review Trinidad Scorpion Review

Someone told me on the TV show "1000 Ways to Die" that one of the ways was a heart attack brought on by eating too hot of a chili. Not sure about it though.
patrick said:
Someone told me on the TV show "1000 Ways to Die" that one of the ways was a heart attack brought on by eating too hot of a chili. Not sure about it though.

Or ramming your head into a ceiling joist after launching yourself from the toilet seat.
LGHT said:
What's the worse that could happen if you eat too many hot peppers? Stomach Ulcer? Death?

In high doese capsaicin acts as a protonophore in the mitochondrial membrane, uncoupling oxidative phosphorylation and making ATP energy production less efficient. In effect, part of the energy that is normally produced from cellular respiration is wasted as heat. This inefficiency is proportional to the dose of capsaicin that is taken. Thus, as the dose increases and energy production is made less efficient, the metabolic rate is increased (and more fat is burned) in order to compensate for the inefficiency and meet energy demands. Interestingly, the factor that limits ever increasing doses of capsaicin is not a lack of ATP energy production, but rather an excessive rise in body temperature due to the heat produced during uncoupling. Accordingly, capsaicin overdose will cause a fatal fever. Case reports have shown that an acute administration of 20–50 mcg/kg in humans can be lethal.[1]

Just kidding. That was the effects of dinitrophenol ;)
UnNatural said:
In high doese capsaicin acts as a protonophore in the mitochondrial membrane, uncoupling oxidative phosphorylation and making ATP energy production less efficient. In effect, part of the energy that is normally produced from cellular respiration is wasted as heat. This inefficiency is proportional to the dose of capsaicin that is taken. Thus, as the dose increases and energy production is made less efficient, the metabolic rate is increased (and more fat is burned) in order to compensate for the inefficiency and meet energy demands. Interestingly, the factor that limits ever increasing doses of capsaicin is not a lack of ATP energy production, but rather an excessive rise in body temperature due to the heat produced during uncoupling. Accordingly, capsaicin overdose will cause a fatal fever. Case reports have shown that an acute administration of 20–50 mcg/kg in humans can be lethal.[1]

Just kidding. That was the effects of dinitrophenol ;)

So that long explaination was just BS? You really had me going there and to think that I thought you knew what you were talking about....:lol:
Had me going to.

Not sure if you should leave it there either. Too many people won't scroll down and see/read that last line. Before you know it someone will be quoting it and saying it's the gospel.
Someone has died from eating too hot a sauce. Think it was this year. Some guy had a contest with his brother or brother in law on who could make the hottest sauce. He ended up having a heart attack and dying.
Can't remember where it was but if you look it up on Google you should be able to find it. I think the title was something like " Chef dies after eating chilli"
Can't get the damn thing to work anywhere, so as soon as I can, I'm going to (frak me so hard for saying this) do another one on webcam with a frakkin timer this time and post it up for the lulz.

And yes, when I went on vacation I took my Battlestar Galactica series rip to watch.

frakkin Cylons
LancelBracken said:
I have compiled a transcript, from the moment of ingestion.

"Trinidad scorpion... here we go!
Nice fruity taste. Little bit sweet at the start.
Starting to heat up already...
*indistinct* not a whole lot...
That's like.. a bomb just went off in my face.
That's hot.
*cough cough cough*
The heat is unbelie-AHH-unbelievable.
And it just keeps getting worse.. ohh..
It's a lot in the back of the throat. Ohh. Ahem.
Very hot.
Oh good grief.
This was a mistake.
I can't even really talk right now.
It's a lot in the back of the throat.
Drooling.. sweating..
*heavy breathing*
This one hurts, guys.
It's like my whole body is ringing.
The flavour was good, what i could tell, but this is just... unbelievable.
The back of my throat is just in 'meltdown mode'.
This was definitely too big of a step from orange habanero straight to trinidad scorpion.
The pain you get from a bee-sting... that's me.. my mouth, my throat, my ears.
This was such a mistake.
It's going up my jaw, into my ear.
It seems to have hit a peak.
Not good.
It's really a strange feeling. My whole body is tingling. Sweating profusely, not even gonna put on the glasses i know they'll just fog up instantly.
It's a singular kind of pain."

lol that's beautiful, ty.
Skydiver said:
Can't get the damn thing to work anywhere, so as soon as I can, I'm going to (frak me so hard for saying this) do another one on webcam with a frakkin timer this time and post it up for the lulz.

And yes, when I went on vacation I took my Battlestar Galactica series rip to watch.

frakkin Cylons

Yay Cylons!

If ya still have the vid somewhere, mebbe I could fix it?

ATM, I'm working on converting a .MKV Vid with v.264 video and AAC audio to a DIvX streamable a PITA. But, I got lots of toolz. :cool:

I tend to use XViD and MP3 audio for YT, makes a small size and good quality. WMV sux IMO...either way, YT converts it.

If ya using Windows Movie Maker, I have a YT profiles for it that will help:

Just unzip to moviemaker profiles directory here :Program FilesMovie MakerSharedProfiles

If the Profiles folder does not exist, create it. That'll give ya new options when saving.

More info. here:
Right..BT only works when ya have seeds/peers.

video shouldn't that hard though...I've done like 30 vids.

yer vid is within YT size..what format it it?

Gee, you should just use a DivX host. I have many links if ya need 'em.
OK, last attempt at this.
Looks like the split worked this time.
Part 1 is up, I'll see about putting the rest up later
I'm glad you finally got the video finally figured out. That was hilarious! I have a 7-Pot on the grow and am hoping to acquire a few Scorpion seeds for next season. I honestly don't think I could take a sliver, let alone a full pod, but the only way to up the tolerance is by eating hotter and hotter peppers. Hat's off to you sir for being able to sit through one of these. It'll take me a long time before I can even handle a full hab let alone a super hot.