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Trade Winds Fruit

Hello chilli fiends, i was wondering if any of you guys have had dealings with this company and what the result was.
I placed an order for various seeds on the 30th of April and as of yet have recieved nada, zilch, zero, squat. I have just written them a very nice e-mail asking to check the progress of my order and indeed to check if it has even been sent yet, if it has not i requested a refund.

So anyone else had dealings with them?
Hello chilli fiends, i was wondering if any of you guys have had dealings with this company and what the result was.
I placed an order for various seeds on the 30th of April and as of yet have recieved nada, zilch, zero, squat. I have just written them a very nice e-mail asking to check the progress of my order and indeed to check if it has even been sent yet, if it has not i requested a refund.

So anyone else had dealings with them?

I ordered seeds from them last season and didn't have any problems.
I have bought seeds from them several times and received my orders within 3 to 5 days every time. The seeds all seem to grow true except their scotch bonnets are not c. chinense and taste like soap.
I sent them a thank you email because I was impressed so with their quick service but never got any reply.

I have received pkgs from Australia twice in less than 1 week. The only time I shipped to Australia it took quite a bit longer but nothing like 6 weeks.

Good luck
Interesting, seems as though i have been purely overlooked or they stuffed the address up. Thanks for the replies at least i know now that they don't seem to be shonksters. :P
I have received pkgs from Australia twice in less than 1 week. The only time I shipped to Australia it took quite a bit longer but nothing like 6 weeks.
And yet we have to wait like 2+ weeks to get mail from over there.... :mope:

How long ago did ya email them and have ya get a response yet, Nova?
or they stuffed the address up.
Happened to me not so long ago when I ordered some seeds from a US company. Waited over a month for my parcel to arrive with no luck so decided to email them. Turns out they DID muddle my address so they resent the seeds and I had them in my hands two weeks later. :dance:
It's not that bad as it wasn't for chilli seeds lol Stuff like celery, cauliflower, radish BUT i ordered some absinth wormwood seeds and really want them ones to kick up my moonshine :D
Gassy i only emailed them this morning so i will wait a couple of days before my hissy fit!
hmm check the ICON database (google it). There are certain vegetable seeds we are not allowed to import eg. corn, tomatoes, so perhaps they are with quarantine? When mail takes a lot longer than it should that is usually where it has been waiting.
Quarintine usually sends you correspondance saying that you have been a naughty little citizen though and i haven't got anything from them.
I've ordered seeds from all over the US/UK and never had a problem. I got nervous a few times, but the package has always arrived. Never bought from the "Trade Winds" before, I guess I'll be careful with them if I do.

Let us know how you make out!!
I will keep you guys updated. I don't want to imply that they are a crappy company yet though because that would be a little premature.
If it's not resolved to my satisfaction i will tell anyone that cares to listen :D :lol:
I'll listen bro.

I've ordered from em once. Don't remember how long it took for my stuff to get over here, but it did.

And ya, wouldn't rule out customs... tsk,tsk moonshine
I've ordered pepper seeds from them twice, and both times it only took about a week.

Five weeks is excessive though, even for overseas packages. I'd check out the customs office, but if it's not there, I'd be bugging the company on a regular basis until the problem was resolved. I'm kind of ornery that way :)
I ordered from them and it took 3 or 4 days from the other side of the country, and I had very good germination rates with everything. The prices were good and the quantity of seeds was great (about 20-25 per package). I was very happy with the order.

I had orders from Semillas (Germany) and THSC take over 2 months (through no fault of the sender). When Neil resent my seeds that apparently got lost in the Burmuda triangle it took like 5 days. A separate order from Semillas took about 10 days. It seems pretty hit and miss when you order from other countries...
I've ordered from them 2 or 3 times before, always takes 3 weeks, seems about the standard time to get mail from the US to me. I mostly like the 1 dollar shipping, instead of the 5 to 20 others try and charge.