Trinidad Scorpion Appreciation Grow Event 2010

MikeyV said:
Mjdtexan, I had a Fatalii from peppermania sprout for me last night. About 6 days in. Dont worry, they're coming!

Oh I figured I would get some. They are just taking their time.
Tell me what this looks like, do i win yet? :lol:


This will be a great opportunity to compare the growth of the different plants and to share your growing knowledge with others…you can grow them any ol’ way you want to…

Well heres my current Scorpians. Both were started at the same time so the picture really shows how the pot size has effected the potential plant growth.


I haven't got any good pic's of pods to submit yet but it won't be long :onfire:
Sorry Nova, but I reckon this will be the benchmark for a while until Neil shows us his 20 gram pods again ;)

That's hopefully my prized entry. It's just a fraction shy of 2 inches, no idea on weight.
great looking pods both nova and MM...and agree MMs is butt ugly...but in a good way...

remember to put a scale in the photo if you can when taking pics... using the word scale comes from being an engineer...
Yeah, no worries. I'm an engineer too, but a networking one ;)

I'll definitely use a measuring tape when the thing ripens, it looks like a beauty!
MiLK_MaN, I must say that I've never seen another pod quite like that one. In a way it's kinda scary looking. Way to go!

I wasn't going to, but what the heck. I just started some yellow scorpions too. I also have 2 small Butch T's doing quite well but I'm not going to take any pics until they are much bigger and photo worthy
Ok I am just a dumb mechanic/welder, but I think I can figure out a scale. LOL Anyways, I purchased seeds from an ebay seller before AJ offered his fabulous seeds and I planted them, I have 6 hooks so far from 15 seeds sown. I am going to plant the seeds from AJ as well, when they arrive, hopefully today or tomorrow. :D :D :D
Just had a look at this thread and I'll jump on board seeing as I've got 7 TS plants on the go (4 yellow and 3 standard) so hopefully should got something worth taking a pic of!!!