• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Tybo's 2020 Grow Log

Well after looking through lots of glog's, I decided to try doing one myself.  Hopefully I can keep it updated regularly and improve with photo quality along the way.
That being said------I"M LATE!  Yep, this first post is 10 days late.  Meaning I started some seeds 10 days ago.  I guess my excuse is that we've been trying to get ready for the holidays here.
Anyway, I was lucky enough to get on the 2019 seed train and when B train showed up here, I was able to get some seeds that I probably wouldn't have thought of getting on my own.
It's a little early to start my main grow but I wanted to get something going so I chose to start some wild seeds that I got off the train.  Some of these came from Canedog.  (The Cap. 524 and 1445 and Cumari Pollux I bought)
So on December 13th I started 8 varieties of seed.  8 in rock wool and 8 of the same varieties in seed starting mix.
Here is a pic of them in their General Tso's starting tray.  They are sitting on a heat mat.

The first pepper was coming up on the 22nd so 9 days for my first one!  It was the CGN Cardenasii.  

The cotyledon's are so tiny!

I tried to upload a Page's drawing I made showing square's with the names of the peppers and their location but I can't upload it.  I get a "don't have permission" error when I try so for now I'll just do this manually.
Chacoense        Chacoense       C. Praetermissum       CGN
Puta Pario          CAP 524                                               Cardenasii
                                                                                       (sprout 12/22)                        (Seed Starting Mix)
Cumari              Rocopica           Chacoense                        ?
Pollux                Cardenasii          CAP 1445                    Unknown
                          UNK Rocoto
These are the seeds in the starting mix.  The rock wool cubes have the same seeds in the same order.
I'll try to get a photo and post later since I can't upload the file.  
(CD, hope I got the names right!)
I'll update as things progress.
Edited to add that the unknown listing is because the writing on the envelope got smeared and I couldn't make out the name.  I'm pretty sure it was a wild variety so I went ahead and planted them.  Hopefully they germinate and can be identified later.
PaulG said:
You are basically getting the same ones I did!
Pretty consistent seeds, Dr. McDog!
I see you got the Eximium to sprout already.  I'm still waiting on that one.  Any day now.
wiriwiri said:
You really  got it goin' on there Tybo...surrounded by wilds,nothin'  betta...esp., that galap.nice. :dance:
Yeah.  I've read about the Galapagos pepper from several different websites and to be able to grow (hopefully) a wild pepper that ONLY grows wild on those islands is pretty cool to me.  
That being said, I wonder how it will like the weather here this summer.    I've been considering keeping it an indoor grow.  I've still got plenty of time to figure that one out. 
I had a Aji Charapita pop today.  This is 1 out of 3 I started.  Just noticed that I need to add today's date to the tag.

I started a few more 7 Pot Primos yesterday because I wasn't seeing any hooks from my 1/13 starts.  Lo and behold I look in on them today and had a sprout!  That's the way it goes, huh!

Here is a pic of the Rocopica CGN Cardenasii X UNK Rocoto.  It is getting really lanky.  Don't know whether to just give it some support or top it. 

For a visual record on the questionable CGN Cardy.  It's doing good albeit droopy as usual.

And a close up of it's hairy stems and leaves!  

I finally got around to starting the SSE Fatalii seeds last night and today I started some more Fatalii seeds I had purchased from Puckerbutt.  (They should be yellow)  No pics for those.
That's it for now.
Tybo said:
I started a few more 7 Pot Primos yesterday because I wasn't seeing any hooks from my 1/13 starts.  Lo and behold I look in on them today and had a sprout!  That's the way it goes, huh!
That’s right, my friend! But then, if you didn’t start
new ones, the first round would never hook !
Here is a pic of the Rocopica CGN Cardenasii X UNK Rocoto.  It is getting really lanky.  Don't know whether to just give it some support or top it. 
For a visual record on the questionable CGN Cardy.  It's doing good albeit droopy as usual.
And a close up of it's hairy stems and leaves!  
That Rocopica definitely has the skyrocket gene! 
A candidate for some judicious topping, for sure.
And that CGN Cardenasii looks for all the world like
a c. pubescens.
Keep up the good work, Ty!
Alright, I have 2 more to add to the list of sprouts today.
First up is another Galapagoense!  I dropped 2 seeds as a little insurance and looks like they both want to grow. 

