• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Trent's 2015 Grow Log (potting soil probs solved!)

Well, off to an early start this year. 
I'm planting left over seeds from last year, to start, so I'm putting them in a little early just in case some don't pop.
Sorting last year's stash I kept tucked away from Pepperlover

And the first tray of 2015

I didn't plant any Nagas this year. Probably won't. Not doing reapers again, have plenty of heat in the brown morugas, brain strains, and barrackpores.
The next tray I do will be the rest of the non-annuums in a couple weeks, plus a replant of anything that hasn't popped by then.
Shooting for about 80 plants in the ground this year.
One full row of annuums, 5 jalapeno plants, 10 cayenne plants (never seem to grow enough of that!). 15
4 1/2 rows of Chinense, 10 per row. 45
1 1/2 rows of mixed pube/fructs/baccatum 15
Rock Garden did surprisingly well last year - so another dozen in there. GREAT big plants in the shade, not a lot of pods, though, and they took their damn sweet time ripening in the shade. So I'll probably put more annuums up there than I did last year (faster growing cycle) 12
Will reuse the 30x 5 gallon cloth pots one more time.. those did pretty good! Smaller plants, smaller pods, but they were all tasty. :)  30
Which brings the total planned grow to 117 peppers. 
Fewer than last year, but I'm saving some room to grow some watermelons this year, or die trying!
(Cutting out one full row of peppers; moving the beans up, to clear room for melons.)
Anyway, here's to 2015!
Current grow list as of 2/22/2015

