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Trippaul Threat (PdN x BMJ) Community Grow

This is a dedicated grow log for Tristen's awesome cross, which I
have been growing out since 2014.  I'll start with a bit of history and
some photos documenting what's happened so far.
In January of 2014, Tristen (Trippa) sent me a little care package of seeds.
In the package were two generations of a cross he had made, which he just 
called 'Mystery Cross, F1' and 'Mystery Cross, F2'.  
Here's Trippa's Mystery Cross seedlings in February of 2014:


Both generations showing the purple foliage characteristic since the beginning.
Up close look at Trippa's Mystery Crosses, F1 and F2.  Both culled to a single
plant after the photo taken, so I only had one plant of each generation:
PaulG said:
Awesome growth on the plants while gone.
My son, neighbor and house sitters took good care of them!
Put them outside to get used to life in the real world after a
lifetime in the garage under 2-4x4 T5 HO lamps. I was surprised
by the size and spreading. Should grow out well in the big
containers this summer...

Two F4:

Four F6 white:

Four F4 in front, four F6 white in back:

Those are #2 pots, by the way.

Some pods here and there - photos to follow soon!
Damn Paul, what's the trick to get huge plants like that in a those (relatively) small pots? Those plants look amazing!
Bhuter said:
Oh yeah, Paul! That's the way to do it. Leave for a while and the plants will know what to do. Lol. Your plants are beautiful! And excellent poddage, my friend!
I think you are right, they did just fine without me around. Some have
weird shapes from being so crowded under the lights for six months,
but all are basically healthy. Knock on wood!
b3rnd said:
Damn Paul, what's the trick to get huge plants like that in a those (relatively) small pots? Those plants look amazing!
Walchit said:
I hear ya. My #2 pots are nowhere near that size. They are as big as my 15 gal plant or bigger
I dont know what to say, fellas. They went into the 1 3/4 gal. pots
From the beverage cups, so had a good amount of room for roots
to grow to fill up the pot. Used FF soils and good nutes monthly and
let them do their thing. I just finished putting them into the large containers
PaulG said:
I dont know what to say, fellas. They went into the 1 3/4 gal. pots
From the beverage cups, so had a good amount of room for roots
to grow to fill up the pot. Used FF soils and good nutes monthly and
let them do their thing. I just finished putting them into the large containers
It has to be the soil and the ferts then! I see a lot of people use FF soils, what makes it so good? I ask because I can't get it here in Europe, but maybe I can find a comparable one somewhere.
I definitely realised this year that using the right soil is very important. I had a good deal on some soil that I used for the first few plants. It turned out to be way too heavy to use in pots. The rest of the plants are in another kind of soil and they are doing much, much better. It's a world of difference really. Not a lot I can do about it anymore either. Lesson learned for next year I guess! 
Walchit said:
Are they ripe as soon as they turn white? What's they flavor like on unripe pods. Mine are starting to have a pod or two on a couple plants
I tried a purple pod the other day. I found it laying on the ground after moving peppers around. Probably a couple of days off the plant, kind of soft and rubbery. Even at that, it wasnt bad. You can see in the pic, there is some flesh so it was still crunchy and chewy. The flavor was not bitter or biting. There may have been a hint of fruit, but it could have been my imagination.

Heat wise, immediate impact on the sides of my tongue, and quickly spreading to my whole mouth. A decent medium burn, maybe on the level of a habanero. The heat lasted for seven or eight minutes.

I will sample more as the season rolls on. I hope others will try out their pods and let us know how they are. I am especially interested in what you think of the flavor and heat as the pods ripen through their color stages.


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Devv said:

From the container "white" plant. No pods on the container purple, and the ground plants I had to pull (for my departing sanity :shh: ).
Awesome, Scott! Nice plate o heat
Looks like you are heading the charge, my friend!

Did you get a chance to sample one? Let us know how it is for you.
Are there more pods on the plant? Interesting the container purple
has no pods sorry you had to pull the in-ground plants. Did you
get any pods from them?

Have a good vacay brother - did the plant handlers show up? I told them
theyd be working for free.
b3rnd said:
It has to be the soil and the ferts then! I see a lot of people use FF soils, what makes it so good? I ask because I can't get it here in Europe, but maybe I can find a comparable one somewhere.
I definitely realised this year that using the right soil is very important. I had a good deal on some soil that I used for the first few plants. It turned out to be way too heavy to use in pots. The rest of the plants are in another kind of soil and they are doing much, much better. It's a world of difference really. Not a lot I can do about it anymore either. Lesson learned for next year I guess! 
Yes, Bernd, soil is key. Go to the Fox Farms web site and check
out the ingredients for the Ocean Forest and Happy Frog products.
Full of good stuff. I mix a bag of each together for my potting soil.
Seedlings go into it as soon as they have green Cotys.

You can probably get the raw ingredients in Europe and just try to get
as close as you can to their mix. Or just amend the soil you have with
some of the ingredients available to you there. Couldnt hurt!

This year, since I knew the plants would be in their containers
until the end of June, I put a little Osmocote granular in the mix.
Seemed to work out okay. As big as the plants are, they were
still not rootbound. As a matter of fact, they were at a perfect
time for transplanting. Ill post some pics from the last couple of days.
Good luck getting your perfect soil mix together
Here are some plant out pics. The weather here has been perfect
for hardening off and getting used to the sun. Some sunburned
leaves here and there, but four of the seven remaining plants look
very good regarding shape and color even after being so over-
crowded for the past few months.

F6 from purple pod seed, sole representative of that group:

F6 from white pod seed. Good shape and color:

The last two F5 white pods last season were A+. One of them produced
three seeds, the other, none. This is the plant in my grow from those
genetics. A bit scraggly due to over-crowding:

Another F6W (tired of writing white and purple ) also decent shape
and good color:

Those are the four F6 in my grow. They are in the north end of the
back yard, about 60 feet (guessing about 18-19 meters) apart from the
F4 plants.

BTW those are 18 and 20 gallon (65-70 liters? ) containers.
The other half of my 2018 season grow are three F4 plants,
grown from some F32015 seed I found looking around in my
seed boxes last Fall, and thought why not? As a group very
good shape and color. Some Interesting things to come pod-wise,
I hope.

A couple of days before plant-out (yesterday):


Just some random pics from yesterday, July 3rd.
Happy 4th to all the Yanks here and there ✨






F6 in the north end of the yard:



The twisted, broken branch on the F6W seems to be healing.

This F6W seems to have the most early pods. Am seeing tiny
recently- set pods here and there:
Beautiful plant, Matt. And loaded with pods   :dance:
Good work in the Wisconsin sun  :cool:
Can't wait to see your assessment of their heat and flavor
from here on in. Some really nice pods on that plant.
I think the squatty, lobed pods are interesting, too,
but have never had one big enough to get seed from.
Would be an interesting experiment!