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Trinidad Scorpion Butch T - need advice

Greetings to all. Like many before me, I've been a lurker for some time now and have finally reached that inevitable moment when I realized that a more experienced opinion is almost always better than a blind guess.

Some background:
This is my first attempt at growing any type of vegetable. I have a few years experience with growing carnivorous sundews (drosera). I concluded that, because sundews are such a pain to properly maintain, hot peppers would be a piece of cake :) ... yeah, I stand humbled.

Growing conditions and environment details:
I got off to a late start at the beginning of May. I purchased seed for habanero and serrano peppers from a local nursery that I trust for materials for my sundews. Planted 8 of each using small 1.0-1.25 inch containers and a sterile peat, perlite and vermiculite mix that the nursery sales in bulk and my father uses successfully for a variety of vegatables. I used a 400w metal halide bulk rated at 65K (same as I use for the sundews). At that time, I knew next to nothing about germination durations. Of the 16, and after about 20 days, I had three serrano's that had sprouted and were looking pretty good. Knowing that I would ideally be needing to transplant outside very soon, I decided to give up on the habanero seeds and went back to the nursery and bought 6 x 5.5" seedlings. That is about the time I decided to hit google and find a hot pepper forum, found this great place and got the itch to try some exotics for my own amusement. Purchased 2 Bhut's, 2 7 Pot Jonah's and 2 Trinidad Scorpion Butch T's from http://myorganicseeds.auctivacommerce.com - no idea if this a reputable source or not. The exotics have been in the ground for a little more than 3 weeks. The habanero's and serrano's are at about a month and a half. The exotics are planted two (same variety) to a pot. The pots are each 15 gallons. The dirt is approx 4" below the lip of each container (wind protection was the thought at the time). I water moderately every other day. The soil is just moist enough that it will loosely stick to my index finger when I do a moisture check at about 3.5" depth. They receive a weekly soak (base of plant, not leaves) of a mix of Liquid Karma and Pro Gro Pure Blend. I'm using Bonide Garden Dust as a fungacide (probably applied it twice in 25 or so days).

My issues:
First, I can't say that they have not grown at all, but they certainly aren't growing as fast as my father's or uncle's that were planted at about the same time. I think I overwatered at first because I definitely had some yellow leaves. The Bhut's and 7 Pot's have a dark green appearance and look generally healthy. My Butch T's are not looking so hot. I'm looking for any specific advice about the Butch T's, or any general opinions that come to mind regarding any of the plants. Pictures included below.

1st pic - my Habanero's in an Earth Box. One looks larger than the others because I had to replant them deeper due to some high winds.

2nd pic - 7 Pot Jonah. They look ok, just small. I'm concerned I'm not giving them what the need to grow taller.

3rd pic - Bhut's. Again, these look ok to me, but they too are small.

4th pic - Butch T's. They, frankly, look like hell. Some of the leaves are very yellow. Some are fairly green, but look like burnt paper on the edges. Some have chunks missing. There are also leaves that have random brown spots. They are similar in size to the Bhut's and 7 Pot's. I hate to give up on them, but I am out of ideas as to what the problem(s) could be.




Thank you in advance for any suggestions.
First off, :welcome: to THP from Pennsylvania.

Second, looks like your plants are in need of some calcium and magnesium lovin'. You can either get yourself some Cal-Mag online or use epsom salt and crushed TUM TUM TUM TUMS...
Wow Mr T. Your plants look like they have faced several issues. Where they hardened off properly? From what i see they look as if the sun and wind got to them. I found from experience that plants that size can take a big hit from mother nature. Also Looks like they even have a mite issue. I would pull them into the shade and out of the sun and wind to see if they rebound. Just talking from experience. Dont water to much until they absolutly need it. Peppers hate too much water. Keep and eye on them to see if they rebound and they should. Dont overkill on nutrients. Sometimes the less you do is better.

Good luck!!
Definitely agree some clag-mag would help. Your Butch T's look like they dealth with some awful wind or weather.

That is what I don't understand. We have had a bit of light rain and it has been very windy (25+ mph on a couple of days), but all of the plants are located in the same location and all were exposed. I will look into the supplement that has been suggested and see if I can get it delivered asap.
This may seem like blasphemy, but pop off all of the bad-looking leaves. Your plants will be able to put more energy into growing than healing. I have had to do that a LOT this year. My plants are now better off, and EXTREMELY healthy.
This may seem like blasphemy, but pop off all of the bad-looking leaves. Your plants will be able to put more energy into growing than healing. I have had to do that a LOT this year. My plants are now better off, and EXTREMELY healthy.

