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Unknown Chilli Plant - can someone ID this?

This plant arrived in my back garden a couple of months back - and if it was not fruiting on the day I nearly pulled it out, it would have been compost by now. It stands around 3 ft tall. The flowers and fruit are quite small - I collected a handful of pods around a month ago, they were red and around 1/2" long. I has subsequently produced a heap of flowers, and the next crop of fruit will be at least 1" long.
It is almost certainly growing from a seed dropped by a bird (bird-poo???), and lucky to have survived getting trampled by the dogs or dying from not enough water.

No attachments for me.... so please have a look at:

I have to suspect that it is some kind of birdseye, but i can admit to being a newbie at this so would like some input.

Its probably a cross of something, it looks kinda like tabasco but the peppers seem too large for that. I dunno, but thats awesome luck to just find that growing. Welcome to THP
No ripe pods yet (except for the few very small ones from early on). When I do get some ripe ones, I will slice one open for another photo of the inside.
As I am new at this - I am sure that the outcome of any taste test I did would be practically useless.

I'm not sure, but I think it looks like an Asian Birdseye. Check out IGG's Remote Garden 06-25-08 Grow Log thread. The first photo looks pretty similar to yours I think.
dreamboat said:
No ripe pods yet (except for the few very small ones from early on). When I do get some ripe ones, I will slice one open for another photo of the inside.
As I am new at this - I am sure that the outcome of any taste test I did would be practically useless.


Welcome from Newcastle, NSW. when you get a ripe one taste it and tell us where the heat hits you the most (tongue, back of the throat, etc) and also how quickly the heat hits you and how long it hangs around at it;s hottest???

This should also help us out....

It is very hard to say with those pics and not having any ripe chillis?

Also do the chills stay erect when ripe or do they hang down?

No matter what it is, it will give you some enjoyable heat!!!

Good luck.
welcome to THP from Fort Worth, Texas...hell, pull the ripest biggest one and give it a go...see what it taste like and tell us...
I think they have stopped growing, but I know they are going to go red - so I will hold off on trying them for another couple of weeks.
Thanks for the welcome AJ.

Hiya dreamboat and welcome,Nice looking plant very hard to see what it is without flower pictures and what color the pods change from to there a large amount of variety's it could be,Lets hope it continues growing and we can see more :D
Doesn't look like a Bird's Eye to me, at least not like any I've ever grown. As the other guys said, a pic of ripe pods would be very helpful, so just try to stay patient.
Oh yeah... welcome!
On second thought the pods look way too green to be tabasco. Tabasco starts off yellowish.

If you could get a picture of a flower from the front that could maybe help narrow it down. Different species will have slightly different flowers.
Dreamboat -- That is amazing luck! I always get pissed when I find bird crap in my yard...maybe I just have a bad attitude. I'm also curious about what kind of heat level you'll find. The mystery peppers are always fun. I think Txclosetgrower is probably right that it's a cross of some kind. Looks something like a hot Thai Pepper, though. They sometimes grow upright, are small and oblong-shaped.

Welcome from Canada, by the way.
pepperfever said:
Hi Dreamboat, welcome from Minnesota, USA. This is the greatest place for anything pepper and a whole lot more. Enjoy!

Indeed it is and get some photos if you can and lets find some more of that mystery pepper of yours :)
Update on this plant.
The plant is developing it's fruit like mad - probably has 100 mostly unripe chillis on it now.. The plant itself is also getting bigger, I measured it at 1.3m this morning.

This is selection of the chillis, showing the range of colours as it develops. There is only half a red one there as I ate the other half. Full size looks to be around 20mm (a bit under an inch).


Result of taste test:
Instant heat on the tongue. Heat spread throughout the mouth, but did not affect the "back of muh throat"... possible because I only ate a half. Heat mostly gone after 10 minutes, and completely gone after 30 mins. Some slight runny nose effect, but nothing too bad.