• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Trippa's 2011/2012 Grow log....

Over the coming days I will be attempting to log my grow so far.

It won't be as big and spectacular as most peoples here (in fact it isn't big or spectacular) but I am proud of what I have done so far with my very limited space and love my chilli's (I am sure) as much as the next person.

I have had a few small problems so far but a Massive thank you has to go out for the help so far from people like Nova, Gas, JR, Micca, Wildfire in helping me get started on growing something other then long red cayennes or other common types and answering my many questions and the generous man JR with his huge contribution to my seed stocks.

Like I said this will be an ongoing process to get this thread up to speed so bear with me while I populate the pages over the coming days ...
The "Butch T's" have a "Morouga" look to them.
Those TFM's look like they're going to be hotter than usual...nice!

Thanks guys .... yeah Greg I thought they had a little bit of the TS Morouga type shape as well ...hmmmm

Some more updated pictures from yesterday (including my favourite pod so far)


Chocolate Habenero


My Fav pod (so far) Bhut Jolokia Assam


And Again


And Again


Last one for now I promise :)


First Choc Bhut Jolokia Pods coming along


Yellow 7pot/pod


Yellow 7pot/pod again


And one last time with the Yellow 7pot/pod

More pictures again soon ... ( I am sure you will all be sick of them well before my plants stop producing :) )
Well I can safely say my favourite pod in looks is also now my favourite pod all round. That bhut jolokia Assam has such great flavour along with the highest heat of any of my pods so far (outstripped unsurprisingly the yellow 7pot/pod and bonda ma jacques easily) only have the Choc bhut and mystery 'butch t' and douglah still to grow/eat currently which can hope to match it. All in all awesome! !!
Yep, that "Assams" a bumpy one. similar to the "Carbon".....and pretty hot , I might add.
Nice photography.........I woke up to this mornings news to see a photo of the "Morouga"................worlds hottest!
never enough photos.............theres alot of seedling shots as of late, with the glogs. It's start up time here in the Northern part of the U.S.
I can't wait to post some chili shots..........

Thanks for stopping in Greg. Sure is a nice variety that Assam (I have another pod coming on the plant which looks extremely gnarly even more like a carbon).

So what's the deal with the Marouga scorpion as it looks exactly like a Trinidad scorpion marouga blend?? Is it one and the same with some more inventive naming applied??
Thanks for stopping in Greg. Sure is a nice variety that Assam (I have another pod coming on the plant which looks extremely gnarly even more like a carbon).

So what's the deal with the Marouga scorpion as it looks exactly like a Trinidad scorpion marouga blend?? Is it one and the same with some more inventive naming applied??

I didn't catch the whole story just the "generic" photo on tv......and I heard upwards of "2 mil Scov".........a lotta heat.......I've got some "Red" morouga blend growing, but that can't be the same thing.........right?

I didn't catch the whole story just the "generic" photo on tv......and I heard upwards of "2 mil Scov".........a lotta heat.......I've got some "Red" morouga blend growing, but that can't be the same thing.........right?

Well according to Jim Duffy's company's website (refining fire chiles) the 'red' Marouga is not even related or the same thing. I somehow think the Trinidad scorpion marouga blend you can purchase on many of the other sites is simply the 'marouga scorpion' they all look identical from the pictures I have seen.

Thanks S.S , woody and lanman for stopping by.

Yeah the Choc Hab is one of my favourite plants produces really well and the flavour is unique (fruity with a passion fruit flavour and great medium hot heat) not to mention the pods looking very cool.

I am actually going to be making my first lot of sauce for the season out of some. Will be attempting to make some Jamaican jerk sauce using them.
Pick ya up a mortar and pestle if ya can... I just did and it works great, and it is a different texture for the better if ya ask me instead of a blender. Fresh toasted herbs and seeds are 10x mo betta like that...
Pick ya up a mortar and pestle if ya can... I just did and it works great, and it is a different texture for the better if ya ask me instead of a blender. Fresh toasted herbs and seeds are 10x mo betta like that...
Thanks man. Yeah I am very much into making a lot of Thai and Indian dishes from scratch and freshly ground whole herbs and spices where practical are a must in my opinion. I do have to go and get myself a decent sized mortar and pestle but I have been looking at one of these lately as well as they are a little easier and quicker to use



Great pod shots, looking stunning! That stinger on the Scotch Bonnet TFM is awesome :D

Thanks man! Yeah I am really looking forward to trying that Scotch Bonnet TFM ... (not sure if its a yellow or red but I am thinking its going to be a yellow by the looks so far), I just hope its as hot and flavourful as its supposed to be.
Interesting... Kinda like a bucket and a cue ball... ya crazy bastards...LOL I find when i roast garlic in foil and roast peppers I can make a tooth paste consistency that is indescribable...( Joke do you know how we know the tooth brush was invented in Bithlow? If it was invented anywhere else it would be called a teeth brush...)
Hey, Trippa - great podshots - glad your plants
are so productive for you... nice stuff.
I'm with Greg, tired of taking photos of seedlings!
Hey, Trippa - great podshots - glad your plants
are so productive for you... nice stuff.
I'm with Greg, tired of taking photos of seedlings!

Thanks Paul

Yeah the plants are producing pods (well some of them are.... still nothing from a few of them due to ongoing mite issues)
which I am very thankful for.

I think the limited size of my pots and the close proximity of them each other is doing them little favours really in terms of pest control and overall plant vigour.

I have had a steady and constant supply of pods since early December so I think that is great really all things considered and I am due to harvest my biggest bunch of ripe pods at one time yet within the next week to try and bring another wave of flowering on as some of the plants have slowed down and lost a good deal of condition simply due to the amount of energy they have been putting into ripening and pod production and fighting off mite and insect attacks.

Scotch Bonnet TFM pod

and then I get a Scotch Bonnet TFM that looks like this ???? .... take a load of that stinger!!

Followed by his older brother with the more scotch bonnet look....


Another pictorial update (with my funkiest looking pod to date I think) in a few minutes .... hopefully

How many Scotch Bonnet TFM plants do you have producing pods shaped like those in your photos?

The pods on my first plant will have to fatten up a lot to look anything like your pods.
I just have the one plant of the Scotch Bonnet TFM. I did have 2 but gave the other plant to one of my mates for his chilli Corner in his garden along with a few other types.

They are actually all ripening to a bright vibrant yellow colour at the moment and most/all of the pods look very similar to those in the pictures. They are good sized pods in my opinion as well. (I don't have much of a comparison for scotch bonnet pods but they are larger then I expected)

I will check with my friend to see if his are producing yet and what shape and size they are.