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updates on plants

those yellow 7's are coming along great and heaps of the pods are huge

went got out the Jonah to have a look and went "SHIT" as they huge too..

they gonna hurt lol, and these too. here are a few ripe Scorpions

and saw the Morouga Reds starting to ripen, they look reallly cool, i love when they change colour that way

wonder how hot they are lol
:In a John Wayne voice:

that's a whole lot of heat your packin' there mister....

those pods look great Neil...what are you gonna test first?...if you haven't tasted all of them already...
They are fugdin huge Neil !! I hope that next season i can produce chilis as fine as yours mate, they are awesome.
Looks great, man those are big.
I'm not sure that the Morouga red is up to your high heat standards Hippy, but I thought they had a nice flavor and decent heat.
Those pods look great.. I'm jealous, I have to wait at least six months for anything to ripen..

By the way, I love the DIY job of getting the pipes through the wall.. ;-)
Thats the cabin out back, we rent hahhahaha actually had potatos growing out the hole as my 4 yr old threw a couple in,, grew so well though be a good place to put some plants and thats the Hotwater heater pipes for the Cabin..

yea testing them allllll scorp tomorrow, bigger than those lol.. and as for the fertiliser, normally dont use, but as rained for like over a weeek everything would have leached out of Pots, so a quick dose all round of whatever was cheapest at time Brunnings Nitrophoska as use like 10 containers per round of feeding never usually do as use worm liquid stuff cause its free, but this shit when water soaks in afetr a couple of goes and gives a feedplus gives me a couple of weeks to build up the juice supply.. have 3 worm farms going atm and that could be heaps of posts by itself so wont go there
yes potawie, got a few semi hots, and even non hotish varieties but its bout the plants with me and the coool Pods, the Heat is a Bonus :D so if tasty Excellent and will sure give 1 a test..

prob is got so many types, and won't try till test it sucks as dunno when gonna try some lol
coool , im suppose to be catching up with messages and youtube comments, but out with a Torch at 12.30 planting seeeds just sent, taking pics (that look trippy from rd out front "FLASH" as Pitch Black)

Tasmanian Habanero

Bonda Ma Jacques

Congo Yellow


Just some of the exciting things ya gonna se tomorrow Yeaaaaaaaaa
i FALL AT YOUR MERCY... Jebuz christ i am in for it! I haz to perfect my
