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Tree Hab?

Noshownate, my tree hab ended up about 4' tall and produced a lot of pods. Very cool looking plant, that is why i am overwintering. I have to agree with chillilover, it looks like you may need to repot some of those seedlings and get them more light.
My tree habs are leggy of all my seedlings. I think it's their natural growth habit if they grow tall in first year. Just make sure they're exposed to light on all sides. If you live in FL I don't think you need lights since there's plenty of it outside. If you have a southern window or protected area outside that should be safe for them.

Hey chililover how did your tree habs grow?
they are getting used to the humidity now will increase light. I rotate the plants so light gets all sides you guys are prob right. I will see how this goes
Forgot to post this update. Here's a better pic of them looking less scrappy 1 month later

I may have to try this as well, especially after seeing the pictures from Smokemaster and ThePodPiper.

I especially like how Smokemaster has the lower branches trimmed.
Wow chili head yours is alot taller than mine, mine is not as leggy though. i'm gonna post mine in a few.
every one else post yours looks like thai si in the lead.
snowmanaxp said:
I especially like how Smokemaster has the lower branches trimmed.

If mine grew like his did, then there were no lower branches. That is just hot the thing grows, like a tree.
I also found these to be strangely leggy, but if it's the Tree Hab, that would explain it..!

These are 100cm / 40" after being planted as a seed in July...

wow these things look amazing - would love a few seeds if anyone can spare a couple. would be happy to pay for them - thanks