Tonys chillis for 2009

Howling westerly winds here today. And 3 times now i have had to pick my plants up from their sides. Branches snapped, Ripe and green chillis floating in the pool, not good!

So i have moved them to a more sheltered position and decided to harvest to try and cut the weight back on the top heave plants.

I got this from 2 x Devil Tongues, 2 x 7 Pot plants and 2 Jalapinoos.

80% of the Devil Tongues went in the de-hydrator, froze the evil 7's fresh for sauce and pickled the Jals



Also took some arty kind of shots to use as desktop backgrounds. THey look great!

If anyone wants bigger sized images, let me know and i will post a link to full sizes images.




great harvest and I also love the Devils Tongue....

seeing your pics Tony makes me smile to know it will only be another 3 months before I start have some decent harvest...
What a thread!! It should be a sticky for all who dare to think to eat the 7 Pot. Great story Tony!

I must say mom was disappointed that I never brought that beautiful lady home to meet her.

The plants are amazing, the harvest is amazing, you two eating them is amaz......insane! moyboy volunteering to do the big spit tells me more than I want to know. I'm not so sure I want my 7's to grow now. I've also adopted the "you grow it you eat it" mantra.

Thanks for the great desktop background too.
Tony your plants look awesome and your Devils Tongue looks better than mine Once they go they go don't they.
Those 7s are fretty frightening to make sauce out of its that oily insides that make me nervous too.
Thanks folks.

Patrick..... was the picture big enough to fit on the desktop? I am using the second pic down. I love it!

I dried about 80% of the Devil tongues and ground them into a stinking hot yellow powder. I kept some fresh but i wont be short as i will get this many again soon off that one Devil Tongue plant. The seeds for these came from the chillis used in the first experimental batch of THE jerk sauce..... Thanks Mick :)

And yeah..... i find my hands shake with nerves while de seeding the 7's..... they are truly frightening.

Tony, I'm using the 7 pot picture as the background and it looks marvelous on my 20" monitor. I was going back and forth between that pic and the one with all of the Devils Tongues. Red won out.

Beautiful, thank you.
Really healthy plants and harvest Tony. We did a seed trade last fall and was wondering the source of your 7 Pod? What made me think of that was your first shot of the capsaisin oil. Great pics all around.
7 Pod seed source was Trinihottie. I still have your seeds mate, and will be growing them to compare next season along with the Scorpion seeds trinni sent with the 7's

Oh i cant wait :) I love this hobby.

Awesome pics Tony! The Devil's Tongue looks very similar to the Fatalii. Is there a big difference in taste?
bigt said:
Awesome pics Tony! The Devil's Tongue looks very similar to the Fatalii. Is there a big difference in taste?

cant say i have tasted a fetalii to know :rolleyes:

From what others have said......... there much the same thing..... just a bit smaller and a bit darker.

They look arse dropping great !

And photos of them are so good in fact ;
Can I use them on my site ?? Just the 7pod shot and devils tongue shot close up

Thanx Tony

as long as you watermark them "Tony's chillis" right Tony? lol
Hey Tony are you gonna overwinter those bad boys? How rough have your winters been?
CM......... go for your life mate..... just post me a link :)

Mick...... HELL YEAH! Winters are not to bad. Gets down to the odd light frost. THey lose all the leaves and the outer smaller branches die off but if i give them the odd water the roots and stalk live through fine.

The DT, Bhut and 7 are getting over wintered to add to next years crop and add they will do :)

Will pull them out, trim roots and re pot

tony05 said:
Also took some arty kind of shots to use as desktop backgrounds. THey look great!

If anyone wants bigger sized images, let me know and i will post a link to full sizes images.




It's so beautiful it almost made me cry.