Trinidad Douglah

Trinidad Douglah
The highest capsicum oil concentration in any pepper I ever seen it looks like melted butter inside the pod, flavor extremely strong Smoky aroma with unbelievable sharp heat. this pepper need to be officially tested it might beat all records

seeds not ready yet



not fully ripe yet

Simply beautiful. Looks like a mean one! You never cease to amaze me. Yet another beautiful specimen. Keep em coming!
Trinidad Douglah
The highest capsicum oil concentration in any pepper I ever seen it looks like melted butter inside the pod, flavor extremely strong Smoky aroma with unbelievable sharp heat. this pepper need to be officially tested it might beat all records

seeds not ready yet



not fully ripe yet

I can see right now I will be renewing seed stock with you this fall! every pepper you show is perfect.
Beautiful Douglahs Judy and yes I agree this pepper need testing the 7, scorpion, and douglah are all hotter than the current record holder. I agree all your peppers are prime examples and your growing skills shine through, makes me want to go back to growing in dirt again. Thanks for sharing the bounty. :onfire:
Beautiful Douglahs Judy and yes I agree this pepper need testing the 7, scorpion, and douglah are all hotter than the current record holder. I agree all your peppers are prime examples and your growing skills shine through, makes me want to go back to growing in dirt again. Thanks for sharing the bounty. :onfire:

your right cappy this one mainly i know, found and realized its much hotter than the Bhut Jolokias, i can eat whole pod for the red jolokias but this one could not the sharpness is way stronger than the Bhuts... i think the next world record holder will be from trinidad if not the Douglah it self
I am growing the Douglah SR strain and Billyboy strain this year, last year grew out the cmpman1974 source. Of all the pods I share with friends the Douglah is the one that is most unforgettable. I have had a steady supply of Douglah SR all year long and could not be happier but am looking for another mother plant from a billyboy stock. Here is a quote from billyboy when I traded seed, "Unfortunately the Douglah Trini sent me turned out that blocky type which I wasnt looking for so I discarded them, I did get a few that turned out how I liked from her but my granddaddy of them all is that clone from bent, Its a classic story too how that came to me, he (bent) got the seed from bowhunter who sent him only one seed, bowhunters seed he had left did not make it (so he got nothing), I made the trip up to bents place and that Douglah plant was in a sorry state, I took 4 cuts from it and only one made it, I grew it under full hydro coco inside and it thrived, I collected as much seed from it and sent bowhunter a stack of seed he was very happy". Judy, who is the source of your Douglah seed if you don't mind saying? Dank Douglah pods from :hell: , I also received the brain strain from bowhunter who got from SR.
beautiful scary pepper! will you be marketing douglah seeds eventually? went to your website and you've got every strain on there that i'm looking for except this one. the seeds i've got where open pollinated so they might be mutants! silver surfer just sent me a few pods of this strain. rematch video comin but i'm scared!
Finally got to taste my own homegrown douglah. Much hotter than the brain/sr strain. Taste was just a light 7pod flavor which pales next to the reds. May not come across well in the pic but the insides do look like melted butter as Judy described. Very liquidy lol.
I too believe Douglah is the hottest. Perfect pods Judy. I'm very happy with my Douglah pods this year. I believe they are exactly how they should look.

The middle pod in this picture is the best.


i have only just planted some a got 4 that are growing i cant wait to try them to me they look a lot like a choc habs again i cant wait to try one on the day
I am growing the Douglah SR strain and Billyboy strain this year, last year grew out the cmpman1974 source. Of all the pods I share with friends the Douglah is the one that is most unforgettable. I have had a steady supply of Douglah SR all year long and could not be happier but am looking for another mother plant from a billyboy stock. Here is a quote from billyboy when I traded seed, "Unfortunately the Douglah Trini sent me turned out that blocky type which I wasnt looking for so I discarded them, I did get a few that turned out how I liked from her but my granddaddy of them all is that clone from bent, Its a classic story too how that came to me, he (bent) got the seed from bowhunter who sent him only one seed, bowhunters seed he had left did not make it (so he got nothing), I made the trip up to bents place and that Douglah plant was in a sorry state, I took 4 cuts from it and only one made it, I grew it under full hydro coco inside and it thrived, I collected as much seed from it and sent bowhunter a stack of seed he was very happy". Judy, who is the source of your Douglah seed if you don't mind saying? Dank Douglah pods from :hell: , I also received the brain strain from bowhunter who got from SR.

Cappy, the seeds i sent you came from Bent stock. I got them from the charity auction held many moons ago ;)