• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Trent's 2015 Grow Log (potting soil probs solved!)

Well, off to an early start this year. 
I'm planting left over seeds from last year, to start, so I'm putting them in a little early just in case some don't pop.
Sorting last year's stash I kept tucked away from Pepperlover

And the first tray of 2015

I didn't plant any Nagas this year. Probably won't. Not doing reapers again, have plenty of heat in the brown morugas, brain strains, and barrackpores.
The next tray I do will be the rest of the non-annuums in a couple weeks, plus a replant of anything that hasn't popped by then.
Shooting for about 80 plants in the ground this year.
One full row of annuums, 5 jalapeno plants, 10 cayenne plants (never seem to grow enough of that!). 15
4 1/2 rows of Chinense, 10 per row. 45
1 1/2 rows of mixed pube/fructs/baccatum 15
Rock Garden did surprisingly well last year - so another dozen in there. GREAT big plants in the shade, not a lot of pods, though, and they took their damn sweet time ripening in the shade. So I'll probably put more annuums up there than I did last year (faster growing cycle) 12
Will reuse the 30x 5 gallon cloth pots one more time.. those did pretty good! Smaller plants, smaller pods, but they were all tasty. :)  30
Which brings the total planned grow to 117 peppers. 
Fewer than last year, but I'm saving some room to grow some watermelons this year, or die trying!
(Cutting out one full row of peppers; moving the beans up, to clear room for melons.)
Anyway, here's to 2015!
Current grow list as of 2/22/2015

