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seeds Too late to start new seeds?

The landscaping supplies out on Wanneroo rd just south of the 2 roadhouses has a pretty decent mushroom compost to which I have been adding potting mix 50/50 and it seems to be just perfect. You can get a trailer load(they supply a trailer) then go next door to Mircos Bros and buy some bags of their 3$ a bag potting mix and blend em up.
Hey Megamoo,
If you havn't got any Chocolate Habs happening, Bunnings have been selling some.
Not too sure if they have any left, but if you can pick any up they have good heat and flavour.

Hey Toddrb40, have a look at http://www.greenlifesoil.com.au/ . I have been using their Vege mix for a couple of years with good results.
Also like Megamoo said Debco organic mix is great too. Also this year I am trying something different and using this place http://www.gardenersdirect.com.au/index.html this season. Certified Nasaa farm input so hope it is going to be good.
Experiment with a few mixes and see what works the best. This is what I use - Premium Potting Mix(Debco or Baileys), with Worm Castings and a Perlite/Vermiculite mix added.

Have fun planting and growing,
I might have some choc habs but i don't know!!! I got a mixed habanero seed pack with red, choc and orange in it. Have a few of them going, (managed to kill 4 of them too :rolleyes:) but don't know what colour they will be yet. I've been assuming that the six hab seedlings I got from Bunnings were orange, but only one explicitly says "Orange Habanero, tangerine colour" on the tag. One has four boxes on the back of the tag which say "brown, yellow, red, orange" none, of which are ticked. And one tag for 4 plants has a picture of a bowl of orange salsa on the tag, implying its orange.

I already have a contingency plan if my seedlings die., which is becoming more probable by the second.
The plan is :
1 Go to nursery.
2 Buy lots of seedlings that are already grown.
3 Plant them in place of dead seedlings.
4 Tell everyone I grew them from seeds.
Sandgroper,thanks mate i live like 30 second drive from there, if its the right one, is it just north of the petrol station and micro bro is south of the petrol station?
and have you been using that in pots and in the ground?
Micca302, thanks for the advice,do you add anything to the veggie mix or do you use it on its own and is it ok to use in pots?
Yeah it's always hard when you buy mixed seeds, but hey a mix of habs is always good :cool:
If you end up having to chase any plants I know Wildfire Chilli have got some for sale at the moment. They have got some really healthy looking 7-Pods, Bhuts Etc.
Wildfire are down in the Canning Vale Markets the 1st and 3rd of every month.
Also up at the other end in the Wannneroo Markets is Herbs'R'Us. They sells Habs, Fatalii etc.
Be a bit careful with Bunnings, had a few so called different varieties that have turned out just Orange Habs!
The Chock Habs were from Sunnyvale Nurseries and have been excellent.

Toddrb40, In pots I would tend to add a little bit of Perlite or Pebbles for aeration but no problem just using it straight. Always Compost or mulch on top of the pot or will dry out too quick in summer. You can buy 2 different mixes(just ask them about it) a Vege potting mix and garden/raised bed Vege mix. That Greenlife soil co were very helpful and gave me good info on how to have a great vege patch.
I'm also doing Sandgropers trick this season and have tried a 50/50 Compost/potting mix but just have added a little bit of perlite/vermiculite to it.

Micca302 ,today i rang greanlifesoil and they told me that there vege mix and some of there other products are sold at Absolutely Organic 782 North Beach Road
Gwelup WA 6018
(08) 9242 7711
so that might be a little closer for some ppl, i might try both ways, go the vege mix and also go and get some mushroom compost and try the 50-50 mix that sandgroper uses.