Trinidad Scorpion Appreciation Grow Event 2010

great all...this is going to be a good year...I can't wait to see how these seeds grow in different environments...(talking about the seeds I have sent out)

there are going to be a lot of different aged plants so please keep up with the date you planted and date they broke the soil....or germinated if you are using the paper towell/coffee filter method...or what ever method you use...
Those plants look great Toleman. Mine don't even have their real leaves yet. Currently growing Red Scorpions from 2 sources, Trinidad Scorpion Marouga Blend, Yellow Scorpion from Peppermania, Yellow CARDI from cmpman, and Orange Scorpion from Although not sure if the orange one is actually a "real" scorpion or not, and may not qualify for this, I still want to see what it gives me.

I have another set of seeds for the red Scorpion and may sow them as well. I think I need more containers......

Good luck everyone!
I plan on growing about 20 plants this year for my own use but have not put a single seed in the soil yet...I will start probably a whole tray of scorpions (72)...the ones I don't keep will go up for sale in March/April...
AlabamaJack said:
great all...this is going to be a good year...I can't wait to see how these seeds grow in different environments...(talking about the seeds I have sent out)

there are going to be a lot of different aged plants so please keep up with the date you planted and date they broke the soil....or germinated if you are using the paper towell/coffee filter method...or what ever method you use...

i am myself curious how will they do in my climate, i'm going to plant 2-3 outside in the dirt and 1-2 inside depends on how many will germinate. i wonder if pods will ripe before frosts here.
in my experience, I will get a few pods thru the season then about Mid November, all hell breaks loose and I usually pick about 1.3-1.5 pounds per plant...I start my seeds the end of January (this week)...the reason I have such a late season is during the July/August heat, the plants simply stop producing fertile pollen or any pollen at all until the weather breaks in September then they florish...the bad thing about this is I don't get many pods in July/August...the good thing about this is the plants turn out to be huge (growing in 5 gallon containers) least 6' tall and very bushy so I got a lot of nodes that can produce peppers...

I can't really answer your question serrano because I am not familiar with your climatic conditions...maybe some of the other europeans can answer more accurately...
I've had 33 seeds pop up out of 85 so far this week. None of them are the Yellow Scorpion or the Trinidad Scorpion yet. That figures. I sowed 3 yellows and 6 Trinidads. I keep waiting on the Falaliis to show their heads too.
Count me in as well. I haven't started my seeds yet, cant plant out until early June. Well, I did start one T. Scorpion seed to grow indoors and isolate for seed, thanks to THSC.


This pic is around two weeks old but the pods have some color now, i will have to take some more piccies. I have around 5-6 Scorpion plants going.
good looking plants and pods Nova...

I am so glad there are a bunch of people jumping in this...
Nice. My Trinidad Scorps didn't fire....but my Trinidad Scorp Morouga Blends that I got from Beth did!!!!

This should be a neat competition/comparison. Comparison is the correct term, right AJ?

Wait a minute....Morouga Blends aren't a scorpion variety are they?
I'm definitely in.

I have 2 pods in mind already, one is a really nice sized pod growing on a plant that I've been frequently putting worm juice on (as a test), and a second pod that has an extremely pronounced thin stinger!