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Tonys chillis for 2009

Those bhutts at the top of this thread are so EVIL looking. If you had to draw up a pepper that came from Hell itself, that would be the one. :hell:
tony05 said:
I fed Moyboy a slice of 7 Pod today.

I had a nice slice myself.

When the burn subsided..... which took a while.... Moyboy stated....... God damn, after that i'll be eating naga Morich's on my sandwhich for lunch.

I think it left an impression.


I cried tears of heat....It was super hot.....

I thought about it later and I realised that in a matter of a month I have eaten almost all of the superhots.....No wonder my 2am trips to the toilet have increased..:mouthonfire:

I went home and had another bit of my naga morich to compare, as since eating it, I have tried the fatalii, bhut,7 pot and dorset naga. I wasn't as afraid this time and I really enjoyed the burn instead of running around the room flapping my arms and screaming 'it's pure fire', like I did last time.....:lol:

The 7 was stupid hot yesterday and I didn't have all that much, and it was definitely a different burn in the mouth...

I'm actually pretty scared about the trinidad scorpian after seeing Neil eat one on youtube.....:scared:
I will be overwintering my biggest Bhut...... by biggest Devil Tongue and my best 7 Pod.

Im going to get a few of Trinni's Scorpion seeds going and also some 7 seeds i have been sent since...... see 7 pod skin porn thread!

Will get some Faria happening... thanks Scollvile.... and maybe a couplke others.

Im just not interested in anything less than a habanero these days.

I think the next challenge will be to eat a whole 7 or Scorpion. A little bit seems to burn as much as a big chunk........... a whole one cant be that bad........ can it?

Will have to do on a friday night so i have the weekend to purge and cry :)

Well the Devils Tongues have produced.

I just ate a whole one.... picked off the stalk and in it went. I havve to say i did a bit of drooling over the sink and my chest is now a glowing fire.

It hutr my tongue and the roof of my mouth the most.

Awsome flavour.

I saved te big one im my hand for you Neil!



&'s are looking good. I have 3 plants..... 2 are doing nothing, one has gone balistic.


Great thread dude, thanks for the entertainment.

That 7 pot plant is looking downright murderous. I wish your taste buds the best man.
That 7 plant is very exciting. It is setting every flower as a chilli..... all of them. There are about 20 little ones that will all ripen at once and another 3 or 4 new ones each day. And they are comming in all different shapes and sizes.

And i was worried i wouldnt get a good bag of 7's this year.

ITs about time..... last day of summer and all. They will make some very fine hot sauce :)

Now to think up a good witty name for the 7 Pod sauce...... i think they deserve a name for their sauce.

Tony...can you tell the difference between the devils tongue and the fatalii? (assuming you have tasted a fatalii)...I grew both last year but couldn't tell the difference in taste nor heat...
That was just a baby immature 7 Pod, you just wait till you get a full size pod. I glad I got some of my seed to you guys down under to compare. There is no doubt what I feel is the hottest pepper in the world, the seven. I have a hard time eating a sliver, it is like growing 16 million scoville extract on a plant.
the pods are looking great!

tony05 said:
I think the next challenge will be to eat a whole 7 or Scorpion. A little bit seems to burn as much as a big chunk........... a whole one cant be that bad........ can it?

nope, its about the same, so no need to worry about it :whistle:
just dont forget the video!
& dont forget the bigger they are the less cap is in them ;):lol:
AJ regarding difference between fatalii and devils tongue. the only difference I have noted is the dts generally will ripen a little more orange toned than canery yellow. otherwise flavour and heat seem to me at least, to be identicle
Man Its nice to read about y'all's experiences! My plants are 2 inchs tall
in my green house now. I have tried the 7 pot and Trinidad Scorpion head
to head, IMO the Scorpion was hotter, but the 7 pot was so close it was hard to tell. One big difference was the fact that the TS's heat hit you
rather quickly and the 7 pot was a delayed reaction so you would eat more of the pod before it kicked in!( my 1st test I was on my second bite, and
feeling disappointed b4 it kicked my butt!)

stillmanz said:
AJ regarding difference between fatalii and devils tongue. the only difference I have noted is the dts generally will ripen a little more orange toned than canery yellow. otherwise flavour and heat seem to me at least, to be identicle

Was looking at Moyboys plants today. The plants i reconed were Devil TOngues (stumpier chillis and more orange).... he swears they are fatalii's and the identical plants he has with large long chillis growing.... he recons they are the DT's.

I havnt tried a "confirmed" fatalii AJ.... only one of Moyboys but im thinking he may have them mixed up. Who knows. I know mine are Devil Tongues and i like them!

Just had a bad thought........ winter is coming..... :(

Will have to get the grow box up and running to concentrate on my babies for next year.

Cant wait to see how an overwintered Bhut goes :)

And Cappy.......... i have your seeds mate......... cant wait to see what they do. Will be getting them up and runninng along with some of Trinni's Scorpion seeds and some faria scotch bonnets.

Cant wait.

tony05 said:
Was looking at Moyboys plants today. The plants i reconed were Devil TOngues (stumpier chillis and more orange).... he swears they are fatalii's and the identical plants he has with large long chillis growing.... he recons they are the DT's.

I havnt tried a "confirmed" fatalii AJ.... only one of Moyboys but im thinking he may have them mixed up. Who knows. I know mine are Devil Tongues and i like them!

Just had a bad thought........ winter is coming..... :(

Will have to get the grow box up and running to concentrate on my babies for next year.

Cant wait to see how an overwintered Bhut goes :)

And Cappy.......... i have your seeds mate......... cant wait to see what they do. Will be getting them up and runninng along with some of Trinni's Scorpion seeds and some faria scotch bonnets.

Cant wait.


hey poof. I know what is what at my place, so back off....:D

Novacastrian said:
Howz shut the "f" up sound Tony??

You tell him Nova......:lol:
I will relieve the sheep Pam......... i love a nice juicy lamb chop still pink in the middle :)

I counted almost 80 7 Pods growing over 3 plants....... 50 of them on lone plant alone. Im going to have to prop it up... its not a big plant!

Ooooooooooo im very excited!

My Devil Tongue is a huge plant aslo and has been disapointing on the chilli stakes but after a look tonight its going to come through with bells on!

more pics to come soon when they look all heave with fruit!
