Trinidad Scorpion Appreciation Grow Event 2010

Novacastrian said:
This pic is around two weeks old but the pods have some color now, i will have to take some more piccies. I have around 5-6 Scorpion plants going.

Those almost look like scoth bonnents. Sure they're scorpions?
I got my seeds from AJ today and they are in the peat pucks now. I also have 15 other Trinidad seeds from another source I started last week and now have 7 hooks showing, should have some standing by sunday :D :D :D
Just put my first 72 cell tray in the germinator...the temperature has stabalized at about 84F....all Scorpions....
chillilover said:
Those almost look like scoth bonnents. Sure they're scorpions?

I can't recall planting Scotch Bonnets this season and have you ever seen a scotch bonnett that looks like this?
Well, I'm here to let you all know that you may as well pack 'er in now. Not much is going to complete with the distinct advantage I have with my three cotyledon yellow scorpion. Yes sir. It's going to be bad ass! Fairly warned be ye says I!

I got one of those too. And a red scorpion, and 2 marouga blends. Even got 1 from a 7 pot primo. 5 - 3 cotyledon seedlings this year. I sure hope that is a good sign......

I started my chinense varieties January 25. 4 days in and waiting. My T. scorpions are from Neil @ THSCo. Photos when they (three) arrive.

Cool so I'm not the only one with freak seedlings :D. This is the first time I've ever seen it. Although I haven't seen to many seedlings so the sample is small.
the more the merrier I say...will give us a good chance to see how others grow...I think a lot of us already know a lot about each others methods, so this will give us even more knowledge and maybe, just maybe improve our skills...

you know, I was just sittin' here thinkin'...imagine that...its 4:41 am...anyway...

you see the question asked time and time again about the best temperature for germination...I have a graph I collected off the internet from the U of Fl in Imokolee...well, let me just post a link for you to view...notice the graph...actually this is a good article...

anyway, I was thinking that since there are so many of us that are growing the same variety (Scorpion), this would be an excellent opportunity for us to make a similar graph for our information....and very simple to do....4 bits of information needed...temperature of germination area, Date seeds planted, number of days to germination (i.e. 4-10 days) and number of seeds started/germinated...and since there are many of us growing my seed that will be even a more accurate comparison...the data points needed to get a fairly accurate estimate is 30...the more the better...

many more comparisons also can be made...the type of medium you are germinating in is another easy one to do...

sorry for ramblin'...
AlabamaJack said:
[...] so this will give us even more knowledge and maybe, just maybe improve our skills...

I think that that is inevitable. I pick up new little bits all the time even from people who describe themselves as complete n00bs. That's why I like the idea of a lot of people growing the same variety - it's not because I think I'm going to win anything...

Those of you who want to enter - just send the $10 entry fee to me! :lol:
I have a bunch of pixie dust that Nova used on Pippy for sale...any takers?


by the way, I edited my post...
AJ don't you ever be sorry for ramblin! I would rather listen to you go on with whatever than listen to many many people that i know! Carry on brother!
It looks as though you might caring too much. If you are feeding them stop it.

Flush them and change you fert or soil IMHO.

Also try and use a soil conditioner such as Seasol (tm), it will help.