Tonys chillis for 2009

I love you MoyBoy :)
You rock.

Edit: I should add that i only love MoyBoy in a perfectly gin/tonic kind of way.. you know.
Novacastrian said:
Ah they were sowed in 2008 i spose.....

That's the Australian disease. You can't harvest in the year you've planted. This is one of the odd sides when you live somewhere where you have to rope up for not falling into the sky.
Novacastrian said:
Howz your new house mate?

Great! Still a chaos, the cellar and the garage are full of card board boxes. But we enjoy the alpine view and the sun if we have some. At the moment we have lots of snow.

And I will harvest in 2009 what I :shocked::oops: planted in 2008...:lol:
tony05 said:
Hey what do you know.

Mr THP just sent me a PM saying he is thinking of revoking your Moderator-ship on grounds of imaturity and giving the rights to me

He has appolagised profusly for the behaviour of a person mis using their powers under his comand and is thinking of banning you all together for your trouble!

sounds good!


That's funny, cause he Copied me in on the same PM but in mine he added "Mate, your brother is so gullible. I could tell him that a Bhut jolakia was a sweet pepper and he would believe it. I love your work and you add a special something to this forum"....

In the words of THP himself........I Kid!!!

Novacastrian said:
I love you MoyBoy :)
You rock.

Edit: I should add that i only love MoyBoy in a perfectly gin/tonic kind of way.. you know.

Oh, and here I was getting all excited....

Armadillo said:
Great! Still a chaos, the cellar and the garage are full of card board boxes. But we enjoy the alpine view and the sun if we have some. At the moment we have lots of snow.

And I will harvest in 2009 what I :shocked::oops: planted in 2008...:lol:

Armadillo, I would love to see a pic of this 'alpine view'....Please....
moyboy said:
Armadillo, I would love to see a pic of this 'alpine view'....Please....

Most of the time the view is too blurry for pictures but I will take the next opportunity. I'm looking forward to pictures of peppers in front of that panorama. But that will take a few months... ...although I planted last year!:lol:
Had a tasting session thisarvo.

First up was the ripe Devils Tongue. Cut a nice slice and chewed it up.

BANG! Instant punch in the throat! then the lips and front of the mouth was attacked. My tingue sizzled for a while and i drooled lots. Great flavour. Tasted kind of like Stillmanz Jerk Sauce for some reason? GReat chilli packing a fantastic assult of heat and flavour.

Had a 15 min break and cut the ripe 7 Pod in half for a look. Lots of yellow placental tissue. smelt similar to the Bhuts but not as pungent. a bit more peppery if anything. Much thicker fleshed as well and lots of juice. That alone scared me!

sliced of a chunk and chewed it up. I handled the Bhuts ok......... this will be ok as well........ right?


Hoooooooooly Sheep Shit!

It took a good minuite to build. I got nothing at first.... for about 10 to 15 seconds and i thought, oh no, what have i done!

I drooled, and drooled, and drooled over the sink, non stop for about 5 minuites. I think the Bhut made me spit a few times.

I found myself shaking my legs around ,doing a bit of a pain dance. I withdrew into a better place and thought about a mouth full of icecream.

The heat seemed to soak into the flesh in my mouth and it just wouldnt let go. 10 minuites later i was red in the face, dripping sweat and kind of spaced out. I felt a bit woozy and happy if you know what i mean.

The most extreme chilli i have ever tried. And the scary looking ones are yet to ripen on another plant!




You got that right Mick! Deadly stuff! Going to make a super hot 7 Pod sauce with the rest that are still green once they ripen.

Moyboy...... i dont think we will make it saturday. Wife is working, kids are crook and i have a pool full of mud i have to try and clean up before it goes mouldy.

I will freeze the slices 7 so you can taste it though........ of to go in some sauce soon.

I was under the same impression of the 7 was/is the most extreme pepper I have raised to date...and I think the yellow is hotter than the red...
I have Scorpion seeds from Trinni as well AJ......... going to give them a run nest summer and see how they rate.

I thought the bhut was king but it just lost its crown! in a big way!

I grew "Trini" scorpions too...they are extreme also with a different burn...immediate to me and very harsh...I don't know if I can say they were as hot as the sevens...but hey, once you hit the superhot level, whats a few thousand scoville units...
AlabamaJack said:
I grew "Trini" scorpions too...they are extreme also with a different burn...immediate to me and very harsh...I don't know if I can say they were as hot as the sevens...but hey, once you hit the superhot level, whats a few thousand scoville units...

I think im there now AJ. Are you there when you eat devils TOngues and find them hot, but not uncomfortable. I enjoyed the heat. I was in the back yard going..... wow thats hot..... there great.... with a big smile. My wife was shaking her head.

The 7.......... It left me flustered, not even the great Bhut Jalokia left me flustered. It left me feeling all woozy and floaty... kinda chilli stoned.

Very extreme!

this past fall during harvest, I tried every one of my superhots fresh off the plant...just a tiny slice...the devils tongue is delicious but I really can't tell the difference between that and a Fatalii...

the scorpions hurt me...I mean real pain...but I think it was because of the different kind of heat which, could be caused (and probably is) by the different capsaicinoid concentration difference between the sevens and scorpions...this is, of course, my opinion...

all I know is that I limit myself to small slices of any of the superhots because I am "scairt" of eating a whole pod...
I fed Moyboy a slice of 7 Pod today.

I had a nice slice myself.

When the burn subsided..... which took a while.... Moyboy stated....... God damn, after that i'll be eating naga Morich's on my sandwhich for lunch.

I think it left an impression.
isn't it wonderful to be able to grow something that tastes sooooo good and is sooooo hot too?...

I loved the fresh 7's last year and hopefully will have a bunch more this year

I truly would love to know the SHU of these...IMO the yellow 7s I had last year were the hottest I grew...

another thing I am wondering is about the different capsaicinoids and their concentrations in the peppers....knowing each capsaicinoid attacks different heat receptors at different locations in the mouth...

sorry, got to ramblin'