7-Pod Barrackpore,Pepperlover,2/8/2015
7-Pod Chaguanas,Pepperlover,2/8/2015
7-Pod Jonah,Pepperlover,2/8/2015
7-Pod Orig,Pepperlover,2/8/2015
7-Pod Primo,Pepperlover,2/8/2015
7-Pot Brain Strain Yellow,Pepperlover,2/8/2015
7-Pot Long,Pepperlover,2/8/2015
Aji Golden,tctenten,2/22/2015
Aji Peruvian,Jcw10tc,2/13/2015
Amish Bush,Pepperlover,2/22/2015
Bahamian Goat,tctenten,2/22/2015
Bahamian Goat,Jcw10tc,2/13/2015
Bhut Jolokia Brown,Pepperlover,2/8/2015
Bhut Jolokia Indian Carbon,Pepperlover,2/8/2015
Bhut Jolokia Red,Pepperlover,2/8/2015
Bhut Jolokia White,Pepperlover,2/8/2015
Bhut Jolokia Yellow,Pepperlover,2/8/2015
Big Thai Hybrid,tctenten,2/22/2015
Bolsa De Dulce,D3monic,2/13/2015
Bombay Morich,Pepperlover,2/13/2015
Bonda Ma Jacques,D3monic,2/13/2015
Boyanska Kapiya,tctenten,2/22/2015
Brain Strain Red,Pepperlover,2/8/2015
Brazilian Starfish,tctenten,2/22/2015
Brown Moruga,Pepperlover,2/8/2015
CAP 215,Pepperlover,2/13/2015
"Cayenne, Charleston Hot ",tctenten,2/22/2015
"Cayenne, Large Thick",Pepperlover,2/22/2015
"Cayenne, Sweet",Pepperlover,2/22/2015
CGN 20812/PI159233,Pepperlover,2/8/2015
CGN 22691,Pepperlover,2/8/2015
CGN 24360,Pepperlover,2/8/2015
CGN22792 / PI260478,Pepperlover,2/13/2015
Chili de Abrol,Pepperlover,2/22/2015
Datil (replant tray 2),Pepperlover,2/13/2015
"Datil, Sweet",D3monic,2/13/2015
Dedo De Moca,Pepperlover,2/8/2015
Dorset Naga,Pepperlover,2/13/2015
Fatali Yellow,Pepperlover,2/8/2015
Friariello Di Napoli,tctenten,2/22/2015
Giant Mexican Rocoto,Pepperlover,2/13/2015
Goat Pepper/CGN22794/PI260595,Pepperlover,2/13/2015
Goats Weed,Pepperlover,2/22/2015
Habanero Antillais Carribean,Jcw10tc/SLP,2/13/2015
Habanero Antillais Carribean,Jcw10tc,2/13/2015
Habanero Cristiana,tctenten,2/22/2015
Habanero Giant Orange,Jcw10tc,2/13/2015
Habanero Manazano,Jcw10tc,2/13/2015
Habanero Niranja Picante,Jcw10tc,2/13/2015
Habanero Niranja Picante,jcw10tc/SLP,2/13/2015
"Habanero, Black",tctenten,2/22/2015
"Habanero, Carribean Red",D3monic,2/13/2015
"Habanero, Chocolate",Pepperlover,2/8/2015
"Habanero, Hot Paper Lantern",tctenten,2/22/2015
"Habanero, Orange",ribbedturtleneck,2/13/2015
"Habanero, Paper Lantern",D3monic,2/13/2015
"Habanero, White",ribbedturtleneck,2/13/2015
"Habanero, White bullet",D3monic,2/13/2015
"Habanero, Yellow",ribbedturtleneck,
Hawaiian Kona,tctenten,2/22/2015
"Jalapeno, Biker Billy",tctenten,2/22/2015
Large Orange Thai,growdown,2/22/2015
Large Red Rocoto,tctenten,2/22/2015
Mako Akokosrade,Pepperlover,2/8/2015
MOA Scotch Bonnet,Jcw10tc/pepperlover,2/13/2015
Monster Naga,Pepperlover,2/13/2015
Naga Morich,Pepperlover,2/13/2015
Orchid PI 497974,Pepperlover,2/13/2015
PI 281429,Pepperlover,2/8/2015
Piment d Espelette,tctenten,2/22/2015
Pimenta Da Neyde,Pepperlover,2/8/2015
Poblano 2014,D3monic,2/13/2015
Santa Fe Grande,Pepperjoes,2/22/2015
Scotch Bonnet Chocolate,Jcw10tc,2/13/2015
Scotch Bonnet Yellow,Jcw10tc,2/13/2015
Star of Turkey,Jcw10tc/pepperlover,2/13/2015
Tobago Scotch Bonnet Red,Pepperlover,2/8/2015
Tobago Scotch Bonnet Yellow,Pepperlover,2/8/2015
Tobago Seasoning,Pepperlover,2/8/2015
Trinidad Doughlah,Pepperlover,2/8/2015
Trinidad Perfume,tctenten,2/22/2015
Trinidad PI 281317,Pepperlover,2/8/2015
Trinidad Scorpion (orig),Pepperlover,2/8/2015
Trinidad Scorpion Butch T,Pepperlover,2/8/2015
Trinidad Scorpion Cardi,Pepperlover,2/8/2015
Trinidad Scorpion Moruga,Pepperlover,2/8/2015
Trinidad Scorpion Yellow,Pepperlover,2/8/2015
Trinidad Smooth,Pepperlover,2/8/2015
True Cumari,Pepperlover,2/8/2015
Urfa Biber,D3monic,2/13/2015
Yellow Moruga,Jcw10tc,2/13/2015
PaulG said:
I've never had an issue with that.  I have planted deeper than the first leaf
node a few times, and the stem that is in the dirt shoots out roots over the
course of the season.
Good luck!
Thank  you Paul I need all the luck I can get.
i really need to transplant soon since the roots are out the bottom I bottom watered them good they all look good especially the BG's
7-pod Chaguanas

Bolsa De Dulce

Chocolate Hab

Pimenta De Neyde

Yellow Trinidad Scorpion 

And a sick puppy... CGN22091... not sure what's wrong with it, only one of all which is whitening and having necrosis on the cotys. So far the permanent leaves are OK but they're almost solid white now...
wow, the growing rate seems fast Trent .... any good secret to that ? nice plants!
hope the sick one will be better soon
Yeah dude I'm kind of surprised about how fast they are growing.
I'm using one 200W equivalent CFL bulb 3" over the plants per 1020 tray. That's a lot of lumens per square inch right now especially considering each plant gets light from each light.. that's 1200w equivalent for a 20x60" wide space.
I've had to rotate plants around that are directly under because of sunburn issues.
Compounding the problem is the potting soil "baked" for a year in Menards warehouse, AND I didn't set the lights timer to the usual 16/8 on off cycle; but left it on 24 hours a day for the last month. :)
I dialed the lights back to a 16/8 cycle to slow the plants down, as fast as they are growing, I'd have to repot up to gallons before hardening off in May..! 

