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Ultra Hot Rebel-Mega Grow 13-14

Im helping my buddy Jon aka megahot out and growing some plants for him and wanted to start a glog which i will update atleast once a week. These popped up on 10-24 and are in coco at the moment being watered with Liquid Karma. I am growing Bubblegum7,Borg9,Yellow Infinaga F5,Yellow Billy Boy Douglah,Barrackpore Monster,Burmese Naga and Chocolate Trinidad Scorpion Moruga. Here is a pic of the little ones that have popped so far.

Here are a few of their room mates the big ones on the right are Butch T Chocolate Habanero Bhut Jolokia and Dorset Naga. The ones in the white grow bags are Carolina Reaper,Primo,Madballz and Infinity. Then there are Savanna7,more Primos Madballz Infinity Reapers and some 7 SR x 7 Douglahs. Most of these will be transferred to the greenhouse as they get bigger.  These are all being feed Pure Blend Pro grow and Liquid Karma.


Looking fantastic brother! Looks like most of em are about ready for a bigger home ;) As for the crispy edges Im not really sure, since it appears to be only where the leaves are touching. I dont think its anything to sweat, unless the condition worsens. I was going to say minor fert burn, but IDK. Anywho, they all look awesome to me!
megahot said:
Looking fantastic brother! Looks like most of em are about ready for a bigger home ;) As for the crispy edges Im not really sure, since it appears to be only where the leaves are touching. I dont think its anything to sweat, unless the condition worsens. I was going to say minor fert burn, but IDK. Anywho, they all look awesome to me!
Yea i don't think it's much wrong provably is a little fert burn. Their in FFOF and i feed them a little so that's probably why. There on a straight water diet now. I'm moving them to 1 gallon bags with Happy Frog in them. I will probably top them also after they settle into their new homes.
Sounds like a plan buddy. Good call with the straight water feed for a little bit. You've got it all under contol brother. Now we watch em get big and spit fire! ;)
Well I have new little ones to add to the list that are above ground.
7pot Jonah
7pot Brown
7pot Congo SR
Chocolate Bhut Scorpion
Mustard Bhut Jolokia
Trinidad Scorpion Mustard
Douglah x TS f4
Long Tail Moruga
Jays Peach Ghost Scorpion
MOA Scotch Bonnet
Orange Blob
Orange Trinidad Scorpion
I am germinating more but i won't mention them until they pop up . I'm still waiting on a few more seeds from friends but as of now these are what's happening.
Hey, Reb, looks like the hits just keep on comin'!
You've got some great chilis going there.
Thanks buddy I'm trying to get an all star team together. I still have some heavy hitters coming up and supposed to be getting a few more. There are still a few eluding my grow room that i oh so want but cant get but one day I'll hopefully have them.
Oh yea I'm not giving uup.I just found out that a trade i had going on probably just went south. I sent my end but now the other person has deactivated his account on Facebook. Now i have to find a few more to fill those spots.
I'd be happy to send some your way if I have anything you'd like!
Sorry to neglect the glog but things have been hectic as of laterly. Things are going great everything has been transplanted to 1 gallon grow bags with a 50/50 mix of Happy Frog and coco. I was given some Fox Farms Tiger Bloom to try so im giving it a shot. If anyone uses this product be warned it drops the pH to below 4 so you have to use pH up with it. Ill get pics soon and post them i have a few plants already flowering.
Ok so far this is the line up:
MOA Scotch Bonnet
TFM Scotch Bonnet
Chocolate Scotch Bonnet
Red Ghost
Yellow Ghost
Chocolate Habanero
Dorset Naga
Aji Fantasy
Aji Limo
Aji Amarillo
Aji Pineapple
Bubblegum 7
Infinaga Yellow f5
Savannah 7
7pot Lava
JAFSH black
7pot white
7pot Congo SR
7pot Jonah
Yellow Daisy Cutter
Long Tail Moruga
Chocolate Bhut Scorpion
Burmese Naga
Barrackpore Monster
Billy Boy Douglah Yellow
Brazilian Ghost
Red Brain
Yellow Brain
Mustard Bhut
Jays Peach Ghost Scorpion
Jays Red Ghost Scorpion
Yaki Blue
Yaki Blue Fawn
Twisted Moruga
Asian Fushimi
Sweet Apple
Sand Dollar
7pot Jonah x Pimento de Neyde
Red Butch T
7pot Burgundy
Trinidad Scorpion Mustard
Trinidad Scorpion Moruga Chocolate
King Naga
Chocolate Fatalli
Orange Blob
Macroni X Jalapeño f1
Bishops Crown
All these are above ground and anywhere from 1 week old to 1 year old. I still have about 20 more strains that haven't popped yet but should in the next week or so.