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Use these three words

My dog and I have a bizzare fettish. We slip into our yellow speedos, lather up with fetid feta, and watch puppy porn.(wife thinks I'm weird)

Rust, rustle, rootabaga
With rust on the fencewire, and a rustle 'midst the rutabagas, the old garden forged ahead, growing, growing....

calliope, trebuchet, caisson
With calliope resting comfortably upon my left shoulder, whispering poetic inspirations into my ear, my mind became not unlike a caisson and began to belch forward poetry with the speed and acuracy of a trebuchet.

Watermellon, massage, marble
Awwwww... does it massage your ego, to know that you have cost me my last marble, that i can't even phrase a sentence involving the word, "watermelon"?

lettuce, bee, thankful (...and, with a 'throwaway' like that, let's see a show of sportsmanship).
I was thankful that the bee , that had fallen into gravy, was able to be fished out with a stiff lettuce stalk.

Nailknot, slippery, chrome
Freakin' creative -!! Nice work !!

"Though the rope-hank was slippery, i nailknotted the clothesline, so the suppler cord could grip, then tied off the other end at the chrome bumper to anchor the thrashing Kraken."

Fidelity, fission, frisson
Untill death do us part is fidelity not to be taken lightly. Her screams were in high fidelity, quadraphonic, surround sound, causing a frisson that stopped him dead in his tracks. The marital fission about to take place would be epic.

Helium, gargle, cactus
Had he gulped gas from a helium balloon, he could have gargled no more shrilly, as he fell upon the cactus.

feldspar, ranch, sump
In the throes of that madness that comes from too many jugs of wine, he fell under the hooves of the horses.

geode diode nematode
Every diode made contains green geode powder and only one  beneficial nematode. 
Cursors, Cider, hotline.
Most anglers targeting Barbel use cactus for bait and fish from the shallows wearing galoshes.
Plumber, poison, balsa. 
A cowpatty will suffice if you run out of sportingclays, a landmine however won't. 
Cement, hovercraft, alphabet.
His hovercraft driving skills are awesome, but his knowledge of the English alphabet is lacking. He wrote "Humpercraft rides" ,in the cement, on the side of his business.

Creamcheese, jubilant, pain
The crowd was jubilant when they got to watch hitler get his anus lubed up with 7pot pepper creamcheese so he could be in pain when they shove a pineapple up there, spiky side first. 
aldosterone, queef, aibohphobia ( I love this word lol)
Ana and Bob,thought aibohphobia was something that the teacher made up. Ana's biggest fear was weather or not she would queff again tonight. Bob,on the other hand, had to take a aldrosterone shot just to keep his electrolites up. She was like a rabbit!

El Dorado, scallions, worchestershire