I am newer, BUT, from what I have seen any leaves are better than no leaves. I had some major issues at the beginning of the season and I kept the leaves and the new ones look much better. Plants need leaves for photosynthesis and even bad/hurting leaves help. Just my .02

Good luck
Too much water and fertilizer. I see fertilizer burn and other issues.

Small plants moved to huge containers are too easy to over water until the plants grow larger the roots fill the space and can consume larger amounts. It's much easier to gradually move up in container size in a few steps.

Your weakened plants look like they are also suffering from a mite attack as well and over feeding has most likely changed your medium to an unfavorable PH.

To save them I'd try to move them to smaller pots (3 gallon), new planting mix, cut back on the water and nutes and spray them with an insecticidal soap every 3 days for two or three weeks.
^^^ What Silver Surfer said, looks like you have some severe fertilizer burn. You're going to have to either repot them into some fresh mix or do a major flushing...
that's got to be a combo of severe over ferts and probably lack of cal or mag. maybe a fish based fert , perhaps a foliar on could change your luck. i use spray n grow and a little chicken poop and i never have burn , but there's a lot of people on here that know way more than me. just telling you what gets me results. hope you get it resovled! oh and welcome!!!!!!
Follow silver surfers advice. Way too much nutrients IMO. Most people would be shocked by how little nutes peppers really need. That's why worm juice works so good. I would also recommend keeping them mostly in the shade until they recover. Maybe a few hours of sun in the morning - OR a few in the late afternoon - but that's it until they comeback. If you just leave them alone for a while, more than anything else, they'll probably be fine. Like a lot of growers (and I'm certainly guilty), you're loving them to death.

Thank you, Steve.
I should have been more clear. I have a one gallon pump sprayer. If I fill it up with water and add 1 teaspoon of cal-mag, how do I know how much to use on each plant or per pot? I don't really need to water because we had a light rain yesterday and the soil is moist at 3" deep. Forgive me if I sound like a complete dolt for having to ask that question. I have honestly not ever been informed on the use of liquid ferts.
Follow silver surfers advice. Way too much nutrients IMO. Most people would be shocked by how little nutes peppers really need. That's why worm juice works so good. I would also recommend keeping them mostly in the shade until they recover. Maybe a few hours of sun in the morning - OR a few in the late afternoon - but that's it until they comeback. If you just leave them alone for a while, more than anything else, they'll probably be fine. Like a lot of growers (and I'm certainly guilty), you're loving them to death.

Thank you for the helpful response. I suspect you're spot on about the loving them to death. As much as it pains me, I think I will have to ignore them more and just let them do their thing.
Thank you, Steve.
I should have been more clear. I have a one gallon pump sprayer. If I fill it up with water and add 1 teaspoon of cal-mag, how do I know how much to use on each plant or per pot? I don't really need to water because we had a light rain yesterday and the soil is moist at 3" deep. Forgive me if I sound like a complete dolt for having to ask that question. I have honestly not ever been informed on the use of liquid ferts.

i dont use the stuff i use epsom salt(mag sul)/fertilome yield booster(calcium chloride) foliar spray and am having good results with it....

If the pots are to wet to water jsut wait a few days and let them dry out if its ganna rain again maybe move them to a shelter during the rain then start a watering schedule with the cal mag added

thats the same reason is y i built a shelter to put my pots for when it rains hard it dont mess with my watering/fert schedule but i only have 7 pots to worry about...

best of luck to u
i dont use the stuff i use epsom salt(mag sul)/fertilome yield booster(calcium chloride) foliar spray and am having good results with it....

If the pots are to wet to water jsut wait a few days and let them dry out if its ganna rain again maybe move them to a shelter during the rain then start a watering schedule with the cal mag added

thats the same reason is y i built a shelter to put my pots for when it rains hard it dont mess with my watering/fert schedule but i only have 7 pots to worry about...

best of luck to u

Thank you. I will provide some updated pics in a few days. Hopefully, they will be showing some improvement by then.

I appreciate everyone who has offered advice on this thread. Many things available to learn each day from the vast experience of the members of this forum.