The other one is the CAP 1491 Eximium!  Finally!  It had a helmet head and was standing completely straight up.  I was able to remove it with tweezers but it was the most difficult one so far.  I don't think I have any damage.  I need one of those microscopic photo gizmos like CaneDog has. :D  Don't hold me to it but I think the only one left out of this round of seeds is the Cappaccino Tepin.  I'll have to double check what is left.

Alright, buddy! Those galapagoense look great.
I'm growing the Cappuccino Chiltepin from
Semillas la Palma. Hope your Capicuno Tepin
pops so we can  compare them this season.
Things just keep rolling in. That's great to see!
I agree with Paul; I'd cut that Rocopica F2 way back. This is the first F2 I've seen of this cross and it's showing a very Cardenasii growth pattern - it didn't skyrocket like that in the F1.  It will likely need multiple toppings and maybe, but not definitely, support later down the road. 
The CGN Card is definitely crossed and it's surprising how similar it's growth profile is to a rocoto.  I wonder which rocoto fathered it.  I'm super excited about what's going to come of this one.  It has great pubescence and the bigger rocoto leaves.  Perhaps the pods will be bigger or show some shape variation, too.
Great to see the success with the Galapagoense, particularly when you're working with only a few seeds!
Seems like you're getting a fair amount of space between the nodes/ leaf sets.  Some of these varieties are known for that, but are you seeing this more generally among your early plants?
"Seems like you're getting a fair amount of space between the nodes/ leaf sets.  Some of these varieties are known for that, but are you seeing this more generally among your early plants?"
Yes.  The early puta pario, the questionable cardy, and the rocopica that germinated early on are the ones with the longer spacing between nodes.  I haven't grown these before so I'm not familiar with how they should look.  I was beginning to think it was just these cardenasii and chacoense traits but my CAP 524's (chacoense) have fairly close spacing.  
I'll have to wait on the smaller sprouts to grow some to see if they have the longer spacing when they get taller.
There is plenty of light on them so I don't see that as a culprit.  I'm using T5HO 6500K lighting.
Time for an update although not much has happened.
I topped some of the taller plants like the Rocopica and the Cardenasii's.  They were getting out of control but handled the topping well.  Lots of new growth.
Here is a list of what I have so far along with quantities.
     *CAP 1242 Rocoto------3
     *Galapago's Long-------3
     *Ecuador Red Rocoto---3
     *Aji Charapita------------2
     *USDA Cardenasii OP--3
     *Rocopica F2------------2
     *CAP 1491 Eximium----2
     *CGN Cardenasii--------2 (both questionable)
     *Gelbe Riesen Orange--2
     *Cumari Pollux----------3
     *CAP 1445 Chacoense-1
     *CAP 524 Chacoense--2
     *Putapario Chacoense-2
     *Flexuosum Purple-----1
     *7 Pot Primo------------2
     *7 Pot Cinder-----------1
     *KS Lemon Starrburst-3
     *Carolina Reaper-------3
     *SSE Fatalii-------------5--100% germ rate
     *Yellow Fatalii----------2
No shows:   *Tepin Cappaccino
                    *Trinidad Moruga Scorpion
I'm kinda let down with the Scorpion's.  The seed's came from the Chili Pepper Institute so I had lot's of confidence in them.  
I haven't given up on either of them totally but it ain't looking good.
Also, it looks like I need to come up with another plan for all of these plants before time to go outside.  A guy down the road was supposed to bring his tractor and plow a spot for me.  I've talked to him twice so far and both times he said he would do it.  I stopped by a couple weeks ago and he said he would be down later that day and never showed up!  Just like the no show peppers I haven't given up totally but it ain't looking good either!!
I checked at one rental center so far for a large roto-tiller but all they had were the small ones.  I used grow bags last year but only had around 25 plants.
I was really hoping to get a real garden put in before spring.  
No pics today.  I'll try to get some tomorrow of the progress.
Thanks for stopping by!
Hmm it's interesting that the Trinidad Moruga Scorpions haven't germinated yet. But they can take a while, so don't lose hope.
I'm also growing them from seeds obtained from the Chili Pepper Institute and didn't have problems germinating. Overall, it took 10 - 20 days to germinate 5 out of 6 seeds I planted. If they don't show up and you are still interested in growing them in the future, hit me up and I can send over some seeds later this year.
Good luck!
Good luck getting the garden prepped for
Spring, Ty. Be great if the guy showed up
with his tractor so you didn't have to rototill
'by hand'.
Nice bunch of peppers you have going
forward. Will you grow them all out? That
would be around 65-70 plants! Woo-hoo!
HeatMiser said:
Hmm it's interesting that the Trinidad Moruga Scorpions haven't germinated yet. But they can take a while, so don't lose hope.
I'm also growing them from seeds obtained from the Chili Pepper Institute and didn't have problems germinating. Overall, it took 10 - 20 days to germinate 5 out of 6 seeds I planted. If they don't show up and you are still interested in growing them in the future, hit me up and I can send over some seeds later this year.
Good luck!
Thanks HM.  I originally started some of these 1/13 using the same method that all of the others were started so I don't know what happened.  I've got the reapers, primo's and the cinder's for superhots so if the scorpions don't show up I've still got lots of heat!
PaulG said:
Good luck getting the garden prepped for
Spring, Ty. Be great if the guy showed up
with his tractor so you didn't have to rototill
'by hand'.
Nice bunch of peppers you have going
forward. Will you grow them all out? That
would be around 65-70 plants! Woo-hoo!
I count 49 so far.  I may cut back on some of them although I hate to do that.  (Don't we all)  Some of them I have 3 of so cutting them back to just 2 each would help.  I was gonna plant a few annums also but may have to limit those this year.  
Maybe I could offer up the un-needed plants on here to ship so someone!  There's an idea!
I don't know what is going on with the guy with the tractor but I've talked to him twice about it and offered to pay each time.  I don't want to keep asking and I don't know anyone else that does it.
Years ago I rented a LARGE walk behind tiller that would break new ground without any trouble but so far I haven't found anywhere that has those machines.
I may be buying some more grow bags!
It's been busy around here and I've gotten behind with my glog so it's time for an update.
The cutting I took from last years moruga yellow that's been in a kratky mason jar is fruiting.  I'm letting it do what it wants and plan on transplanting it to dirt this spring.

