Too Much Rain......

I have always loved the rain, the more the better I have always thought...well, since getting into pepper growing I have quickly changed my mind....;-/. Since Friday we have gotten over 6.5 inches of rain, and its coming in a fashion where it is keeping the soil saturated nearly all the time and I think my peppers are pepper plants are starting to lose leaves, buds, blooms and even some of the small pepper once they set, I am assuming this is primarily because of all the rain and the soil not being able to dry out. I am almost certain that some of the plants are developing a fungus on the bottom leaves, as well as they appear to be getting sun scald, as the rain falls, goes away and the sun comes out before the drops on the leaves have dried...Im not certain that it is sun scald, but it sure seems like it is.

Anyway, not looking for answers or anything, just wanted to vent...:onfire:

I have plants in pots too, and moved some in, but the problem is, with work and the nature of the rain (pop up thunder storms) they would have to stay inside all day, or under shelter all day and I was worried about light....probably would have been better to have less light I guess...;-(.....and the forecast was not for this much rain, 1/10 to 1/4 per day was what was supposed to fall...not 3/4 to 2 inches per day..heheh.
I can't imagine this rain will continue for much longer. Here in the upstate of SC, we got well over 4in at my house as well as some hail. Raining again today and will tomorrow as well, but then nothing for at least the next week. As of right now anyways. If they are in well draining pots, it is not ideal to get that much water, but they should be ok for a few days until we start to dry out. May lose a bit of green, or leaves, but they will bounce back.

Good luck!
Yeah, Im in western NC, and we have been getting the same rain. Its pretty dang wet, but as long as you have well-draining pots, you'll be fine. The only thing mine are doing is drooping a little. But, they perk up as soon as the sun hits them.
Well this is my first grow season here in the "not so sunny" state of western washington and all I can say is...I FEEL YOUR PAIN! The weather forecast has been rain,rain, with more rain , with a 50- 75% chance of rain followed by mostly cloudy and then more rain! :banghead:

Hopefully it will end soon for all of us that are suffering from possible drowning! :mope:
Well, what was a more promising forecast last night has turned to higher percentages of rain today.....primarily today 50%, tomorrow 60% and tomorrow night 60%...but every period is with at least some opportunity. I hit the plants with some fungicide last night to hopefully counteract any fungus that may be getting going, luckily no rain overnight so the fungicide has had an opportunity to work before it gets washed off.
Ok, so all my plants (except for one or two) caught a fungus, in spite of me spraying them down with the fungicide, which tells me they already had the fungus....over the last 4 days they have lost all older leaves, and the new growth is all thats left, and its crinkled, do I trash these plants? About 25 of them, some of which I will not be able to replace (Bhut Jolokia, Cascabella, Bulgarian Carrot, Ring Of Fire, Red Hab, Yellow Hab, Cardinal Hybrid and more)...or do I hang on to them and see if they shape up? I plan to replace the common ones that can be bought locally.
I've been wanting rain so I could take a break from the watering every single freaking day. It really got old... hot days, lots of sun, no rain. Luckily, I finally got it... about 2.15 inches in the last 7 days according to, and it's supposed to rain tonight and tomorrow too. The plants are loving it, but I hope it stops soon before diseases set in.

I've got some more plants to put in the ground, so I'm hoping the grass dries up outside soon so I can start digging it up. Need to make a new mini garden. BTW, these few plants are going out late... it's already June 5 and they're sitting here on the bookshelf. Does anyone think there will be enough time to get a decent supply of peppers? Got them on sale from CCN.
UltraZelda64 said:
I've been wanting rain so I could take a break from the watering every single freaking day.

Are most of your plants in pots or in the ground? its been great weather in ohio IMO, hot and mostly dry but i am only watering roughly 1-2x per week for the pots and i haven't watered the stuff in the ground in 2 weeks, using grass as mulch.
sadams said:
Ok, so all my plants (except for one or two) caught a fungus, in spite of me spraying them down with the fungicide, which tells me they already had the fungus....over the last 4 days they have lost all older leaves, and the new growth is all thats left, and its crinkled, do I trash these plants? About 25 of them, some of which I will not be able to replace (Bhut Jolokia, Cascabella, Bulgarian Carrot, Ring Of Fire, Red Hab, Yellow Hab, Cardinal Hybrid and more)...or do I hang on to them and see if they shape up? I plan to replace the common ones that can be bought locally.

You've got a lot to lose; so don't trash them. Continue with the fungicide; if you can't, then go to hydrogen peroxide.
Mix a 3% solution 50/50 with water and spray the crap out of the tops and undersides of the plants. Do it daily until you see improvement. Spray your healthy plants as well as a preventative.
I don't know all the do's and don'ts with peroxide, but 50/50 solution of 3% peroxide and water seems extremely excessive and I didn't know peroxide killed the fungus on the leaves....I know that peroxide is good for root rot but the causitive factor for root rot is a bacteria and 1 Tbsp per gallon will take care of that....on the down side, peroxide will kill your beneficial bacteria too so you have to be careful when using it and weigh your options of slowing your growth vs your plants dying....
Here are a few pics of the destruction.

Ring Of Fire. before cleaning the mess out of the pot and before clipping any additional leaves off the plant.

Biker Billy....this was a full, healthy plant 1 week ago.

Pepperoncinni...also a full healthy plant a week ago.