• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

tsurrie's 2017 glog

Stage 01: Selecting seeds for this season's grow is a hassle. Cutting back a little for sure. If I can.

Plan is to sow them sometime around 25th next week.
Seems like things are really starting to roll for you, Uros!  
Your containers look great.  Rains can leach nutrients out
of the containers (my case this year), so I usually put trays
under them to let the water suck back up into the containers,
except the the biggest containers (15-20 gallon sizes.)
Just have to watch out that the trays don't stay full of water
so the bottom layer of soil doesn't get waterlogged.  Some
people put a couple of inches of gravel covered by landscape
cloth in the bottom of the pots to prevent that.
PaulG said:
Seems like things are really starting to roll for you, Uros!  
Your containers look great.  Rains can leach nutrients out
of the containers (my case this year), so I usually put trays
under them to let the water suck back up into the containers,
except the the biggest containers (15-20 gallon sizes.)
Just have to watch out that the trays don't stay full of water
so the bottom layer of soil doesn't get waterlogged.  Some
people put a couple of inches of gravel covered by landscape
cloth in the bottom of the pots to prevent that.
Yes, the summer has begun. Today was almost 30°C during the day, and some of them really kicked off. Not to mention the tomatoes in the greenhouse. It's going to be a jungle soon. I have to make some pics to show you the difference from the ones outside on the garden. They were planted almost the same day and it's a big difference. But tomatoes are known for quickly catching up.
That is exactly what I'm worried about. I have some composted cow manure in there and soil with slow release ferts. Good to know about the gravel, maybe I'll do that next season. But for this season, if it's going to rain a lot, I'll find some trays... the ones I got are very shallow and wouldn't hold much, but I can use them for now anyway. Thanks for stopping by, always good to get some pointers from you Paul.
The tomatoes on the old garden... maybe they show a little lack of water but they're slowly catching on.

The ones on the garden at home with the company of some bells and kapijas

Greenhouse bells and kapijas....

and greenhouse tomatoes.... a big difference from the ones outside

will do the update on some of the chiles over the weekend if time permits.
Take care....
PaulG said:
Really great progress, Uros! You're using that
greenhouse to full advantage, and the plants all
look amazing.
Can't wait to see it in a few weeks!
If only chiles would grow as fast as tomatoes..... some flowering is happening, a slow progress this year. But we're on the way.
We'll do some roof changing in these coming weeks, so I'll have to put away my computer/living room for a bit... they'll do an roof extension and whole roof change. We'll put two more windows on the south side of the house, the second level in the house we're living in. One in the living room and one in the kid's room. It's quite a project and we'll have much more natural light in the apartment after this.
I'll probably do the update when I manage to put my computer back in the living room after that. I hope this happens before the august 1st, when we head to out annually sea vacation.
In the meantime I'll follow your glogs on my phone.
OCD Chilehead said:
Garden looks amazing.

Its crazy how much of a difference a greenhouse makes.
Indeed.Thank you.
Jubnat said:
Huh? He used to have a different greenhouse?
It was to show the difference between the tomatoes outside and inside the greenhouse. Had this greenhouse for years now, it's out first. Thanks for stopping by.
Devv said:
+1 on 147
And wishing you continued success.
Are those slug traps?
Thank you.
Those are small flower pots I'm watering in... that way the water doesn't float around on the surface. It kinda slows down the grow of weeds and prevents tomatoes to get wet while watering. Sort of.... :)
Good luck with that construction project, Uros.  I can think
of things I'd rather do, but the end result will be well worth it.  
Nothing like a little light in a home to make it more comfortable
and cheery.  
PaulG said:
Good luck with that construction project, Uros.  I can think
of things I'd rather do, but the end result will be well worth it.  
Nothing like a little light in a home to make it more comfortable
and cheery.  
Thank you Paul. Yeah it sucks moving half of the apartment away and then back in, but it will be worth it. And I can get rid of some stuff I dont need anymore... To free up some space.
We are done with the hard work at the house, now there is just a lot of finishing left to do... to make it look good, repaint the inside and the put the stuff back in those two rooms.
That's how it looks and how it looked before....

I also had some time to take a few pics at the garden. Most of the plants are growing well, especially cucumbers and zucchinis.
They are almost too big... they just blow up when there's a lot of rain.

I wish that one was opened, but maybe tomorrow...

Habanero Chocolate - but not so habanero looking pods

I think that one is As chili (one of best for pickling)

also snapped a few of them tomato pics...



The potted chilis are doing good but they show a bit of neglect... there was a few snails, over watering (rain) and one hail shower. Stuff happens when you're not around to move the pots away. They seem to take the storms harder on the west side of the house, so I need to move them back to the south side when we finish the outside work on those windows and walls.
I'll post some more pics in coming days...
Thanks for stopping by.
Devv said:
Nice update Uros!
First off, I love the work on your home!
And the garden is doing really well ;) I'm happy to see that.
Keep it going!
Thanks Scott. I'll try and post a picture of concrete sawing. That time the kids were saying we're wrecking the house down.. :)

Thanks for coming by.
So I managed to copy photos to a computer and here are two pics from the concrete sawing time....
The one which shows the insides... (luckily the weather was good those main three days)

I saw the light.... (approx 500 kg / piece there)

I also managed to snap some pics from the potted chiles... they are still hanging there on the west side of the house. Looks like the afternoon sun suits them.
Group 1

Group 2

They are podding up, so stay tuned for some pod pics in the near future. Thanks for stopping by.
Wow! Just amazing what they did to the house. And I too am glad the weather was in your favor during the work!
Good to hear the plants are putting pods on too ;)
OCD Chilehead said:
Garden looks magnificent. Chili's don't look bad at all. Great looking container grow.

That's quite the project on the home.

Thanks for sharing and good luck with everything.
Thank you and the same to you!