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pests Unkown Pest

I have some problems with an unkwont type of bug. They are not really that small, about the size of a small spider. They are black, six legged insects that have little spikes on their backs. They tend to concentrate in groups on places where the stems divide. Tehy also seem to be looked after by very big ants. Here is a pic and any help identifying and killing them is greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Oh, those guys again. I once ID them but can't remember what they are. They are trouble though. They eat the outside millimeter of stems. I haven't found a poisin yet that kills them.

Unfortunitly, this is going to take work on your part. Take a Q-Tip and dunk it in rubbing alchol. Then pick 'em off the plant with it. Put them on the ground and squish them with your feet. Keep looking everyday for them. They hang out in large groups of 5 or more.
I tried to find out for you Andres but couldn't find anything and being in England we don't always suffer with the same kind of bugs. I found with a few pests like IGG said that you have to try and kill them in other ways, sometimes even whitefly is resistant to the bug sprays.

imaguitargod said:
They hang out in large groups of 5 or more.

A bit like some the local teenagers then, problematic and hard to p^ss off.
it surely looks like a weevil. not so much the pepper weevil in the linked pic, but it has a weevil look or a beetle look.
I don't think so, but Andres should be able to tell rather then me... :)

As RB said, they might be some rather "local" creature we can't identify.

Over here, some parasite killing spray is on sale that (supposedly) doesn't kill bees, ladybugs etc... that is mostly based on Pyrethene. Maybe you can find sth similiar. Worked ok for me when I had aphids and caterpillars.

Good luck!!!
I read right over the "ant" part...hmmmmmmmmmmm....
hmmmm, the bugs don't look like the pictures. They have spiky backs. They do hang out in groups of 5-6 big and small animals. The ants seem to be working with them and they are big ants... bigger than any roaming the backyard. I have picked them with my fingers and killed them along with their ant overlords. IGG seems to be right on the money because the stems do look like they were chewed on.
That's a new and interesting bug that I've never seen before. I was kind of thinking it was an alien of some type:lol:. If I ever see something like that I know what to expect now though.:)
the way I was looking at the picture, I was thinking their rear ends was their front ends...but what I thought was a proboscis was actually some kind of projection out of their rear side...hmmmmm...

do the ants look something like this andres?


treehopper larvae...thats my final answer.... :lol:
unkown bugs

andres said:
I have some problems with an unkwont type of bug. They are not really that small, about the size of a small spider. They are black, six legged insects that have little spikes on their backs. They tend to concentrate in groups on places where the stems divide. Tehy also seem to be looked after by very big ants. Here is a pic and any help identifying and killing them is greatly appreciated. Thanks!


You should try to go on internet (local-your country)site maybe they give you more information of those bugs might be some new species .
AJ, you are right on the money. Ants and bugs look exactly alike, except that my critters are fully black. Now I only have to kill them.
"These Ecuadorian (In my case, Guatemalan) ants are harvesting the sweet honeydew secretions of larval treehoppers (or, as I like to call them: little bastards) in return for protection against other insect predators (I'd like to see the ants protecting them from ME). In this arrangement, ant, larva and adult treehoppers all existed in harmony (Not for long)"
andres said:
Well... I didn't actually. It was AJs breakthrough. Thanks AJ!

you are welcome my friend...just googled "insect herding ants" and did some reading...