7-Pod Barrackpore,Pepperlover,2/8/2015
7-Pod Chaguanas,Pepperlover,2/8/2015
7-Pod Jonah,Pepperlover,2/8/2015
7-Pod Orig,Pepperlover,2/8/2015
7-Pod Primo,Pepperlover,2/8/2015
7-Pot Brain Strain Yellow,Pepperlover,2/8/2015
7-Pot Long,Pepperlover,2/8/2015
Aji Golden,tctenten,2/22/2015
Aji Peruvian,Jcw10tc,2/13/2015
Amish Bush,Pepperlover,2/22/2015
Bahamian Goat,tctenten,2/22/2015
Bahamian Goat,Jcw10tc,2/13/2015
Bhut Jolokia Brown,Pepperlover,2/8/2015
Bhut Jolokia Indian Carbon,Pepperlover,2/8/2015
Bhut Jolokia Red,Pepperlover,2/8/2015
Bhut Jolokia White,Pepperlover,2/8/2015
Bhut Jolokia Yellow,Pepperlover,2/8/2015
Big Thai Hybrid,tctenten,2/22/2015
Bolsa De Dulce,D3monic,2/13/2015
Bombay Morich,Pepperlover,2/13/2015
Bonda Ma Jacques,D3monic,2/13/2015
Boyanska Kapiya,tctenten,2/22/2015
Brain Strain Red,Pepperlover,2/8/2015
Brazilian Starfish,tctenten,2/22/2015
Brown Moruga,Pepperlover,2/8/2015
CAP 215,Pepperlover,2/13/2015
"Cayenne, Charleston Hot ",tctenten,2/22/2015
"Cayenne, Large Thick",Pepperlover,2/22/2015
"Cayenne, Sweet",Pepperlover,2/22/2015
CGN 20812/PI159233,Pepperlover,2/8/2015
CGN 22691,Pepperlover,2/8/2015
CGN 24360,Pepperlover,2/8/2015
CGN22792 / PI260478,Pepperlover,2/13/2015
Chili de Abrol,Pepperlover,2/22/2015
Datil (replant tray 2),Pepperlover,2/13/2015
"Datil, Sweet",D3monic,2/13/2015
Dedo De Moca,Pepperlover,2/8/2015
Dorset Naga,Pepperlover,2/13/2015
Fatali Yellow,Pepperlover,2/8/2015
Friariello Di Napoli,tctenten,2/22/2015
Giant Mexican Rocoto,Pepperlover,2/13/2015
Goat Pepper/CGN22794/PI260595,Pepperlover,2/13/2015
Goats Weed,Pepperlover,2/22/2015
Habanero Antillais Carribean,Jcw10tc/SLP,2/13/2015
Habanero Antillais Carribean,Jcw10tc,2/13/2015
Habanero Cristiana,tctenten,2/22/2015
Habanero Giant Orange,Jcw10tc,2/13/2015
Habanero Manazano,Jcw10tc,2/13/2015
Habanero Niranja Picante,Jcw10tc,2/13/2015
Habanero Niranja Picante,jcw10tc/SLP,2/13/2015
"Habanero, Black",tctenten,2/22/2015
"Habanero, Carribean Red",D3monic,2/13/2015
"Habanero, Chocolate",Pepperlover,2/8/2015
"Habanero, Hot Paper Lantern",tctenten,2/22/2015
"Habanero, Orange",ribbedturtleneck,2/13/2015
"Habanero, Paper Lantern",D3monic,2/13/2015
"Habanero, White",ribbedturtleneck,2/13/2015
"Habanero, White bullet",D3monic,2/13/2015
"Habanero, Yellow",ribbedturtleneck,
Hawaiian Kona,tctenten,2/22/2015
"Jalapeno, Biker Billy",tctenten,2/22/2015
Large Orange Thai,growdown,2/22/2015
Large Red Rocoto,tctenten,2/22/2015
Mako Akokosrade,Pepperlover,2/8/2015
MOA Scotch Bonnet,Jcw10tc/pepperlover,2/13/2015
Monster Naga,Pepperlover,2/13/2015
Naga Morich,Pepperlover,2/13/2015
Orchid PI 497974,Pepperlover,2/13/2015
PI 281429,Pepperlover,2/8/2015
Piment d Espelette,tctenten,2/22/2015
Pimenta Da Neyde,Pepperlover,2/8/2015
Poblano 2014,D3monic,2/13/2015
Santa Fe Grande,Pepperjoes,2/22/2015
Scotch Bonnet Chocolate,Jcw10tc,2/13/2015
Scotch Bonnet Yellow,Jcw10tc,2/13/2015
Star of Turkey,Jcw10tc/pepperlover,2/13/2015
Tobago Scotch Bonnet Red,Pepperlover,2/8/2015
Tobago Scotch Bonnet Yellow,Pepperlover,2/8/2015
Tobago Seasoning,Pepperlover,2/8/2015
Trinidad Doughlah,Pepperlover,2/8/2015
Trinidad Perfume,tctenten,2/22/2015
Trinidad PI 281317,Pepperlover,2/8/2015
Trinidad Scorpion (orig),Pepperlover,2/8/2015
Trinidad Scorpion Butch T,Pepperlover,2/8/2015
Trinidad Scorpion Cardi,Pepperlover,2/8/2015
Trinidad Scorpion Moruga,Pepperlover,2/8/2015
Trinidad Scorpion Yellow,Pepperlover,2/8/2015
Trinidad Smooth,Pepperlover,2/8/2015
True Cumari,Pepperlover,2/8/2015
Urfa Biber,D3monic,2/13/2015
Yellow Moruga,Jcw10tc,2/13/2015
Well, got my little 3.5" pots and trays in the mail Thursday.
Located some potting soil at Menards - was in their outdoor garden area. The bags were frozen solid... ARE frozen solid.. 30 hours after buying them and putting them indoors here. :)
So maybe sometime mid week I'll be transplanting. At this rate, these bags of soil will take longer to thaw than a frozen turkey!
I have true leaves now on most of the 1st tray I planted back on 2-8.
In past years I've planted them after the 2nd set of true leaves first show. 
But the peat they sprout in doesn't have enough "oomph" to sustain them (no nutes to speak of), and sometimes they stall before getting there.
This year my plan was to transplant them to potting soil as soon as the *first* true leaves showed. (Which many have!) 
But I've got to wait for soil to thaw. :)
Thanks Trent I am getting my first true leaves on most of my varieties but for the stragglers and my few new bhuts ss that have just pop up.
Hopefully that soil will thaw soon and you can get your plants transplanted :-)
The bag I cut open last night to check on was still cool today, but thawed enough to work with. 
Got 32 peppers and a few herbs transplanted today. 

That potting soil stank like pig shit. I imagine it's been in that warehouse at Menards since last year. The soil itself was very wet - I'm concerned about the extended release fertilizer in it "cooking" that long in damp soil.
Guess we'll find out if it nukes my plants or not....

