Tonys chillis for 2009

Update time. Im having a great end of the season. The plants are producing some hefty crops of chillis.

FIrst up a pic of my chilli plants by the pool where they live. Its nice and warm in here and they are locked away from the kids.


Here are the larger 2 of my Bhuts and Devil Tongues. I have 2 of each. The other 2 are in smaller pots and produce 1/4 as much. Lesson learnt!


The Devil Tongue. Im very happy with this one


and one of 3 7 Pods i have. 2 of them have darker leaved and chillis and grow erect. The other is lighter in colour and pendant chillis. As you will see in pics to come.

Some ripe Devil TOngues. They are yummy and bloody hot.


And its hard to see but there are many more coming. There would be over 100 small chillis on there now and hundreds more flowers! Its going to fall over under the weight.

And now after all those pics............ the 7 Pods.

As i said before..... 2 are garker in colour and growing erect and one of them is pendant and much lighter in colour.

The darker ones are ribbed more like a scotch bonnet but some display the classic shape



THe lighter ones....... this plant is getting over wintered!


amazing Tony...simply amazing...

looks like you are having a great year...
looking good....

Tony05 "busted ass burning 7 pot sauce" coming up....

Hey I like that....I will have to use that....:lol:
Thanks AJ.

I started with lots more plants but decided i only needed so many to fulfill my needs.

Plus the ones i ripped out were all below 300 000 SHU :)

Moyboy........ thats not the great witty name i thought up......... and bugger it i cant remember it now.



Great pics. The Devils Tongue is cranking them out, it looked liked nothing but flowers and pods. 7 Pot pics were amazing as well. Nice stuff, thanks for sharing.
It was hard to get a pic that eflected the outpuf of the devil tongue. But im sure when there are literally hundreds of ripe chillis on there......... it will look as awsome as it should!

AJ........ I remember you saying about your plants ot producing through heat waves.

I had the same here. I have had 2 ripe chillis from the 7's and now its autumn (fall to the yanks ect) (i know you hate being called that :)) and they are all of a sudden producing like mad now that its dropped to 30 deg c every day.

I think over wintering will have an early crop in next year with a second late crop after teh heat moves on.

Can I take the lighter colored 7 Pot home to meet my mother? And if she's OK with it can she move in with me? I love her Tony, I really do. You want to talk dowry?

That is a remarkable plant, congrats to you.
patrick said:
Can I take the lighter colored 7 Pot home to meet my mother?

Back off buddy......... the hot one is mine! :lol:

The 7 Pod seeds came from Trinnihottie..... so yeah its a hottie of a plant!

All the plants are first year, working onto their second crop now as it cools down.

I feed them what ever i can find. Usually a hit of various liquid ferterlisers.... nothing flash, just plant food from the supermarket. Sone Sesol while they are flowering. And when they look a bit down and flat they get a good handfull of blood and bone in the top of the soil in the pot and watered in.

THats it....... they just like it by the pool :cool:
7 pod on the lighter plant is ripening. It was looking orange in the mornaing but showing hints of red now




And a ripe one on one of the darker plants

Cool looking chilli on one of the darker 7's


And Chilli's and flowers


Awsome shot of underside of Goatsweed folage


and an off topic bumble bee i snapped

tony05 said:
Cool looking chilli on one of the darker 7's
And Chilli's and flowers
Awsome shot of underside of Goatsweed folage

Everything is looking great Tony. That Goatsweed shot is really cool.
That is some nice looking plants! The light colored 7 pot is spot on!
Now as far as that Bumble Bee, It doesn't look anything like the ones
we have up here in the States.
