• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

tsurrie's 2017 glog

Stage 01: Selecting seeds for this season's grow is a hassle. Cutting back a little for sure. If I can.

Plan is to sow them sometime around 25th next week.
Peppers are planted on the garden and the rest of the pots. Will take a few pics when I plant cucumbers too, sometime later this week. I gave extras away to friends an family, so I'm officially out of seedlings. They all found a home.
The greenhouse plants are starting to grow. Tomatoes are bigger each day, bell peppers and kapija's are starting to grow also. They are a bit stunted, I guess the aphids and some hard sun took care of that, but they'll grow soon.

Days are pretty warm now, the temp today was nearly 27°C in the afternoon and around 13°C early morning. So the summer is coming I guess. Foracast for the rest of the week is sunny weather with occasional rainstorms in the afternoons. And I bet it will be warmer than the following data shows.
Devv said:
I'm afraid we're approaching that too hot to set fruit weather in about 2 weeks.

I hope the heat wont be that hard for you this time around.
We've had some hail the other day, but it was not severe. A few holes in bigger leafs but that's all. Need to stay alert for those storms in the afternoons, they come and go very fast.
I have most in the dirt, and won't run them through the summer. It's just too much. I would have to nurse them until mid to late September; then they would set again. I do have around 20 in pots that I can keep going without so much work. So that's my backup plan ;)
We had some hail this last weekend; the damage was very slight. Thankfully it was pea sized!
A few pepper plants I planted on the garden seems to be doing well. They like the lack of raining much better than constant rain they got a year back. I'm thinking of moving some of the pots from home to the garden, so I used some remains from the old house to make an impro raised shelve for the pots. I'll put them in the back of the garden, under the protective net. I'm thinking at least 8 or maybe even 10 pots will fit on there.

Tomatoes are doing really well. Had to water them because the weather these days is pretty hot and windy so it dries the soil faster.

Cucumbers were planted last week and they already kicked off.... If they'll grow like last year, we're going to pickle the hell out of them...

This last pic is from the pot back at home. Gochu's are branching nicely. All the plants in general seem to like the warmer nights we're having this last week. I have a feeling the growing will be faster from now on. :woohoo:
tsurrie said:
A few pepper plants I planted on the garden seems to be doing well. They like the lack of raining much better than constant rain they got a year back. I'm thinking of moving some of the pots from home to the garden, so I used some remains from the old house to make an impro raised shelve for the pots. I'll put them in the back of the garden, under the protective net. I'm thinking at least 8 or maybe even 10 pots will fit on there.

Tomatoes are doing really well. Had to water them because the weather these days is pretty hot and windy so it dries the soil faster.

Cucumbers were planted last week and they already kicked off.... If they'll grow like last year, we're going to pickle the hell out of them...

This last pic is from the pot back at home. Gochu's are branching nicely. All the plants in general seem to like the warmer nights we're having this last week. I have a feeling the growing will be faster from now on. :woohoo:
I'm glad your plants are doing so well Uros! It made my day too. [emoji2]

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Devv said:
Thanks for the dirt shot Uros; it made my day ;)
stickman said:
I'm glad your plants are doing so well Uros! It made my day too. [emoji2]

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Well, you're both most certainly welcome and thank you for coming by.
What I'm worried about now is the weeds and grass.... they grow even faster and I need to pull them out as often as I can.... Gotta make it at least a couple of times over the week.... gotta plan ahead...
tsurrie said:
Well, you're both most certainly welcome and thank you for coming by.
What I'm worried about now is the weeds and grass.... they grow even faster and I need to pull them out as often as I can.... Gotta make it at least a couple of times over the week.... gotta plan ahead...
Have you thought about laying down a "kill mulch" around your plants? It wouldn't have to be elaborate or expensive... Just overlapping pieces of flattened cardboard covered by 3 inches or so of any organic material you can lay your hands on. Leaves, straw, bark, grass clippings, etc. The grass and weeds won't be able to grow through this barrier, and will smother and die. It'll also help the soil hang onto water longer since the sun won't be able to reach it to drive evaporation. Your plants would be unaffected since you wouldn't be covering them. It's something to think about anyway. [emoji2]

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I thought about it, but there are snails that take advantage of any kind of shadow or layed wood, cardboard, organic material and hide beneath it, laying eggs and propagate.... I really should try it and see what's best huh? .... will quickly think about it and maybe take some action over the next week.... gotta talk to my wife also, she's like a co-pilot in this whole garden mission :P
tsurrie said:
I thought about it, but there are snails that take advantage of any kind of shadow or layed wood, cardboard, organic material and hide beneath it, laying eggs and propagate.... I really should try it and see what's best huh? .... will quickly think about it and maybe take some action over the next week.... gotta talk to my wife also, she's like a co-pilot in this whole garden mission :P

S'right brother... if Mama's not happy, nobody's happy. ;)  Cheers!
Looking good, Uros!

Congrats on hitting dirt and plants looking well. Those plants will do well in the pots. I love container gardening. You can control the soil environment. What I like the most is, I know what the mixture consists of.