• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Trippas Organic story of 2012/2013....things could be worse ...

So far my season has gone like this ... goood ... average ... great ... bad .... things are on the up ... and today .... pretty f&^%king annoyed and frustrated ....so many pests ... and the plants are looking much worse then this time last season (when I had no pests to speak of). I had aphids early on during winter ... they were easy to clear off and didn't bother me too much ...

but I have since been having major issues with thrips and broadmites?? (some sort of mite anyway) tiny little buggers which are about the size of a spec of flour (smaller then two spotted or spider mites). So My plants lurch from looking good to looking really terrible and then they bounce back for a while only to be hammered all over again.

Anyway through all of this I am getting some pods to eat so that is a bonus I suppose.

My grow list is as follows

7 pod/pot "Primo" (Junglerain)
Cili Goronong (Junglerain)
Jalapeno "HTM" (Sourced myself)
Prik Luang (Junglerain)
Fatalii (Pepperlover)
Trinidad Seasoning (Pepperlover)
Kerinting (Pepperlover)
Kerinting (Accidental Hybrid Unknown??) (Pepperlover)
2 x Mystery Superhots (1 maybe Trnindad Scorpion "Sunrise"? From Jungle Rain)
Chocolate Bhut (Bonchi)(THSC)
Yellow 7 pot/pod (THSC)
Super Chilli (THSC)
Explosive Ember (THSC)
Trinidad Scorpion Morouga Blend (Junglerain)
Scotch Bonnet TFM (Bonchi)(Junglerain)
Pimenta De Neyde (Soon to be Bonchi)(Junglerain)
Bhut Jolokia 'Assam' (Junglerain)
Bahamian Goat Pepper (Junglerain)
Habanero Chocolate (Bonchi)(Junglerain)
Douglah 'Alphanerdz strain' (THSC)
Wild Brazil (Pepperlover)
Birdseye HTM (Sourced myself)
Serrano (THSC)
7 Pot (Large) (Pepperlover)
Naga Morich (Pepperlover)
Bonda Ma Jacques (Original seed from THSC but this seed from saved pods from last season)

All of them are strictly organically grown in soil in containers in the limited space of my apartment balcony ...

I am not much of a wordsmith so I usually like to post plenty of pictures of pods (if I have any in the coming months!!) so come and enjoy/share the frustrations of growing in the most pest ridden area in the world :D ... I will post a few photos I shot today later this evening ...

Also thought I would link to my old glog as well just for posterity and self indulgence :) ;) :D

You're never running out of ideas with the photgraphy.
I'd suggest something, but theres nothing to mention.............the stuff looks great!

Thanks Greg!! Thats a compliment coming from someone like you with a background in photography .... thanks a bunch!! I am sure you could suggest someway of improving my shots being the guru you are in all things chilli !! (and photography)
Trippa your pictures are excellent. The ones you say are all over the place crap all over my photos!

If I had the cash I'd definitely spring for a good DSLR and a macro lens. Would probably take me a year to learn how to use it. :P

Nice looking pods too. How are the Kerinting?

Keep the pictures coming. :)
Trippa your pictures are excellent. The ones you say are all over the place crap all over my photos!

If I had the cash I'd definitely spring for a good DSLR and a macro lens. Would probably take me a year to learn how to use it. :P

Nice looking pods too. How are the Kerinting?

Keep the pictures coming. :)

Thanks Mega!! Well I have had my camera for close to 3 years and I don't think I have utilised it by half yet as I am still learning the camera itself as weird as that may seem.

But as I have got more into it the more functions and settings I tend to delve into and try to tweak.

I don't think anyone truly ever stops learning or trying to improve with photography to be honest even the masters and I am about 1% out of 100 compared with many of them.

I still have a lot to learn about light and using it well in my shots.

I don't have a macro lens but it is on my next to buy list (along with about $10 grand worth of other stuff ;) ). Honestly you can grab yourself a entry level DSLR for $350 nowadays if you wanted to see how they go.

