been poluted with horrid bitter bancock upright (thanks Moyboy) genes.

So that leaves me Bhuts, 7's and Devils Tongues!


I have taken about 10 Bhuts off as they ripened but got a good harvest on hte weekend. There is still a dozen almost ripe on the plant!


I cut most of them in half.......... saved the seed and dried them.


They look great inside and the smell while they dried! WOW!


I saved these ones to freeze for sauce making and cooking. They were so mean looking.... all spured ect.


7's and Devils Tongues are ripening now.

More soon.

those bhuts look nasty...have you compared a fresh Bhut to a fresh 7 yet?...just curious as to your opinion on heat/flavor...to me the 7 was hotter than the bhut...but that was my taste buds...
AJ...... havnt tried the 7's yet but cant wait to. Cant wait to compare the 7's from all 3 plants actually as they all seem a bit different.

MW...... I dried them in my de-hydrator over 6 to 8 hours till crispy. They have retained a lot of aroma and are still nice and bright red. I chewed up a dried chunk last night and kind of regreted it. The dried chilli sticks in your teeth more than fresh and keeps getting you when you pick it out.


Im thinking of grinding them to powder to use in my curry pastes.

tony05 said:
I chewed up a dried chunk last night and kind of regreted it. The dried chilli sticks in your teeth more than fresh and keeps getting you when you pick it out.


I had a piece of dorset naga powder stuck in my teeth a couple years back. I couldn't figure out why my mouth wouldn't quit burning, especially toward the front. I ended up with a sore on the inside of my lip where the flake was touching....

Lol i finally had to go look in the mirror it was hurting so much and saw a bright red flake in my teeth.
tony05 said:
Ok...... here we go.

Also ripped out the aussie black and tobasco that had both been poluted with horrid bitter bancock upright (thanks Moyboy) genes.


Always happy to help........:D

I still have the 2 bhuts you gave me (they are getting a little old...:lol:. I am planning to make a fatalii/Naga sauce.....Which is a scary thought considering that it will be my first attempt at chilli sauce....:mouthonfire:

I got my Siam from the same place you did and mine are a bit on the orange side as well......This is becoming strange as my fatalii's have ripened to a slight orange colour as well....:think:..I'm not sure if it had anything to do with them ripening over the semi heat wave we had?

I didn't mind the Siam's and I'm planning on using them as the base of my sweet chilli sauce...
the bhuts look great!
I'm also the same way about heatless chiles, if I want something heatless theres better ones out there than heatless chinense chiles!
Moyboy.......... you will have to drop around and i will give you a few pointers on the sauce making. Grab a few fresh Bhuts off the tree as well. There are more that are 95% ripe. The 7 may be ready to taste too :)
Ahhhhh Photobucket has decided to work for me.

Here are the 7's and Devil Tongues i promised.

I love the look of this 7. Its looking awsome and still getting bigger.


And the Ripe one...... Its almost completly red/orange. A few more days to go nice and red and its getting tasted!


And the Ripe Devil Tongue. Its almost all yellow. It more yellow than in the photo. The fading light cast a bit of orange in the shot.


And lots more green and looking great.


chilli's looking good....

I will try and get round sometime soon.....

I will fix the title ....cause i'm such a nice guy....:D
Hey what do you know.

Mr THP just sent me a PM saying he is thinking of revoking your Moderator-ship on grounds of imaturity and giving the rights to me :)

He has appolagised profusly for the behaviour of a person mis using their powers under his comand and is thinking of banning you all together for your trouble!

sounds good!
