Trying to pick an ornamental...

Filius blue is another nice one to consider

well you never said if you want to grow it just for looks or also to eat the chile pods. nor did you mention if it'll be grown in alot of sunlight.
since sunlight triggers certain colors on some types.

1st I'll say many different types of chile plants look great when in full color (different stages of ripeness) but if you're looking for so called ""ornamental"" then I'd say the black pearl - its just very cool looking, taste is so-so.

the omnicolor is an all right looking plant, but the taste is good where you can enjoy eating those ornamental pods.
Those are on sale on every corner over here, RB. Of course nobody can tell you what they are, "chili" is the most pro answer I got so far. IMO i's probably a variety of the Christmas chili, but that's just what I think.
talas said:
Yellow the final color R.B ? ;)

Yep but apparently you can also get them in red (that's what my Dad told me). I suppose green if unripe :party:
Chiliac said:
Those are on sale on every corner over here, RB. Of course nobody can tell you what they are, "chili" is the most pro answer I got so far. IMO i's probably a variety of the Christmas chili, but that's just what I think.

As long as it's a chilli I don't mind what it is, my Dad bought it for me because it looked pretty and he doesn't really know what a chilli plant looks like so I didn't know what I had. I've never seen them over here though before, it will end up as my new bonsai.
You're lucky if they don't taste like s**t, some - like Bolivian Rainbow - do not taste great, but at least you can eat them without spitting them out after 5 seconds. Aurora must be the worst tasting ornamental I've ever tried.
Medusa has a nice taste, but no heat.
Chiliac said:
You're lucky if they don't taste like s**t, some - like Bolivian Rainbow - do not taste great, but at least you can eat them without spitting them out after 5 seconds. Aurora must be the worst tasting ornamental I've ever tried.
Medusa has a nice taste, but no heat.

Theres also Trifetti/Variegata how can something so beautiful taste so bad :)
I would go for the Chinese 5 Color, or the Explosive Ember. I have the Black Pearl, and also Black Prince, both stunning plants.

i have quite a few different ornamental vars growing this year, Royal Black, Black Prince, Black Pearl, Filus blue, Chinese 5 Color, and a couple others i cant think of atm.