Well I have 1 fatality to report. Giant Mexican Rocoto seeds - only one popped, and it had a seed helmet from hell; cotys were entirely encapsulated.
I tried surgery when I transplanted it, but it's withered and I'm calling it dead, now. 
On the bright side two growdown plants popped today! That tray was planted 2-22.
In a day or two I'll transplant most of my annuums and stuff tctenten sent me in to 3.5" pots.
I've got some seeds here from devv I need to get in the dirt, too!
cream fatalii
tam jalapeno
numex jalamundo
hot jamaican yellow scotch bonnet
peach hab
billy biker jal
jalapeno gigantia
jimmy nardello 
brazilian starfish
I've been sitting on those for a bit because I've been busy with transplanting the first batch, doing real work, and kids.
Still have nearly 11 weeks before dirt day so there's time. :)
Depends more on what the plants feel, than what I feel. if they start getting rootbound I'll pot them up! (Sucks because it costs money on soil & time, not to mention, 5x the damn space!)
Last year all of my plants ended up in 5.5" and 1 gal pots before going in the dirt.
Was a real bastard to harden them off. I must have had 50 trays lined up ... I just parked their asses on the north side of the house in full shade for a couple weeks.

I used the garage on nights it got cold

Then they got moved to the driveway for more sun for a week

Then to the dirt they went!

Then weed barriers added

Then 30x 5 gal cloth pots to catch extras :)

Then a layer of mulch to protect the weed barrier (it breaks down in UV light)

Then a little forest starts forming...

And some gun toting hippie shows up chasing the rabbits away...
Looking good on the pot up. I've done that for about a third of the plants. Many more to do over the next week or two.
TrentL said:
Yeah dude I'm kind of surprised about how fast they are growing.
I'm using one 200W equivalent CFL bulb 3" over the plants per 1020 tray. That's a lot of lumens per square inch right now especially considering each plant gets light from each light.. that's 1200w equivalent for a 20x60" wide space.
I've had to rotate plants around that are directly under because of sunburn issues.
Compounding the problem is the potting soil "baked" for a year in Menards warehouse, AND I didn't set the lights timer to the usual 16/8 on off cycle; but left it on 24 hours a day for the last month. :)
I dialed the lights back to a 16/8 cycle to slow the plants down, as fast as they are growing, I'd have to repot up to gallons before hardening off in May..! 

Well I have 1 fatality to report. Giant Mexican Rocoto seeds - only one popped, and it had a seed helmet from hell; cotys were entirely encapsulated.
I tried surgery when I transplanted it, but it's withered and I'm calling it dead, now. 
On the bright side two growdown plants popped today! That tray was planted 2-22.
In a day or two I'll transplant most of my annuums and stuff tctenten sent me in to 3.5" pots.
I've got some seeds here from devv I need to get in the dirt, too!
cream fatalii
tam jalapeno
numex jalamundo
hot jamaican yellow scotch bonnet
peach hab
billy biker jal
jalapeno gigantia
jimmy nardello 
brazilian starfish
I've been sitting on those for a bit because I've been busy with transplanting the first batch, doing real work, and kids.
Still have nearly 11 weeks before dirt day so there's time. :)
I hear good things about the cream fatalli and I am growing the Brazilian Starfish all of my baccatum's need transplanting along with other stuff I am growing
You are well on your way Trent everything is looking good hope the yellowing/whitening plant turns around for you
Man just did a once over again Trent everything is just looking grovey !
Your going to have lots of pods
Yeah that wild that is white ...  CGN22091.. I think it might be a genetic thing.
You know how pimenta de neyde turn dark? Well, I figure it stands to reason that some peppers might be albinos. :)
It might grow out of it. It's growing decent enough. Just had it's third set of true leaves start to form... 
I didn't know I had any talent at all. 
I'd tried painting a few years ago and did a ship in a storm. It was "OK" but nothing to write home about. Got that canvas stuffed in a closet somewhere.
This was my second try picking up a brush.
Oh I just watered 'em all tonight. They're still growing good! 
Going to post up some updated pics tomorrow.. some have doubled in size in the last week.