Trinidad Scorpion peppers

Hello everyone. I have purchased some seeds which were supposed to be trinidad scorpion peppers. I planted them a few months ago and they started growing and they have peppers on them now. The largest pepper on the plant now
is 2 1/2 inches, has a smooth skin like a jalapeno, about the diameter of a finger and is yellowish in color. I have pictures but i dont know how to post them. If i click on the insert image icon a little box pops up with the image url and i dont know what to do after that. The pictures are on my picture folder. Anyway its my first time growing these but they dont look like any trinidad scorpion peppers i seen pictures of. Maybe some of you nice ppl can tell me if this is how they look when they are developing or maybe identify these. Also if possible im very interested in buying upto 5 whole trinidad scorpion peppers. Please let me know.
I have pictures but i dont know how to post them. If i click on the insert image icon a little box pops up with the image url and i dont know what to do after that. The pictures are on my picture folder.

You will need to upload the pictures onto an image hosting website. will work, but you need to open an account there. Once you have an account, log on to it, and click "upload" (blue button on top center of screen). Once it uploads, photobucket will give the picture its own url that you can put into that little box that pops up on this forum.
Yes I did buy them off ebay lol. The person had 100% feedback so i figured it would be the right stuff. Oh well they were cheap and all came out.
Hello charlie sorry to hear about the outcome, but I have some extra red Trinidad scorpion seeds that I have recently purchase from Ajijoe that I had 100% germination rate and had few extra I could send you just PM me if your interested.
Looks alot like my Numex Pinata pods.


Is the pestle purple and the stamens green? Not sure if pestle is the correct word though...
I can also help out with t scorp and yellow scorp cardi.Let me know and never never touch e-bay unless for a book! Welcome to the pepper! Rich
yeah, no argument, the people here are extremely generous.
and just another reminder why NOT to buy seeds from the scammers on Ebay and instead patronize the fine folks here.
I wish i could help with the scorpions, but mine are not even sprouting yet. If you want some other type of hot peppers, i would be more then willing to send some your way. Just take a look at my profile to see what i can send out to you

They do look like some type of wax pepper, and they also look like my Santa Fe Grande peppers (and probably 834 other peppers too). If they are Santa Fe Grande the good news is they're nice and crunchy and tasty with a little heat, the bad news is they're not Trinidad Scorpions.

Personally I would just start munching on them and try to make the most of it, and hopefully learn something in the process (i.e., ebay not a great place for "superhot" or "rare" pepper seeds).

I'm sure they'll be fine stuffed with cheese, wrapped in bacon, and grilled... maybe with beer served on the side. :beer:
They would be killer on my bacon,egg cheese and pepper sammies I make for every morning.HUMMMMMM banana pepper!