What's left of the first two trays of peppers and the one herb tray...

There's one more pepper tray waiting to sprout.
First eww pig poo!!!
Anyway I was wondering Trent how deep did you plant them.
I think I am going to need to transplant plant soon my Baccatums roots are out the bottom
So I bottom watered real well there all looking well .
Looked at the picks again looks like there planted deep .
My baccatums growth habitat reminds me of tomatoes
TrentL said:
Located some potting soil at Menards - was in their outdoor garden area. The bags were frozen solid... ARE frozen solid.. 30 hours after buying them and putting them indoors here. :)

TrentL said:
That potting soil stank like pig shit. I imagine it's been in that warehouse at Menards since last year. The soil itself was very wet - I'm concerned about the extended release fertilizer in it "cooking" that long in damp soil.
Guess we'll find out if it nukes my plants or not....
Careful Trent, that sounds like a recipe for a fungus gnat infestation. If I were you, I would get some mosquito dunks ASAP and start soaking some in the water you use to water your plants.
I know it's hindsight, but when I brought in the o/w plants, I bought new dry soil and only used about 1/3 of the bag for the o/w. The rest I kept in the basement where it was cool and dry until I needed it. So far, no fungus gnats. :pray: Which is more than I could say about any year I bought soil in Jan at Home Depot.
Jeff H said:
Careful Trent, that sounds like a recipe for a fungus gnat infestation. If I were you, I would get some mosquito dunks ASAP and start soaking some in the water you use to water your plants.
I know it's hindsight, but when I brought in the o/w plants, I bought new dry soil and only used about 1/3 of the bag for the o/w. The rest I kept in the basement where it was cool and dry until I needed it. So far, no fungus gnats. :pray: Which is more than I could say about any year I bought soil in Jan at Home Depot.
I fought those little bastards last year. They showed up late, towards April. Hung sticky strips and it cut down on them.
I didn't bring in any overwinters this year and I've sanitized anything going near the plants (reused 1020 trays, etc).
I'm hopeful that the frozen-solid potting soil will be purified of nasties. That soil clocked -12F on the infrared thermometer when I took a reading. It was COLD.
More worried about nute burn than anything - that soil has cooked since last year with the extended release shit getting released. 
I should have burned one of my nute test kits to get an accurate reading on it before transplanting but didn't think about it until I was done. 
Every time I go down to check on the plants, this doggie follows and watches. 

Still getting new hooks from the tray I planted on 2/12

This pimenta de neyde was selected for transplant as it had the darkest leaves of all of the sprouts. :)


Closeup, true leaves are equally dark on it;
I'm not sure how this is going to turn out. *Usually* I use flake in the marinade for the jerky; about 1 oz per 5 pounds of meat. 
However, that tends to burn my gut more than my mouth when I eat it, and causes some severe "afterburner" effect the next day on the toilet.
I think it's because the dehydrated flake carries the heat down instead of letting it disburse in the mouth.
THIS time... pureed 7-pots (about 20 of them!) for 5 pounds of meat... I'm not sure how potent the meat will be, heat wise, but the safe bet is "F'n Hot!"
So I labeled it that way. :)
I dipped my finger in that puree and tried a bit (yes you know I had to try!) and it gave me severe mouth burn and gut burn.
I have a feeling that the heat will be intense.
The juice will soak in to the meat, and coat the surface of it as it dries ...
Hopefully it gives a much more potent "in your face kick in the teeth gum bleeding fireball" effect, without carrying the heat through the digestive tract and out the other end, like the flake does.
Jeff H said:
Apparently you're new to Trent's glog . I suggest you check out last years. More than a couple firearms. Come to think of it, there was more than a couple in my glog last year.
Trent, we need to step up the pace, we're slacking with gun photos. :rofl:
Dude, it's still negative-f'n-cold outside. 

When it warms up and I crawl out of my cave to stretch my legs this spring, there'll be glorious gun pics. :)
Jeff H said:
Apparently you're new to Trent's glog . I suggest you check out last years. More than a couple firearms. Come to think of it, there was more than a couple in my glog last year.
Trent, we need to step up the pace, we're slacking with gun photos. :rofl:
lol, i remember that one...half of the posts were about buying bullets or pics at the shooting range...the other half was that crazy ass herbicide...