• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

tsurrie's 2016 glog

So this is the new season... can't wait to put the seeds in the dirt.
I just finished preparing the grow "corner" for my future seedlings, and everything works fine.

The lights are prepared and I plan not to go over 200 plants this year.. but we'll see how that goes.
Like last year ... I'm planning to grow mostly chinense's and annums... but there will be some baccatums (Aji Lemondrop, Aji Amarillo,...) and pubescens (Rocoto,...) that  hogleg sent me....
I'm still working on the final grow list.
But I'm really looking forward to start the action in a week or so.
tsurrie said:
This is one of the unknown plants on the edge of the garden (forgot to label it when transplanting to solo cups) - labeled this one as "Mystery plant 1" on the garden photo after planting out, but it's not Sicman's mystery.... well, maybe it even is, but I doubt it... looks like some kind of Bhut, doesn't it ... well, I like the look of the pods no matter what they'll be
That mystery chile looks pretty cool... hope it produces well for you this season!
tsurrie said:
This is one of the unknown plants on the edge of the garden (forgot to label it when transplanting to solo cups) - labeled this one as "Mystery plant 1" on the garden photo after planting out, but it's not Sicman's mystery.... well, maybe it even is, but I doubt it... looks like some kind of Bhut, doesn't it ... well, I like the look of the pods no matter what they'll be
That very well could be a Sicmans mystery. At f2 it throws a lot of different pheno's. I had one similar to that last year. Purple bhut is the suspected father of the cross as far as I know.
Looking good Tsurrie! 
stickman said:
That mystery chile looks pretty cool... hope it produces well for you this season!
It does look cool :) thanks I hope it will pop some more pods
hogleg said:
That very well could be a Sicmans mystery. At f2 it throws a lot of different pheno's. I had one similar to that last year. Purple bhut is the suspected father of the cross as far as I know.
Looking good Tsurrie! 
Oh cool, good to know. Certainly don't remember any plant like this last season, so this is probably it... Thanks!
Made another pie today.... very similar like the last time, but with fresh tomatoes and a hint of jamaica on top...
1x Scotch Bonnet (from the freezer) for my part of the pie

guess which part is already gone :)

baked.... it kinda looks overdone, but it was just right.... my oven is misbehaving.. I need to buy a new one soon


Munched on that companied with a good cold slovenian beer... delicious!
That Scotch Bonnet really is a great combo with tomatoes and cheese...
Conclusion is... if I'm going to eat like that in the evenings... I'm going to have to double up on my exercise :)
tsurrie said:
Made another pie today.... very similar like the last time, but with fresh tomatoes and a hint of jamaica on top...
1x Scotch Bonnet (from the freezer) for my part of the pie

guess which part is already gone :)

baked.... it kinda looks overdone, but it was just right.... my oven is misbehaving.. I need to buy a new one soon


Munched on that companied with a good cold slovenian beer... delicious!
That Scotch Bonnet really is a great combo with tomatoes and cheese...
Conclusion is... if I'm going to eat like that in the evenings... I'm going to have to double up on my exercise :)
DELISH ! and definitely a double up exercise food , lol     :onfire:
tsurrie said:
Made another pie today.... very similar like the last time, but with fresh tomatoes and a hint of jamaica on top...
1x Scotch Bonnet (from the freezer) for my part of the pie

guess which part is already gone :)

baked.... it kinda looks overdone, but it was just right.... my oven is misbehaving.. I need to buy a new one soon


Munched on that companied with a good cold slovenian beer... delicious!
That Scotch Bonnet really is a great combo with tomatoes and cheese...
Conclusion is... if I'm going to eat like that in the evenings... I'm going to have to double up on my exercise :)
From the looks of that pie, if I had any I'd be right there beside you... :drooling:
It never occurred to me to try Bonnets alongside Tomatoes... they taste so good with tropical fruit or Peaches I never looked further. Thanks for expanding my horizons. :)
Kinda late, but it's my first harvest this season :dance:
Not counting the occasional snacks and a couple jar's of annums my wife pickled the other day...
Just a few....but more are going to follow... soon
From the left... top row: Bhut Jolokia and it's little brother, unknown yellow habanero type pepper (from one mystery plant on the garden)m 3x As chiles
bottom row: Habanero Whites, Biberiye and Thai
Devv said:
Hey, better late than never ;)
Glad to see you're pulling pods!
Yes, that's so true! Thanks Scott.
Picked some Achochas just before... here's an example ... fully ripened on the left, for picking up seeds, hollow hard to chew .... and just great for baking/cooking/eating on the right... If you ask me, they're best when seeds are not black yet

Fried them on evo with some garlic, onion, beans, hot wax peppers, cherry tomatoes, black pepper, salt and parsley... it was actually not bad at all. They soften real nice and get soaked with other flavours quickly.
Threw a bit of cheese over the top and let it melt....
I guess this must be Habanero Orange that I got from PaulG (edited: the EU seed train - did some research and I only had seeds from Paul...)... this pod was picked up on the garden from one plant I forgot to label. I has habaneroish fruity taste and a low level habanero burn.

It is in the Caribbean Red class, but a probably just a bit milder. What I didn't like was the thickness of the skin - it was very thin and not so juicy.

Going to know for sure when the balcony Habanero Orange ripens... then I will compare the two....<--- it was most def. Orange Hab (5.9.2016)
It's nice to see you're getting a harvest after such a rough start Uros, keep up the good work! I love Kapijas! I've been growing them every year since I got seeds in a trade with MisterNo a few years back... gotta have some Ajvar put up for the winter! My wife particularly likes it as a replacement for tomato sauce on homemade pizza.
Those Achochas look really interesting... do they have a Cucumber flavor? I wonder how they'd be pickled. :think:
Devv said:
Nice score from the garden, I'm loving it ;)
Thanks. I hope many will follow.
stickman said:
It's nice to see you're getting a harvest after such a rough start Uros, keep up the good work! I love Kapijas! I've been growing them every year since I got seeds in a trade with MisterNo a few years back... gotta have some Ajvar put up for the winter! My wife particularly likes it as a replacement for tomato sauce on homemade pizza.
Those Achochas look really interesting... do they have a Cucumber flavor? I wonder how they'd be pickled. :think:
Interesting use of ajvar. I'm using it mostly in burgers or with grilled meat.

Yes, they have cucumber flavor. Im going to pickle some, thanks for reminding me.
A little update time.... Chupetinho looks kinda like a christmas tree

Pequin on the balcony is slowly pushing out pods

Goatsweed... almost as tall as myself

Caribbean Red is loaded with pods

Bhuts are ripening, but the plant is way more loaded on the garden...

ouch.... the Brain Strain's are going to hurt

Malaysian Goronong is loaded too

Habanero Orange... beautiful color and the taste is actually pretty good

Jays Peach

who wants some pain?... this looks a lot more like a reaper than last years plant

Scotch Bonnet

Sicmans Mystery 1

Sicmans Mystery 2