Thanks for stopping by bro!!

The kerinting are fairly tasteless but I have a feeling they will make a good powder addition as they are kind of sweet with only a very mild heat.
You and me both Rick .... just got a lovely $515 electricity bill for 100days and then I have a approx $300 gas bill to come for the same time ... meaning there is 3300 dollars wasted on that this year ... what a joke!! I don't even live in a house ... something wrong with paying that much!!
Awesome shots mate!!! I picked up a new cam to play with this season,not a fancy dslr but something to get my feet wet with.If it ever stops snowing and I get a minutes time,then maybe I can tinker with the settings.
Awesome shots mate!!! I picked up a new cam to play with this season,not a fancy dslr but something to get my feet wet with.If it ever stops snowing and I get a minutes time,then maybe I can tinker with the settings.

Thanks prod!! You don't need a top camera to know how to frame and compose a shot. And there are some fantastic point and shoot cameras out there now .
Before you know it you will be filling up your hard drive with spring shots and chilli pod porn!!
Good Afternoon to be out with the chilli's here ... Some primo Music cranking, house to myself , 27.2 degrees C outside 54% humidity and partly cloudy with a gentle breeze .... that's what I call a perfect Fine Summers Day (not 80% humidity plus and 32 Degrees C Mr Weather God!!) Just waiting on a delivery of some ice cold Guinness and the cricket to come on TV... a BBQ tonight and the day will be complete .... !!

Have been out busy trying my hand at a few crosses and have my first cross pod ripe and ready for picking from my crossing trial 6 weeks ago. Life is good!

:dance: :woohoo: :party: :cheers: :beer: :D

I have also been doing some serious thinking and may be ditching all of my 2 year old plants and new season plants this Autumn .... make a fresh start to my 2013/2014 seasons and let go of the sentimental aspects and free up space for some new varieties ... and concentrating on productivity instead of looks on the most part .... Naga Morich, Cili Goronong and Bahamian Goat and TSMB already in the book
I can relate to the feeling of wanting to start fresh. I am overwintering a couple of plants for the first time, and to be honest I'm already bored to death with one of them. The only thing keeping me from tossing him right now is that I already invested months of overwinter time, and we are closer to spring right now than to last fall.

Good luck with the new species. I am trying Bahamian goat and TSMB as well this year, so we'll have to compare notes :)
I can relate to the feeling of wanting to start fresh. I am overwintering a couple of plants for the first time, and to be honest I'm already bored to death with one of them. The only thing keeping me from tossing him right now is that I already invested months of overwinter time, and we are closer to spring right now than to last fall.

Good luck with the new species. I am trying Bahamian goat and TSMB as well this year, so we'll have to compare notes :)

I am already growing all 4 of them and that's why they are already on my list ... they grow and produce well with minimal fuss
Nothing else on the list right now .... although probably a Scotch Bonnet TFM and Choc Hab will weasel their way in ...grew them last season and they are fantastic ... I have the scotch Bonnet TFM as a 2year old bonchi ... so all it would take would be a repot and it should take off again easily enough If I wanted some pods again this season

Noticed I have a bunch of little praying Mantis hanging about in my plants now ... I hope they are eating lots of nasty bugs!!
Praying mantis apparently eat any bug, good or bad. They sit there and ambush anything that comes along. You can understand when you see a close up picture of their front legs with all the spikes and hooks.
Praying mantis apparently eat any bug, good or bad. They sit there and ambush anything that comes along. You can understand when you see a close up picture of their front legs with all the spikes and hooks.

Yeah I read that they eat everything and anything. Luckily iI have more bad bugs then good !! :D. I just hope they don't munch my predatory mites! They can have the ants and psyllids and broad mites thought!!

Looking good Tripp. The pod shots are top notch as usual. Keep em coming.

Thanks Romy .. i will do my best to keep the pictures fresh and relevant !! Its getting tough though ... :D