These next 3 are the CAP 524, CAP 1445 and Puta Pario that I didnt top.  I wanted to see them grow as they would in the wild. I think it's time to find some larger pots!

This plant labeled CGN Cardenasii I did top.  It's doing ok.

Here is one of the Cumari Pollux.  All of them are doing well.

This flexuosum is growing pretty slow and now has a new sprout coming up.  I can only assume it is another flexuosum but it doesn't look like it is coming from the rockwool cube below the surface.

This Gelbe Riesen is trying to get a jump on everyone else.  Here is a pic of it's bloom before and after opening.  It's a pretty purple color!

This 7 Pot Cinder surprised me with another sprout like the flexuosum did!

I had good luck with the KS LemonStarrburst germination.  5 of these.  I don't know how many will make it to actual plant out.

Im getting a lot of pics in this post so I'll stop for now.  I did start some bonnet's.  This year I'm trying some White Hot Peppers bonnets, Schneider Farm's and Beth Boyd's.  
And I have one Bhut Orange Copenhagen and one Ghost that have sprouted and doing well.
And like I need more plants, I just started a few lemon spice jala's from CPI, a few corno di toro's and some pimento's.
That has to be it for this year.
Plants are looking great Tybo. You're rollin now!
Some great looking plants there, Ty.
Those tall wilds are really skyrockets!
It will be interesting to see how their growth
habit develops as the season progresses.